Chapter Four

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Saturday 6th May
I'm going to tell her...

I walk to bathroom, my hands kept behind my back and interlocked, as to not look suspicious, raise my head and hum quietly to a song that plays in my earpiece.
Nonchalantly, I shake my head side to side to the tune.
"I just hope she don't wanna leave me..."
I grab the handle, pull it down and let myself into the bathroom. It smells sweet, like lavender and honeysuckle. Must be those new diffuser oils that Thor was very excited about...
"It smells just like the Asgardian fields!! Loki and I would play in them as children." he said chuckling, and waving the bottle in the air. His face drops a little, crumpling a little, like tissue paper, and he lowers and places his hand on his chest, the bottle still in his grasp.
"I'll buy it for you, my treat of course, no need to pay me back." I smile weakly, seeing him upset really hurts. I stroke his cheek and lift his chin up. "It's alright, they must be out there somewhere buddy, they probably just need some time alone."
He sniffles and nods, "Yeah," he says, "you're probably right."
Loki had been gone for about two months before that day. Thor was still so sure that he was alive, having faked their death on multiple accounts before. But I'm still not so sure. Surely, he would just come back, right?
I push the door shut and lock it. I take my earpiece out and switch the music off.
"Hey Friday? Could you please continue playing 'Dark Red' by Steve Lacy".
"Of course, playing now."
I place my hands down either side of the sink and look up into the mirror. Oh Gods, I look like a fucking mess, puffy eyes and shit, my hair's not even worth mentioning at this point.
I splash my face with the cold water, hoping it will fix the redness of my face.
"I can't believe I'm going to do this." I smile to myself and spin around hugging myself, secretly pretending it's her. I stop abruptly, heavy in thought.
"Oh Nat, what am I even supposed to say to you?" I exclaim and groan into my hands, which are now holding my head up.

'Oh hey hot stuff, what are you doing later this evening?...Oh, me? I'm not doing anything either. Maybe we should hang out, get jiggy with it as the-'

Ahh, nope. That's gross. That's disgusting.

'Oh, Natasha, you mean everything to me-'

Ahh, too forward.
"Ohhh, Natasha!!!!"
I sit on the toilet seat and just try to think of things to say to her.
"I love you Natasha!"
That would be simple, effective, and possibly the most terrifying. I mean, it's just three words, maybe it's not so terrifying. Oh, but it definitely is.
"Only you my girl, only you bae, only you darling, only you." I sing to the words of Dark Red once again, my head tilting in realisation. I know how to tell her. I scramble in the sink, splashing my face with the cold water again, fixing my hair and trying to get ahold of myself...

A knock. A single knock and a voice.
"Y/n? Is that you?"
Shit, it's Steve. I freeze in shock. No, please, not Steve. Anyone but him.
I stay silent, hoping he'll leave, but he doesn't.
He hits the door harder this time.
"Can you get out here now." His tone is neutral yet still sends cold shivers down my spine, I want to yell for help, to ask Friday, to do anything, but I can't. I manage to choke out a few words: "Just a minute!"
My hand shakes as it moves towards the door to flick the lock open. I lift my head up, trying to look unbothered. I open the door.
"What are you playing at." He says, hushed and through his gritted teeth.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lift my head up, almost challenging his stature. A mistake on my part. He shoves me into the bathroom and pins me up against the wall with his arm.

(A/N: hi everyone, hope you are enjoying the story so far!!)

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