Chapter Twelve

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Sunday 7th May
Y/n's POV
"Y/n.." he wheezed.

Steve winces in pain, he's trying to make me feel sorry for him. The way he's done before, again and again. "Help.."
He's like a train wreck, I can't look away even if I wanted to. He's on his knees, he looks weak, like I have never seen him before. Wanda blasts him with her magic, and he slumps down onto his stomach groaning. She lifts him up, throws him into the air and holds him there. The rest of us stand around in shock,
"Wanda?" I plead, "what are you doing?"
I look to Fury for some sort of explanation, but his face is just as confused as the rest of us. This hasn't gone to plan.

She drops him down onto the glass table in the middle of the room, glass shattering everywhere. Natasha shields me with her body, holding me tight to her, her leather jacket covering my face. When the noise subsides a little, she pulls away and looks down at me. "You okay?" she asked. I look up at her and nod gently, her face taking my breath away a little.

"Y0u are going to go away for a very long time!" a loud voice explodes in the air, Wanda's, and her accent is peaking through with her anger. She lifts him up by his throat telekinetically choking him. "I should have done this a long time ago." Steve's face is turning pink, his eyes bulge out of his face, bloodshot and pulsing.

Fury approaches her slowly, "Maximoff, that's enough." With a swift motion, he flies backwards, crashing onto a couch.
"Shit." he groans, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Fury, what's happening?" I yell.
"No idea, this wasn't supposed to happen." he said with an exasperated expression crossing his face.
A split-second decision and I'm making my way over to Wanda. I nod over to Fury to assure him that I can handle it. But deep down, I'm unsure if I can, if I am strong enough.
Wanda is one of the most powerful people I know, her powers literally came from an infinity stone, how can I match that?

"Wanda, please stop." I say calmly, my hands out in front of me to show that I am unarmed.
She ignores my request, still looking at Steve, who is curled up where the table used to be. "You're going to burn in Hell." she says, her voice is raspy. She doesn't sound like herself.
"Wanda?" I whisper. 

Steve has stopped struggling, he lays still on the ground, I look at Bruce. He is just as scared as I am. Has she killed Steve? Is he breathing?

Bruce creeps up behind her slowly and wraps his arm around to try and pull her away. But he fails. She sends a surge of energy through her body and into him, sending him flying backwards. She spins and sends another shock of red through him, pushing him onto the floor.

"Wanda, please stop, you're scaring me!"
Her head tilts so she can meet my eyes. A purple and red merged glowing ring surrounds her irises. She whispers, her voice gravelly "You should be scared of me," she smirks, but it's not her smile. It's not like I have ever seen before. Her face changes again, her eyebrows knitted together, her eyes widened. "I'm not in control." she shouts. The magic surrounding her palms changes from her natural red to a faint purple, flickering in and out. Her brow furrows in confusion at her magic.

"Nick!" Natasha calls over to the tall man in the coat, "what do we do?" He shakes his head in return and turns to look at Stark. He is frantically tapping his wrist device, swiping and pressing things as they appear as a hologram, his glasses resting on the end of his nose as he tries to find a solution.

"Red?" I say, my heart is thumping loudly in my chest. She steps back from Steve's body and faces me. Her eyes glow purple.
"Y/n, I'm scared..." she cries, her hands shaking in fear. She shuts her eyes tightly.

I look over at Bruce, who's on the edge of tears himself, "What do we do?" he mouths. Another step towards her undetected, I'm almost next to her. "Wands?"
A burning mixture of purple and red magic shoots me in the chest. An intense burst of feat, I can't breathe, all I can feel is pain and anguish. And fear, overwhelming fear. My head slams back into the wall, my ears filled with a roaring ringing noise.

I hear a familiar voice calling my name, Natasha, she's running towards me. I try to stand, but she stops me, "Stay down-"
"No, I have to help her!" I shout, "I don't understand. But I have to do something." She brushes my forehead with her fingers, moving my hair out of an open wound that I hadn't paid any attention to.

Past Natasha's shoulder, Wanda's standing up in the middle of the room, her body is shivering violently. Mixed red and purple magic surrounds her body, swirling around her. Her arms raising by her sides, and her feet lift up from the floor. Her eyes are still shut tight, her face creased and stressed.
She covers her ears, as if she's trying to block something out of her mind, "I'm not in control!!" Wanda screams, sending a surge of magic spreading through the room, and knocking everyone off of their feet.

My head smacks back against the wall again, harder this time, and my vision goes fuzzy, I can only just make out Natasha, who is clambering over to me. She says my name again, it sounds like honey dripping pff her tongue. "Y/n!" her panicked tone fades out as I lay my head back down onto the floor. I can't see anything, but I can hear laughing. It's that woman again. What is going on?

It slowly fades out...

I can hear a voice, undetermined but not unrecognisable.

"Hello dear..."

(A/N: have a nice night lmao, idk what to put here)

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