Chapter Seventeen

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Monday 8th May
Y/n's POV
"You know, she can't hear you right?"

I whip my head around to glare at Steve, who is leaning onto the bars of the cell. "Shut up." I hiss, air escaping through my teeth, and my voice is sharp. Why must he be like this, why can't he just be defeated for once.

I turn back to look desperately at my best friend through the thick layers of glass that separate us. The air down here feels cold against my sweaty palms. I feel helpless looking at her like this, sunken eyes like lost ships in the ocean, I can't help but pity her, she would hate me for that. The hair on her head is like dark straw, tangling past her shoulders, and draping over her face in thick strands. It happens after missions often, but never like this.

Out of my peripheral vision, I can just spy Steve turning his shoulder to fit just between a gap comfortably. So he can face me, head on, I presume.
"I'm not joking."

There's a click in his voice, a change. I look over at him and his eyes are clear, he's not lying this time. He's deadly serious. "What are you talking about?" I say with clear and obvious confusion in my voice. I hope he will just be clear with truth, rather than the complicated tricks and riddles he usually babbles on with. His head tilts with his smirk, a hint of glee in his eyes. "Well?" I push off of the glass and fold my arms, "get on with it."

"The cell has power dampening technology, therefore she can't see or hear you."
There's a beat and I look back over at Wanda, her eyes empty, staring off past anyone outside the glass.

"I don't understand. Why?" I say plainly, glancing back at Nat.
Steve interjects mockingly, "Well, if she can see you, she can manipulate you, dipshit."
"Watch it!" the redhead raises her voice at the blonde behind bars, placing a firm but kind hand onto my right shoulder as she does. My head darts back to face her, she has a sympathetic look on her face. "Y/N, I'm afraid it's the truth."

For some reason, I feel anger bubbling up inside of me, my hands tremor slightly. How couldn't I have known this? I have been with the Avengers for years, and I had no idea this was down here.

"The cell belonged to another powerful being, of course not as powerful as witch bitch here." He laughs which evokes a glare from Natasha.

"Her name was Loki, Thor's younger sibling," Nat says looking over at the glass, almost conjuring an image of them in her head.

"Wait, as in THE Loki?? The one who took over New York?" I exclaim. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for Thor, to have to fight against his sibling like that. As they slaughtered many here on Earth. Of course, no one knows where she is now, or even if she is alive.

"Yes, they managed to escape by manipulating others through the glass, intercepting their minds the same way SHE can and would, given the chance." He flicks his wrist at Wanda, pointer finger waggling as if he had no control over it.

"Manipulated them with magic?" I ask.

"Ding, ding, ding. Ten points to Y/N!" Natasha's eyelids twitch in unison, the way she does when she intends to kick the shit out of someone. I run my hand over her shoulder and over the fabric of her shirt, catching in her hair, still soft like silk.

As she scowls at Steve, I pass her a look that assures her not to bother and pivot on my heel towards the staircase, my heels picking up pace on the concrete flooring. "Wait, Y/N, where are you going?"

"I," I lower my voice, hushed into a harsh whisper, "need to speak with Fury."

[A/N: my deep apologies to everyone who has been waiting for this story to be updated, I know it's been ages, I have been through so much in such a time]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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