Chapter Fourteen

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Monday 8th May
Y/n's POV

I sit up and look around. Everything is so bright and my head is throbbing. I'm in the Compound's recovery room, I remember it from my first visit here. The same bed too, I remember it because there's a crack in the wall shaped like the first letter of my name, pretty neat if you ask me.

Wait, was it-  Was it a dream? I'm so confused.
"Hey are you okay?" Natasha says, she sits up from my bedside. Her red hair is tied back in a ponytail, her eyes still bright, yet visibly tired. She has a plaster on her cheek and scratches on her chin and forehead. She places her right hand on my head. "I-I'm okay, what happened?" my throat is hoarse and dry. She picks up a glass from the bedside and passes it to me.

"It was Wanda. She lost control." she says weakly. I take a sip from the glass, the water is fresh and cold and immediately soothes my voice. "She knocked you out, you've been unconscious since yesterday."

Her voice quietens to a whisper and she takes the glass from my hands and places it back down. "I thought I was going to lose you." Her eyes are glossy and red, as if she's been crying.
"Nat, I don't understand."
"Yeah, well, you did hit your head pretty hard." she chuckles.
I giggle, "Good one." I say. Her laugh is so cute, I could listen to it all day.

"What happened to her?" I ask, looking down into my hands.
She sighs, "Taken into holding, after you, well..." she pauses, "She fainted after that last power surge she sent out. Tony placed a collar around her neck and Fury and I carried her out." She shakes her head, "that was the last time I saw her."

"And Steve? He's not-"
She leans back into her chair and sighs, "No, no." she breathes, "not dead, sadly."
Her head is still resting on the back of the chair, but she tilts, smiles and nudges me.
"I'm joking!" she goes to rub her cheek, but my hand reaches out to stop her.
"I know you are." I pull her hand away from her plaster. "You can't touch it, you'll end up opening something."
"Yeah, yeah, it's just itchy." I place my hand gently on her cheek. "It'll pass, probably these old plasters doing that."

She nods, "Can I get you anything? Are you hungry or-"
"I'm okay Nat, I don't need anything. Just please..." I stop myself, what am I doing? What am I saying?
"Please what?" her brow furrows, "What's wrong?"
"Don't go, please, don't leave." I whisper, my cheeks flushed.
"Y/n..." she whispers back, one hand holding onto mine and her other one lifting my chin up.
"I'm not going to leave you, ever." she declared, her eyes glistening in the fluorescent hospital lighting.
Her warm smile brightening her whole face.
"There's something-"
"What is it Y/n?" she leans forward in her chair, waiting on my every word.
"Nat, I-"
Natasha's eyes light up when I say her name.
"What is it Y/n?"
"I think," I pause, internally screaming at myself.
"No, I know... Natasha Romanoff, I love you."

Her eyes water, she leans back in her chair, as if physically taken aback. "You, you love me?"

(A/N: thank you for all the love on this story :") it reminds me that writing is worth it)

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