Chapter Three

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Saturday 6th May
Oh Gods, what am I going to do?

I must sound so stupid, like one of those hopeless romantics you read about online. The ones who pine for a lover who doesn't love them back. Like one of those unrequited love stories. Ha, kinda like the one those Wattpad authors write about Steve and Bucky. Imagine one about me and Nat, how wonderful that would be. I would give us a happy ending, one with a long-lived life for us each. We'd sit on the porch of our cottage together, telling stories from our past missions, some before we met, but mostly of the ones we went on together. Like the time we infiltrated a bank together, the one that was corrupted by Wil...

A faint knock on my bedroom door startles me and snaps me out of my daydream. Shit. "Just a sec," I pinch my cheeks to avoid looking sickly pale, "who is it?"
To my surprise, Vision's face phases through the wall. "Just us." He bobbles his head and then flinches, to what I assume is a joking shoulder punch from Wanda. I can faintly hear her voice through the wall: "Vis, we talked about this."
His head phases back through to the other side,
they begin speaking in a cheery, exaggerated American accent, almost like a news anchor.
"Permission to enter Y/N?"
"From Wanda"
"And Vision"
Their muffled laughter causes a small smile to tug at my lips. They're such sweethearts.
"Permission granted," i stand up from my bed and walk towards the door. To my expectation, Vision phased through the wall again, but instead to open the door for his wife from the other side. "My lady." He gestures forward into my room with his right hand and Wanda holds onto it, letting him guide her in. "Why, thank you." She scrunches her nose at him and then turns to me. "So, to what's up guys? Have you finished dinner yet, I'm absolutely starving." I joke. Her arms fly open to hold me into an embrace. "Hello to you too," She laughs. "dinner is almost done, but that's not what we're here about."
"Oh? What is it then?" I walk over to my bed and sit down. I ponder for a moment. She knows. I know she knows.
"You know?" I ask, "about Natasha?" they pause for a moment.
"We do," Vision replies, "would you mind if we sit."
I nod and pull my knees up to my chin. They sit either side of me on the empty space of my mattress.
"You heard me right? I completely forgot how loud my thoughts can be. Sorry Wand."
I half smile at her. She nods. "Yeah, it's okay, I did try to block it out," She pauses, almost continuing to herself this time, "but it's kinda easy for you to get into my head." She chuckles. and then smiles at me.
"I think I'm in love with Natasha," i smile faintly, my brain flooded with images of her. "No, I know I'm in love with her."
She smiles and nudges me and then jabs my tummy jokingly, "Why didn't you tell me silly, I'm your best friend."
"I didn't want anyone to know, ahhh, that tickles."
Vision laughs and places a hand on my back, "Just to give you peace of mind, we promise we won't tell anyone." Vision says.
"Yes, we promise." In unison, the couple take one of my hands into theirs.
"You know, you don't have to promise guys, I trust you with my life."
Their hands wrap around me, and we sit for a few moments, in an almost group hug. Wanda's hand runs up and down my back in a soothing motion.
Wanda breaks the comfortable silence with a low, "So..."
"When are you going to tell her?" My heart thumps loudly in my chest, and my throat drys up.
I see Natasha walking away from me again. Her face...
"I don't know Red, I don't think I can tell her."
"Why not Y/n?" Vision tilts his head in confusion.
"It'll mess everything up, I just know it..."
There is a small pause, and Wanda resumes rubbing my back.
"You won't mess it up lovely." she says.
"If you don't mind me asking, why do you think that? That you will mess it up?"
I look up at them both and shake my head.
She's walking away again, I blink hard. The look on her face.
"I tried to kiss her...she, I-" I bite my lip hard to stop the quivering. "You should have seen the way she looked at m-"
"Show me." Wanda interrupts. I hesitate for a second, but nod. Closing her eyes, she places a hand on the side of my face, the tips of her fingers lined up to my temple. The thrumming of her magic resonates through my skull. She has obviously no intention of hurting me, (unlike the first time we met), as the red particles swirl through my mind, it makes me smile.
"Ah, she looks scared." Wanda says.
"Y/n, have you ever considered that she might be as afraid as you are?"
"Vis is right, maybe that's why she reacted that way."
"I guess I hadn't thought about it like that before." I admitted to myself.
Maybe, just maybe, Vision is right. Oh Gods I really hope so.
"See!" Wanda jumps up a little, a grin from ear to ear. "Maybe you just needed to see things from a different perspective."
I stand from the bed and turn to face them both.
I'm going to tell her!!! I think.
Wanda jumps from the bed in joy and wraps her hands around me. Shit, I forgot she could read minds.
"I'm so proud of you my lovely."
Vision stands up and looks at us in confusion.
Wanda laughs. "Oh, sorry Vis, they're going to tell Nat!!"
Vision almost leaps in joy and wraps his arms around the both of us. "That's fantastic!"
"I love you two dumdums you know?"
"We know," Vision jests.
"I mean, how could you not love us?" Wanda finishes laughing. Vision squeezes us and kisses Wanda on the top of her head. "I couldn't be more proud of you." Wanda whispers.
"Should I-" Wanda cuts me off.
"Yes, yes and yes. Go now! Declare your undying love for each other!! You could do it outside!! I can make it rain for you if you'd like? I can..."
I cut in before she can finish, "Thank you Wands, it's okay." I laugh and make off towards the door.
"Wish me luck guys."
"Good luck!" Vision shoots finger guns at me and Wanda widens her eyes at me giggling.
I shut the door behind me, leaving them in my room and half-run towards the nearest bathroom.
Back in Y/N's room:
The couple sit in silence for a few seconds.
Vision's face crumples for a second as he turns to Wanda.
"Can you actually make it rain Wanda?"
She sits for a second.
"Probably not, no Vis."
There's a small pause, and the two burst out laughing.

A/N: You guys are not prepared for how this story is going to go!!!

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