Chapter Fifteen

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Monday 8th May
Y/n's POV
"You love me?"

My hands are shaking, my heart racing. I can't even look her in the eyes. She's leaning back in her chair now, legs open and elbows resting on her knees. I can feel her eyes on me.

"Yes." I choke out. I feel so overwhelmed with emotions, it's like I can't breathe. "Yes, Nat, I love you," I clasp my hands, interlocking my fingers and take a deep breath. "I always have." My voice catches in my throat.

Natasha leans forward and hooks her right finger under my chin, lifting it to make eye contact with me.
"Say it again."

"W-What?" I'm taken aback, I can't read her face, she's too good at hiding-
"Stop thinking, and say it again." her hazel eyes beaming at me, a grin tugs at the corners of her mouth. "I love you Natasha." I exclaim. She's smiling wide now, almost ear to ear, her eyes watering. Is she mocking me? Is she angry? Fuck, does she hate me?
"Get out of your head silly," she whispers, she moves her hand down my chin, gently caressing my neck and resting it on my shoulder. I feel the tears pricking at my eyes again.
"Y/n, I love you too, always have."
Without warning, she pushes forward and kisses me, her lips are warm on mine, her touch icy cold, but I couldn't give less of a shit.
Her hand moves gently up my shoulder to my neck again, softly wrapping her hand around the back of it. One hand strokes her red hair whilst the other runs down her side to her waist, pulling her in closer. My chest flutters at her scent, the citrusy smell of her shampoo wafting from her, which mixes with the light taste of champagne from her lips.

My head pangs and I gently push her back. My hand retreats back from her figure to the pain in my forehead. "Oh shit, are you okay?" she says, her eyes glossed over with concern.
"Ah, fuck."
I feel my eyes become heavier, more sensitive to the stupid fluorescent lights that Stark insists on having: "It's more professional!" he says. But when has he ever insisted on being professional?
"Breathe with me", she says, placing a palm on mine. The pain slowly subsides as I take deep breaths, eyes fixated on her chest, which is slowly and rising with mine. "That's good," she whispers, her voice bringing me great comfort, "keep breathing with me." She takes my hand in hers, slowly rubbing her thumb over the creases in my hand. Over the heart line, then to the lifeline, and back over the heart line.
"Thank you Nat, I feel much better now." I lean over and peck her on the lips, just once. But I go back in again, to kiss her again. To feel the her warmth washing over me, like an avalanche of beautiful Suns, radiant and live-giving. I feel her humming into my lips, her warm groans like a songbird.


Shit. Who was that?
I turn around and see my best friend standing in the doorway. He smiles, clasping his hands together. "Am I interrupting something here?"
Natasha tries to say something as I look between the two of them, but I burst out laughing before she gets the chance. She begins chuckling and before you can say 'poser' we're all laughing.
Bruce practically leaps towards us and sits in the middle of my bed. He hooks us both in his arms and sighs. "At last!"
"Careful Bruce," Nat says giggling, "they're still pretty sore."
"Ahh, sorry Y/n, slipped my mind."
"You're supposed to be a doctor Bruce," I laugh, rubbing his back in the hug.
"I'm a fraud," he says jokingly, pulling back from the hug and pressing the back of his hand to my head. "You're burning up a little by the way, are you feeling okay?"
"It's the fluorescents, they're too bright."
Natasha giggles a little and then slams her hand over her mouth.
I whip my head around at her, "Oh my god, what is it?"
"Nothing," she says quickly.
"Ohhh," Bruce says, "I get it."
"What?!?" I practically yell, "what do you get?"
"You sounded like Edward Cullen, Y/n." Natasha squawks like a bird, and erupting deep laughter from my chest.
"But they are too bright, I've talked to Tony about it before, but he says it's 'professional' to keep them?" I say.
"Bro, when has Stark ever been professional?," Natasha says laughing."
"That's exactly what I thought!" I reply, exclaiming."
"Well, as a doctor, I do feel it's easier to see in this particular lighting, but I do agree that they're still horrible as fu-"
"Are you about to swear Greeny?" I can always tell that something's wrong when Bruce swears. My smile drops as I see the look on his face, he's close to tears. Oh no.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit on edge at the minute," he whispers.
"It's okay, what's going on?" I place my hand on his shoulder and glance over at Natasha.
"I really didn't want to ruin your moment, and I'm so happy for you two," he sniffles a little.
"It's okay, Bruce, what's happened?" Natasha says, also placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm really worried about Wanda," he bites on his finger, trying to hold in tears and Natasha glances sympathetically over him as I pull him into a hug. I wrap my arms around him, his still tucked into his chest, and I rock him back and forth, rubbing his back with the palms of my hands. "She'll be okay Greeny," I whisper, "we'll get to the bottom of what happened, and it'll be okay."
"She blames herself," he cries out, "I should have done something."

The door to the room is opened so suddenly that it slams back into the wall, startling us all.
"I'm sorry to break up the lovefest, but we have a situation here."
"Jesus, way to make an entrance." I groan out, still holding Bruce in my arms.

Tony steps through the doorway, dressed in black suit trousers, shiny black shoes and a light blue long sleeve, that has the sleeves pushed up past his elbows. He looks flustered, beads of sweat dripping from his temple and his hair like the bottom end of a loo brush, ruffled and sticking up.

"What situation?" Nat says, standing up from my bedside and making her away across the room to him.

"It's Wanda."

[A/N: hii again, sorry this took so long to update, i've been dealing with a lot of stuff]

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