Chapter Five

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TW: themes of abuse: physical, mental, verbal.
Saturday 6th May
I can't breathe.

Steve's arm is pushed up against my chest, holding me to the wall. His cedar wood aftershave is pungent and stings my eyes, I recognise it. It's the one I gave him as a Christmas present before things turned bad between us, before he...
"What was all that about, huh?"
His eyes burning holes into mine, I just want to push him off and I can't.
"Get off of me Steve. What the hell are you playing at?"
"What am I playing at? That's rich coming from you Y/N..."
My eyes are still stinging, I bite my lip. I'm not going to cry in front of him, I'm not weak. He pushes into my chest harder and I wince silently.
"What was all that shit about you 'loving' Natasha." Her name sounded like poison dripping off of his lips, his brutal intention to hurt me.
"It's none of your business. Get OFF of me!" I shove him off with a strength I didn't know I had and my ears begin to ring a little. My eyes blurring a bit. He smirks and it disgusts me.
"Y/n, you seem to have forgotten that you belong to me."
"Fuck off Rogers, no, I don't." I scoff, trying to get ahold of myself.
His face hardens and he tilts his chin up.
"What have I told you about cursing at me?"
He slowly walks toward me, and I flinch at every step, every slight movement.

"You know, she doesn't love you."

His words are like needles; sharp and painful.
I slowly step away from him.
"I don't believe you," I say, words almost tripping over themselves.
He smirks again, he knows what he's doing of course. "Y-You're  lying." my hands feel behind me for the wall, the sink, anything to hold on to.
"She said," he stops and lowers his face closer to mine, "that you freaked her out last Friday,"
he hushes his voice to a whisper near my ear, hissing like a snake, "when you tried to kiss her."
He knows. How does he know?
"How do you know about that?" I say, not meeting his eyes.
"Like I said, she told me." He steps towards the mirror in order to admire his own appearance, he grins that perfect smile he uses in order to charm everyone, to get away with things, such terrible things. His face returns to it's previous hardness again, and he smirks, "That unloveable freak tried to kiss me, that's what she said."
"Natasha wouldn't, s-she-"
He slams his hand against the wall loud. "Oh, but Natasha did!" He yells in my face, mocking me with her name.
"It's not like she deserves you anyway, I EARNED you!" He grips my chin, spitting in my face as he speaks.
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you damn it!" out of fear, my eyes dart to meet his ice cold  ones.
"Don't go near her, don't speak to her, don't even think about her. I mean, it's not like it matters anyway," he grips my arm, tears the sleeve off. There's a mark there, letters imprinted into my skin, 'S.R.', "you still belong to me."
He pushes me off with my arm, and I slam back into the sink.
"You're revolting." my voice is scratchy now, I sniffle. "And you love it. Now, get out of my sight." He glares down at me, his nose scrunching in disgust.
I push past him, my shoulder hitting his and run out of the bathroom. I run, I can't stop running.
I need to find Bruce.

(A/N: hey again! don't worry if you're feeling a little confused about Steve's previous relationship with Y/n, more will be revealed as the story progresses.)

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