Chapter Seven

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Sunday 7th May
Y/N's Pov
"How can you trust them?"

"How can they be your friends if they know nothing about you?" That loud terrifying laugh again, the woman's laugh. I can't make out her face, but an ominous purple glow surrounded her figure. Images of Natasha's bloody face cloud my mind once again. I try to speak, to yell "Let her go!". But I can't. A bloodcurdling scream tears through me, and I'm choking on air, I can't speak. "They don't understand your true potential Y/n, not like I do..."
My body jolts awake. That dream again. It feels more and more real each time I have it. I can never see the perpetrators face, just her laugh. Over and over again. I look over at the time, it's half nine. Shit. Bruce scheduled a meeting in the lounge fifteen minutes ago!
I grab some random clothes from the drawers, quickly run down to the bathroom, brush my teeth, splash my face with some cold water and brush my hair.
I rush down the stairs, (the elevator takes too long), and look around for Bruce and Wanda and avoid any eye contact with Steve, who sits in the far corner of the room. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk towards Bruce.
"What are we all doing here?" i whisper to him, as I sit between my two best friends.
"You'll see." He whispers back, smiling and nudging me.
Natasha enters the room from the same door I did, and sits down in the other far corner of the room. My heart skips several beats, I can't look at her, it'll only make things worse. I look down into my hands. which are visibly sweating, ugh gross.
Wanda looks over to Bruce and then down at me and whispers "It's okay." She smiles at me, comfortingly. It works and I smile back at her.

Bruce stands and clears his throat to get the attention of the team. "So, now that we're all here, I wanted to give out this week's assignment."
"This week will not be that busy, but we will all be working on that supposedly unsolvable case the FBI need us to figure out."
"Several missing persons case, several homicides, one suicide. All victims have a similarity, a symbol" He lifts up a piece of paper:

 All victims have a similarity, a symbol" He lifts up a piece of paper:

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"Sort of looks like a W? Does it not?" Steve chimes, glaring at Wanda. She tilts her head at him, her eyes glowing red.
"We're unsure of the meaning of the symbol," Bruce emphasises, "but what we do know is, that it's ancient, courtesy of Dr. Strange, we are aware that it originated from the middle ages."
A tall man sitting next to Tony nods. He has dark hair with two white streaks above his ears. I've never seen him before, but I have heard Tony talking about him.

"Sam, you'll be with Bucky, we need you to both have a look through our library, keep a look out for books on symbols, middles ages etc. Keep us posted on anything you think might be important."
The two men look at each other, Sam pulls a face and Barnes chuckles. I feel like I'm missing something between those two. (A/N: Sambucky rights!!)
"Tony, Stephen, I'll need you both to investigate the most recent homicide..."

Bruce's voice drowns out as I look up at her. Gods she's so beautiful, the way her red hair falls just below her shoulders, even when it's curled. The way her eyes lift when she smiles. Her cheeks look like they were sculpted by Michelangelo. I just want to be yours Nat. I want to be yours and for you to be mine...
I'm snapped out of my daydream when I realise who I'm sitting next to. I giggle quietly.
"You're reading my mind again, aren't you?" I think.
I turn my face to look at Wanda, she nods and smiles.
"You've caught me again Red." I think, laughing in my mind.
I smile at her, and widen my eyes in pretend shock.
"Y/N, Natasha, you'll need to go undercover together to infiltrate an alleged secret laboratory. We've been informed that it's highly dangerous, and we'll need our best agents on the job." Bruce winks and smiles at me.
"Damn you, Greeny." I think, smiling to myself. "Red, did you possibly play a part in this?"
I turn to her and she nods and whispers close to my ear, "It was Bruce's idea though."
I look back up at Bruce, who is grinning back at us. I should win an award for having the best best friends in the world. Actually, forget the world, the universe!

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