Rejection |Albedo|

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"I don't feel the same way as you."

The scent of the sweet madame chicken, an original food from Mondstadt, flew passed by her nose as she inhaled another scent. Sound of children running here and there, back and forth with such elation and full of joy echoed passed by her ears as she only sat in silence.

The heart inside her一Y/n could feel how it shattered into pieces as she tried to keep up the smile that seemed to unwaver a single bit. But the hollow still reflected from how her e/c irises couldn't glint the usual bliss when she saw him.

Albedo, was the 'him'.

Albedo's posture and the façade he wore was as calm as the wave by the bay, making her wondered一did he ever try to look a bit more... sympathetic? Even if it was just to make her feel better..?

"I can't reciprocate your feelings, I apologize."

Even though what's inside her chest seemed to shatter, a smile still made its way to her face一a huge and forgiving one. Kindness that reflected even after a rejection.

But she caught a small glimpse of what was behind the cold night sky eyes, seeing how Albedo's eyes hinted a small... disappointment?

Was that disappointment on her or on him?

"It's fine, it should be me who apologize. It seems like I couldn't choose a perfect situation and didn't consider your feelings," Y/n spoke softly with a small hushed tone followed with a light chuckle.

The chicken in front of Y/n was finished and she was ready to go and leave. She packed up her bags and inserted the books inside her bag, with a swift, she had stood up and was ready to leave.

"Thank you for today's meal. I'll repay you another time."


Albedo sat on the chair as he skimmed through the book pages he re-read while waiting. Each page smoothly carassed his gloved-fingers flipped into another whilst letting the eyes scanned all the words for what seemed to be the... third or fourth time?

Albedo sat down patiently, waited even patiently, yet, there was still no sign of her presence一Y/n's presence to be exact.

The memory of today's incident replayed in his head over and over, especially her confession and how he rejected her. Even though he was the one who rejected, it felt like someone dug a giant hole and left it as an abyss.

How odd.

"Oh, I'm here to meet up a friend as usual."

"I see, a bookworm, huh?"

A voice一no, two voices echoed to Albedo's ears as he reluctantly lifted his gaze and turned to the other side, finding himself gazing at two friends. "Okay, hot eyepatch. Don't you think it's better to go back on your duty?"

The same sweet and gentle voice echoed again, which Albedo could quickly recognise the owner一Y/n's voice and with... hot eyepatch? "Yes, yes. I'll get going. Don't go home too late."

And with that, the man's voice left and the only thing Albedo could hear was his own breathing as it rushed when he heard them coming. "You're here already." The voice somehow, sent a small heat in his stomach as Y/n spoke with a hushed voice.

Albedo hummed and only nodded along. "Yes, I've read the books you recommended me. And 'The Alchemist' book is pretty interesting and well-written."

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