Childlike |Hutao|

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Fluff, light lime

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'Blessed with never ending friendship, both strived to be the better version of themselves一both had been threatened with the blooming feelings that might disrupt the peace and innocence between the two's friendship.'

As if pledged by loyalty, Y/n had remained right by her mischievious friend's side for as long as everyone knew. As if the Celestia had written an elating fate to be casted upon the two girls, Y/n pledged her loyalty to stay by her friend's side through thick or thin.

"Haven't you heard? Hutao's grandpa is a boss of funeral!"

"Hey! At least it's better than having yourself wasting your breath over something that's none of your business!"

And that's what it meant一staying through thick or thin, bestowing Y/n's loyalty to Hutao, giving her protection the h/c haired girl believed. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as if threatening the next person who wished to speak ill of her friend, might disappear within seconds.

"Let's get out of here, Hutao's loyal servant is coming to attack us!"

Years ago, when Y/n had to watch the kids ran away out of fear from 'being burried alive', Y/n stuck her chest out whilst clearing her throat as she yelled, "The only thing that's getting burried is your rational thinking!"

And when she turned to look at the friend she protected whose smile seemed the least bothered, a glint of satisfaction glossed over the ruby eyes一Hutao's smile that once beamed like the normal days, shone brighter than the day.

As they stepped into their teenage hood soon to be adults, rumors spread around town; "Haven't you heard? Y/n will get herself a suitor! Afterall it's about time for her to get one."

Y/n was the epitome of grace一her smile bewitched anyone whom she wished to fall for, her poised graceful composure never once brought disappointment to the others. But never once had a suitor ever crossed her mind.

As the only thing her mind had ever drifted off to was the girl who was the complete opposite of Y/n一years of friendship, the opposite shall not brought them down. However, friendship itself could brought despair and seperation once feelings developed.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Seems deep."

The scent of petrichor enchanting Y/n's nostrils to where she should daze off, the quiet sound of ponds rippling below as her wondrous e/c eyes drifted to the blank void of the woods一her attention shifted to where her dear friend sat. As if the world told her to stop dazing off, she was met with the ruby eyes staring close to her. "Ah, you're finally conscious! Didn't you hear about my last prank?"

Her cheery voice like the sun rising echoed within Y/n's ears, the voice resembled siren brought wamrth down to the core. As if captivated by her demand, Y/n turned her head and let her eyes glistened under the luminous sun. "Hm? Oh, haha. Who did you prank this time?" Y/n however was not quick to catch, especially after the dwelling thought.

Confusion written on Hutao's face, she tilted her head. "Huh? I was only talking about my plan. Are you okay?" Woriness hinted.

Y/n blinked for another time. "Huh? Oh, oh... don't worry. I just had some thoughts, that's all." She turned her head, away from meeting the ruby eyes up to the clear night sky. Thoughts like racing horses ran from one place to another一

"Is it because of finding a suitor?"

Ah, bingo.

The girl fell silent as soon as her friend guessed, she looked away with shame flaring up her eyes. "...yeah, we're adults now. And you know, in my family... if you don't get a suitor, then you're not cut out to be a lady," Y/n replied.

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