Night Drunk |Kazuha|

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Light lime


As the shore hit the wooden of the sailing boat gently, cheers echoed by the sailing ship一singing, dancing, laughter, and so on filled the ecstatic atmosphere. The night of the Liyue's seas had just risen up, reflecting its dazzling luminous moon up ahead, stars soared the night like a painting you'll find in the museum. Every crews' presence were all on board except for... Y/n L/n whom decided to stay in their room for the night.
Their lover, Kazuha, joined the small celebration after weeks of hunting treasures that led to success. During the peaceful bliss and the nice weather, Y/n laid on the bed, alone, drowned in their own thoughts.
Their hair spreaded on the bed, fingers intertwined together, and their e/c irises were up to the ceiling. The h/c haired person slowly supported them to sit straight, but the hazy sensation tingled in their chest and mind bothered them. Maps and paper scattered on their bed with full of marks, the tint of the calligraphy brush stained on the paper and every books on the shelf were taken out.
Their thoughts were all empty, like a mist that blocked their way to success after opening every treasures they could find and think of. Maybe they had opened a hundred chests in a year, the Crux decided to celebrate their first hundredth chest but Y/n's head was full of clinging thoughts.
Where were the next treasures they could find? Should they go sail to Mondstadt? The time ticked every single second, sound of the waves clashed against the sailing ship, cheers from the outside personal room, and the sound of their own breathing echoed in their head mindlessly.
The room was ghost-quiet.
Y/n reached their arms out to take the rest of the maps onto their arms, but every touch they made, it slipped right through their hands. Head was foggy, foggier than any kinds of storms that hit the sea.
'I wonder how they're doing right now. Especially Kazuha..'
The shade of white that shone brighter under the moonlight and the colour of a leaf that fell on Autumn, along with the vision that could bring everyone together flashed in their head一why out of anything else they could think of, it had to be their lover?
The sound of the foot steps echoed got closer and closer, rising their instinct and within a swift, they quickly took the brush and pretended to be busy on their map. When in reality, they couldn't even focus on what's one plus one.
The sound of the knocking door echoed through the room. "Come in!"
Sound of the creaking door opened ajar, revealing a familiar man Y/n vowed to stay loyal with一Kazuha. His cherry-stewed eyes gazed at their e/c ones and made a small inspection from top to bottom. "Are you sure you don't want to join? You shouldn't lock yourself up when everyone's celebrating."
Ah, the worried Kazuha was the only thing they wanted to see. "There's no need for you to worry. I'm fine over here. Just gotta prepare some more plans for the future ahead."
Thirty minutes had passed by, there's no presence of Y/n L/n in the main board, not even their joyous laughter rang through his ears as well. Kazuha's cheeks were flushed red after the amount of acohol he forced himself to consume, the vision of the world felt dizzy and tipsy, he swore his mouth blabbered about the most random thing.
"Getting drunk already?"
A voice that reminded him of the sea by the cliff caught his attention, but it was drowned down by the sound of the crowds. "Hey, look! The main girl is here!" A crew cheered in excitment and made his way to the obviously, now, discomfort woman. "Yes, I'm here. Thank you for your celebration."
"No problem, care for a drink? Today's about you afterall."
Kazuha's iridescent red eyes turned to look a the一now-nervous Y/n, who seemed to be trying to tell the man off. He could feel the small tint of heat raged in his stomach, as if he's demanded to let it all out一butterflies stopped flying around his stomach as well.
What was this?
"No, thank you. In fact, I'm here to一"
"Come on, just a bit sip一"
Kazuha's steps echoed through the platform, standing in between them as soon as he reached them. "I apologize for intruding, but I called Y/n to have a private talk."
Kazuha took their hand and pulled them away from the crowd and to their private space一Y/n's room. A place where they hung out whenever they could, talking about treasures all day and the future sailing plans. But now, the room was messy, full of maps and paper that scattered in their bed messily and carelessly. However, it didn't bother him at all.
He just wanted to stay in a silent cosy place with the h/c haired person. "Your cheeks are all red, have you been drinking a lot?" Y/n demanded as soon as they saw the burning cheeks belonged to Kazuha, fingers touching his face as gentle as he could, raising more fire in his cheeks. "I was forced to," he sighed hopelessly.
"Haa.., he never changed. He's honest and kind but stubborn, maybe that's why he's一"
They let out a small yelp as soon as they felt their arms leaned completely on the walls, their back leaned flat as well一they could try to resist, but he was stronger campared to them. The breathe of wine and root beer collided each other flew passed their nostrils, somehow bringing the chills back in Mondstadt, sent butterflies awakened in their stomach. The way his ruby eyes made an eye contact which Y/n quickly tried their best to avert.
Something inside of him feared them一a weird sensation as they could feel his breath brushed against their skin, warm and tingling but peculiar. "Are you..." before they could trail their last words, they were silenced by the acrid scent of the wine. "Can we not talk about him?"
A brief moment of silence took over the two, somehow, something rose in their chest一a will to tease?
"Okay, but don't you think there's also others we can talk about? Maybe how cool Captain Beidou when she gives commands?"
Kazuha was silent, his lips pursed in a small spite of hint annoyance burned in his chest, he couldn't bring himself to speak. Y/n's eyes landed to anywhere they could land other than Kazuha's eyes一"Oh and how Captain Beidou's voice一" their sentence was cut off as soon as they could feel the touch of Kazuha's soft finger tips, slowly moving their gaze to meet his. A hint of reluctant一he placed his lips on top of theirs, the sweet cherry lips stained on his own, the sweet flavor from theirs gave him more craving.
Scent of the cold morning breeze of the sea stained on their hair and their body, even making him dared to ask for more. It was soft and gentle, passionate but short kiss as they gasped for an oxygen. "Can I?"
Okay, what's up with Kazuha?
What could this be? But the clinging sensations on their chest demanded for more, butterflies slowly fluttered as a sign of... lust and attractions? "Uhm, go ahead..?"
And with that,
Kazuha didn't need to be said twice, he landed his lips on theirs once again and that's where it hit一the sweetness, gave him more cravings, hand was intertwined between their h/c locks and down their jawline一"W-wait!"
Kazuha stopped his action, he looked up with a small hint of disappointment but understandment to the apprehensive e/c ones. Oh dear, what could they say?
"U-uhm, maybe take things slow? Uhm, is the door locked yet? Wh-what else一"
Before they could speak a peck quickly landed on their lips again. "It's fine. No one's coming."
That sounded less assuring and convincing, but if Kazuha said so, then it was what it was. Afterall, didn't they need a small release? "A-alright."
Their heart beat in the most rapid way, like a horse racing or a seagull that flew in full speed as Kazuha's lips traced from the jawline, and down to the neck, their breath was as rapid as ever一was it okay to do this?
Their arm was still pinned against the wall with no power for them to fight back, parts of them said 'no' but another said 'yes'一it was confusing! But the scent coming from Kazuha's wine trailed to their nose, causing their breath to hitch just for a second. The warmth of his lips traced all over their neck, causing their heart to beat even more fast. They were apprehensive一and the only thing they could hear right now was the blood rushing, heat arose up and down.
Kazuha stopped by the collarbone, his red eyes gazed up to look at the now一blushing mess h/c haired person, eyes averted his gaze and landed to wherever they could land on一maybe the bed? The table? The chair?
Wherever, dear Archons!
"First time?"
Kazuha's finger tips trailed for their chin whilst he gently shifted their gaze back to him before he landed on the last kiss on the lips一he let out a small whisper, "Just take things slow."
Kazuha's cherry stewed eyes fixated at their nervous e/c ones, his hand trailed upwards to their cap and removed them, eyes met with theirs and一I lied一his lips were as lustful and desires piqued its way to his heart as he took a small glance of their lips, the sweet cherry taste like lips and up to the eyes.
His head moved closer to their lips, as he felt the rapid breathing from Y/n's nostrils that formed quite obvious. Just a few centimeters before一
"Y/n, I heard about一"
Y/n quickly pushed away the poor man and averted their gaze anywhere while the door creaked ajar, revealing the captain of this ship. "Are you both okay? You look very red, especially for Y/n. Are you sick?"
"M-me? Oh, no, Captain. We're both, uhmm.. just had a small arguement...!"
And in one click, Beidou's smirk replaced the confusion gaze as she quickly realised the whole situation, especially the mess of Y/n's hair. "Okay, take your time."



Headache! Headache! Never knew writing this can give me a headache.. hahah... I might need to limit the lime request on the next one, hahah...

I'm so sorry, this is my first experience of writing lime and I know nothing bout lime other than it being 'touchy'. I think my head is about to give out一somehow, I can't read/watch anything nsfw related or else my head will hurt.


Thanks for requesting! I'm so sorry for any mistakes I've made (late update, broke gramamrs and vocabs, etc) I'm looking froward for your next request (if you wish to request me another of course)

See you and have a nice day!

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