Letters |Childe|

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'To my beloved friend, Ajax,
I know distance and time can be challanging for us, promises we make throughout the years of friendship grow something more in my heart. And here's my promise written in a letter, I promise to stay by your side, be there for you until my days have come to an end. However, will you do the same for me?



The abyss hole that a boy once entered disappeared, the time that was supposedly three months was only three days to Teyvat. The boy whom hunted down and trained as a warrior, returned to his home一the light that used to glisten his eyes vanished with no trace.

Being a friend whom watched his growth over the years before the abyss was never easy, but never too difficult for Y/n一when she first saw his light dimmed all of the sudden, and how his usual smile vanished, she asked, "Ajax, what happened there?"


A silence was expected.

He didn't speak nor try to look at her, his eyes glued to the warm milk. A day after he got out, he was silent with her, as if she had done something terrible which led him to dislike.


"I'm fine, Y/n. I'm just not feeling like it," he dismissed, tone grew cold.

And ever since then, she learned to not ask when he's not ready to tell.

Even if her heart desired to know more, it had to wait.


As years passed by, the two grew to be adolescent, ready to set off to what's outside of the nation. However, be it the night that passed for the thousands of times, or the fact she had drowned herself in the pool of oceanic eyes to the point not realising dusk had long arrived. "Y/n?"

She blinked.

"Yes, Ajax?"

The ginger headed man turned, his lips smiled一but she wasn't sure if it was genuine. "So, are you ready to go?" He asked, the raft was ready to set off一even if it's small, it was at least enough for one person. And that one person was Y/n.

"...I'm not sure."

He tilted his head in confusion, concern clearly written his eyes. Soon, he exhaled. Both hands were now on Y/n's arms, his thumb moved gently, as if she would break from his touch. "What's wrong? You're not usually like this."

Not usually like this?

He wasn't usually like this.

Y/n fought herself, the urge to look at his eyes were powerful, but she couldn't risk being lost once again and questioned what happened in the 'abyss'. Her eyebrows furrowed, eyes averted to the calm freezing ocean, how his eyes resembled the water she was seeing. "Do you... not want to tell me? At least about what happened the day you disappeared," Y/n asked, her voice hinted the tone the young man didn't want to hear, not when they were stating their farewell.

"Y/n," he called softly. "You've been there for me for years, being my friend when I'm in need of one. People here must've asked and talked to you about something you're not comfortable of," he slowly spoke, thumbs grazed over her arms.

Finally giving into her desires, her iridescent e/c eyes gazed up to his ocean ones, the cold yet comforting eyes keened through her own. "I'll tell you one day, but not now."

Genshin Impact Oneshot |Requests: CLOSED|Where stories live. Discover now