✨Jealousy can equal a cruel outcome✨

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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

"I obviously don't know where he's at or I wouldn't be calling you! "

A certain blonde hair boy yelled through Midoriya's house phone.

It had been almost four hours since his ex had left and he assumed Izuku would of been back by now.
But he wasn't and worst of all he had called the coffee shop only to be told they saw him walking out with his girlfriend.
And considering the stories Bakugo had heard about the pinknette he was extremely worried.
So after a couple more hours had passed he called his theater teacher but even he didn't know where Izuku was.
He would of called the greenette's friends however he didn't know their damn numbers.

"Look Bakugo, Midoriya's an adult I'm sure he's fine and will be back soon. "
"I'll see you on Tuesday bye. "

"Tch, stupid teacher. "
"Stupid Deku not even calling me back, what's the point of him having my phone if he won't answer it!?"

Katsuki grumbled, throwing Midoriya's house phone on his bed, where Almight Jr was laying.

"Do you know where he is?"

The blonde asked the cat, who in return just stared at him like he was an idiot.

"Tch, nevermi-"

*𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔* 𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔*

Katsuki had never bolted so fast, swinging the door open like his life depended on it.

" Fucking finally ner-"

Katsuki stopped in the middle of his sentence, taking noticed of the greenette's wet and shivering figure.

"L-Let me in. "

Midoriya whispered.

Izuku just wanted to take a shower and go to bed.
He was cold and he had a headache.

"What happened to ya? "

Katsuki asked, as Izuku grabbed out some fresh clothes.

"Mio knows we're 'dating'. "

"Our plan i-is definitely working."

Izuku laughed out.
He felt like his body was overheating, he was tempted to take a cold shower.

"Did she do this to you? "
"That bitch. "

Bakugo mumbled, luckily Izuku didn't hear that last part.

"Jealousy works different for a lot of people."

Midoriya responded, making his way towards his bathroom.

Bakugo was flabbergasted.
Did his childhood friend really think being abused was alright??

"Tch, your an idiot. "

The blonde grumbled, making the freckled boy stop in his tracks.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Izuku countered.
His mind felt fuzzy, was he sick?

"It means Ceno shouldn't be putting her hands on you. "
"Doesn't matter how mad or how jealous she gets. "

Katsuki snarled, getting closer to the greenette.

"You don't know what your talking about so butt out. "

The greenette commented before pulling out his phone.

"By the way.... when Mio shoved me in the river I accidentally drowned your phone. "


Izuku apologized, and honestly the fact that he cared more about Bakugo's phone then himself just made the blonde angrier.
Even at himself.

"Tch, I don't give a shit about that, I care about you Izuku. "

"Well you shouldn't. "
"I don't even-"

Before the greenette could finish his sentence he had completely passed out, shocking the blonde further.


"Damn nerd."
"I swear if you weren't sick I'd kill you. "

Bakugo mumbled, check Midoriya's temperature.

"Sorry Kacchan. "

Izuku whispered, his throat felt very sore.

"Tch, don't apologize idiot. "
"This isn't your fault. "

'I just wished you understood that the way that bitch treats you isn't right. '

Izuku searched through the blonde's sad look trying to figure out why he looked so down till he remembered he drowned his phone.

"I'm really sorry about your phone. "
"I'll get you a new one I swear. "

Midoriya slurred, his eyes were glossed over with unshed tears.

"You idiot. "
"I can buy a new phone anytime it's you, I'm worried about! "

The blonde whispered shouted, flicking the greenette's forehead.

"Worried a-about me?"

Midoriya repeated Katsuki's words, his heart feeling some sorta warmth.

"We're friends now remember?"

The blonde grumbled, hissing as soon as he saw the greenette's temperature.


"Jesus Deku. "
"We might need to take you to the hospital. "

"No hospital! "
"I'm fine! "

The greenette yelled.

"Hey if I can't yell neither can you. "

Bakugo barked, before sighing.

"Fine, I won't take you to the hospital, but if your fever gets any worst then I'll drag your ass up there even if I have to drug you. "

"Now get some rest. "
"I'm gonna go out and get you some soup, I'll be back and you.... "

The blonde stopped doing what he was doing to look straight at Izuku.

"You better stay in bed unless you have to go to the restroom, I don't wanna see your ass up. "

"Ok, ok Mr. Bossy. "

The greenette snarked, turning around to face his wall and the other bed.

'I really need to clear that bed off. '

"Tch, smart ass."

"Oh! "
"And Kacchan can you get me more red bulls since your boyfriend drank mine! "

Izuku yelled, not realizing the blonde was inches from him.

"You noticed that huh? "

Katsuki laughed out, as he sat Izuku's house phone next to him.
For just in case.

"I'll get you more don't worry. "
"Try to get some sleep. "

"Mmk good night Kacchan. "

"Love ya!"
"As a friend of course. "

"Tch, yeah yeah go to sleep. "

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