✨Punishment games✨

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🦋Men work is kicking
my butt. 😅


𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

"Wow this katsudon is really good!"

Hizashi yelled, making Izuku flinch a tad bit, only really noticeable to the blonde.

"Y-Yeah uhm Suki always makes the best katsudon."

"Honestly he makes the best food. "

Midoryia praised, finishing up the last of his food as well.

''Well obviously my cookings fantastic, who do you think your talking too??"

Katsuki boosted, getting up to grab everybody's plates.

Izuku rolled his eyes at the blonde's comment, but he was secretly happy to hear Bakugo sound so confident.
He couldn't remember the last time Bakugo boosted his self esteem like that.

"So do you guys got the papers?"

Hizashi practically spit out his coffee he hadn't expected the greenette to bring up the subject.

"Uhm y-yeah, it's right here! "

The blonde sputtered, looking around the table for his folder till he noticed it was in his fiance's hand.

"Looking for something?"

Shota teased, as he handed it to him.

"Thanks sho!"

"Here you go. "

"It really only comes down to signing your name a few times and then your officially our son."

The black hair teach explained, as he watched the greenette look through the small folder.

"And y'all are sure this is what you want?"

Midoryia asked, as Bakugo handed him a pen.

"We have never been more sure in our life. "

Hizashi smiled, along with Aizawa nodding his head back and forth.

"Alright then, and I'm gonna have a sister? "

"How come I didn't see her, when I was at your guys place last time?"

Izuku voiced, he had been wondering that for a couple of days now.

"She was spending the night at her grandma's. "

Shota answered.

"Oh, and she knows about-"

"Yep! "
"She's super excited to meet you too. "

Hizashi exclaimed, as both the soon to be parents for two watched Izuku sign the last of his name.

"Congratulations Midoryia your officially an Aizawa. "
"If you want that last name of course?! "

Hizashi quickly added.

"I would love that. "

The greenette smiled, he felt so much happiness rush into him.
He had two fathers that seemed to love him and now he had a sister as well.

"We officially have a son!"

Hizashi, shouted springing from his seat now.
Izuku felt himself cringe at those words, and both Bakugo and Aizawa took notice.

"O-Or daughter?"

Shota stuttered, unsure if he would offend the greenette for suggesting that.
Midoryia still slightly cringed, at  that being said.
He somewhat understood why he wasn't comfortable with those labels, however he didn't want to take the chances of loosing a family he's only had for five minutes.

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