✨Wrapped around her little fing-✨

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Happy Halloween🎃👻🍬

Okay I just reposted all the other chapters.... Hopefully that fix it😅

𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

'I kissed him.'
'I kissed him.'
'I kissed him.'
'I kissed hi-'

"Morning nerd. "

Bakugo's gruff voice mumbled, in all honesty Izuku was about to explode.
He couldn't get his mind off the kiss from last night plus the blonde voice when just waking up was hot as fuck.


Izuku muttered back.
Him and Katsuki ended up ending their make out session, with cuddles, due to the fact that Bakugo reminded the greenette he had promise him some.
So that what was happening currently as well, Izuku had only been awake for maybe thirty minutes and Katsuki had just woken up.

"Do you have classes today?"

Izuku asked, noticing the fact that it was almost noon.

"Nope, I have physics and theater tomorrow but nothing today. "

"What about you?"

Bakugo asked, running his hand through the greenette's fluffy hair.

" Technically yes. "
"But if I skip I won't fall behind, I already know what he's teaching and I got all the necessary work done. "

Izuku replied, snuggling closer to the blondes warmth.

"Hmm, well then how about I take you out on a date?

Katsuki suggested, holding his breath for an answer.

"A d-date?"

"Are w-we.... does t-that mean we are t-together?"

The freckled boy asked, slightly sitting up so he could look at the blonde better.

"Uhm do you want to be.... "
"If your not ready, then I understand. "

Katsuki quickly added, biting at his lip now.

Izuku's gaze fell down for a second, before it returned back to Bakugo's.

"I'm not sure. "

He replied honestly.
Now that he knew about Mio involvement in what Bakugo had done, the greenette could see them being in a relationship again.
But he still had his doubts.

Katsuki softly smile at the freckled boy before suggesting an idea.

"How about this, we go on that date today, to kinda test the waters."

"And then afterwards we can decide. "

"Yeah, ok. "
"I think that's a great idea. "

The greenette replied, with a smile of his own.

"Hell yeah!!"

Bakugo celebrated.



"But daddddyyyy!!!"

"It's not fair!!"

The pinknette whined, as she followed her father into the kitchen, where the electric blonde was at, just trying to grab a couple of water bottles and snacks for him and his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry pumpkin."
"But you can't force someone to like you. "

The father responded, he had only been home for a few minutes, and his precious daughter was already begging him for things.
Starting with the fact that her Ex won't go out with her again.

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