✨Side piece or something more?✨

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Decided to work on another chapter since sits Halloween🎃👻🍬 so here's a special treat


𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

"Who you texting nerd?"
"Got a side piece?"

"Or am I the side piece?"

Bakugo teased, sitting back down in front of the greenette.
He had just came back from taking a piss, when he noticed Izuku look a this phone with an unsteady and uncomfortable look.

Izuku chuckled at the blonde's silly accusation, as he nibbled on his pizza awaiting for a response.

"Denks text me asking me if I wanted to come over for dinner, apparently his dad wants to see me. "

"Oooh men that hurts zuku, cheating on me with the same person my ex cheated with. "

Katsuki teased some more, he could tell Midoryia was extremely uncomfortable though he still hadn't figure out why.
After all him and Denki are best fri-

"I'm worried Mio might be there. "

Izuku confessed, laughing a tad bit at Katsuki's comment.
He appreciated the blonde trying to make him feel better.

"Ahh I see. "

Bakugo mumbled.


Izuku had never been so quick to look at his phone.

"I'm assuming your smile means good news?"

Bakugo asked after a few moments.

"Her mom is take her out for a girl's night. "


"Plus Kiri is gonna be there. "

Izuku confirmed before looking up at the blonde.

"Do you wanna come?"

Boy was bakugo glad he wanted to be asked, because if he didn't he for sure wouldn't had been able to resist the greenette's puppy dog eyes.

"Of course I want to come."

Katsuki confirmed before grabbing a slice of pizza as well.

"So after we're done eating, which game do you wanna play first?"

Izuku asked, looking around the 80's theme arcade.

"Hmm, I'm thinking I'll try my hand at the dancing game. "
"Me vs you this time!"

Bakugo declared, smirking wickedly.

"Your on!"


"Oh come on, you fucking cheated and you know it!

The blonde accused, as both him and the freckled boy got into his car.

" Pff, how did I cheat huh?"

"I got distracted with your cuteness, so it was your fault!"

Katsuki declared, starting up his car so they could stop by his dorm before they headed over to Denki's.

"Whatever Suki!"
"Maybe you should of had your eyes on the screen instead of me!"

Izuku stated, laughing at the blonde's silly accusations.

"Tch, or you could just become uglier. "

Midoryia rolled his eyes, still laughing.

Soon after silence fell on the two of them, not awkward silence actually it was quite, comfortable.

But silence always comes to an end, eventually that is.

"Sooo what does this make us?"

Izuku asked, twiddling with his fingers unable to look at the blonde.

"Uhm.... well...."

"What do you want us to be?"

Bakugo asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I asked first. "

The greenette replied.
He wanted to hear the blonde's thoughts.

"Pff steady there tiger. "

"Look Zuku, I like you.... cross that I'm in love with you. "

"And I want you, no one else. "

"I want to be the reason you fucking smile every morning, the reason those adorable giggles leave your throat. "

"The reason your happy and enjoy life. "

"I want to fucking cherish and love you. "

"So what do you say?"

Midoryia smiled softly at the blonde's confession.

"I like you a lot too Suki. "

He confessed as well.

"Will you be my boyfriend then?"

The freckled boy looked off to the side for a second before turning his attention back on Bakugo.
Who was still waiting for an answer.

"What if I'm not a boy?"

"I'll still love you. "

Katsuki replied without a second thought.

"I- I think I might be non-binary...... Sometimes I feel like a girl and then sometimes I feel like a boy.... "

"I've always felt like this, but I guess after what happened in high school I kinda decided to not mention it. "

Izuku answered honestly.

Bakugo smiled at the greenette's explanation.

"Alright then, what are your pronouns?"

Katsuki asked, keeping his voice as gently as possible.


"I think. "

Izuku replied, biting on their thumbnail now.

The ash blonde smiled at his significant other before asking another question.

"Alright then, and what label can I refer to you as when it come to being my significant other?"

"Uhm.... "

"I'm not sure... "

"Can you like dabble with both of them till I figure it out?"

"Works for me!"

Bakugo answered, pulling up at the dorms now.

"Come on let's go in to get ready for Pikachu, I want to show off my girlfriend~"

Katsuki stated, kissing the greenette on their cheek before getting out of the car

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