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"Gong Zi, are you alright? Did something happen?"

The servant boy was frantic to know what happened to his master.

He has been with his master since they were both seven years old. The youngest boy of the Liu family was the most naughty boy he's ever met. The little boy would do all kinds of stuff to make trouble except practicing martial arts or study. And in all his endeavours his little servant boy would be there for him.

Mu Ling remembers the first time he was brought to the house of the Liu household. He and his mother were looking for a way out of the poverty they've both been born into. His mother took him from the imperial city and started the trip to reach a cheaper place where a bowl of congee didn't cost two copper coins.

He remembered reaching the Liangshan village. Life got a bit better for the mother and son duo. The mother would work in the local medicine maker's shop and once a week would take those medicines to the nearby big town to sell them. And the son would work at households doing small chores. But what can a six years old child do in a household? So his hand would always be empty except for a round bread each day. Occasionally he would get a bowl of meat congee if he was lucky enough to get a job of helping a young master carrying stuff from the shop to their homes. And because this was very rare to come around he would very carefully take that clay bowl to the abandoned and dilapidated thatched hut he lived in with his mother. So that they both could eat it together when his mother comes back.

But one such day he waited too long for his mother but she didn't come back. The meat congee was getting cold. He was a little boy and he was scared. So anticipating what to do he made his way to the town market his mother was selling medicines in. Hunger and fatigue made the little boy very weak and he didn't know where he was going or how he finally found his way to the town market.

But when he reached the place his mother was, it was very late. He found his mother lying on the side of the road with blood on her arms and head. A young boy of around ten years old was tending to his mother's wound and another boy of his age was standing at the side looking at the process.

He didn't know if he ran or staggered or he didn't have the strength so he just crawled but he reached his mother fast.

And that's where he was picked up from by the old master and brought back to the Liu family home along with his sick mother.

Even though his mother didn't survive, he was thankful to the old master that they were given a chance at life again. His mother was given medicines, she was taken care of and her last few days were without suffering. And to the little Mu Ling it was more than enough.

And through the tough time right after his mother died he got closer to the third young master.

He still remembers the day he was called to the old master's study and he saw an expressionless Liu Huahua and an anticipating Liu Changsheng along with the first young master.

"Give him to A-Sheng, father. That way they can become each other's protectors." The older Liu Gongzi said to their father.

"That is A-Ling's decision to make, Huanglang."

Seeing him enter the room all three Liu's look at him. He was getting the chills, because even though the Liu family treated him as their own he wasn't really comfortable being one. He was a boy growing up on the street in his childhood, who was he to accept this life overnight?

And from then on he made a decision for himself. He'll be the third young master's personal servant and protector.

He knew Liu Changsheng very well. His expressions, his moods. But today after seeing tears in Liu Changsheng's eyes he wasn't sure anymore.

What might have happened for his master to act out of character?

"Gongzi. Please tell me."

"I'm sorry, Mu Ling ah. I can't tell you."

The young master Liu Changsheng looked outside, changing his expressions to nonchalance.

They both had their lunch there when Liu Changsheng informed that they were going to the Lianyi pavilion to see the lantern festival. After going back to the inn Liu Changsheng changed into a more sophisticated and beautiful hanfu. It was smooth green in colour and with intricate designs in blue all over the dress. He carried his fan with the daggers hidden in it and his bamboo flute in his waistband. He didn't take Xuehui with him to not create a commotion in a festival. If needed he could summon the blade by his core after all.

In the Lianyi pavilion Liu Changsheng was walking around looking at the beautiful view. He was standing at one of the courtyard facing the water when he sensed a presence. The aura was familiar to him, so he smiled and turned around to face the young man.

"He Liang xianshang. Greetings."

"Gongzi. Are you enjoying the pavilion?" The curator shop owner gave a smile to Liu Changsheng too. "If my recommendation is to the Gongzi's liking, I would like to get myself acquainted with Gongzi and recommend good places to visit in the future too."

Liu Changsheng was waiting for this exact opportunity. He was very happy he was successful. But that didn't show on his features. He politely bows his head to the older man with the smile unchanged on his face.

"I am but a teenage young master of a small family from the emperor's reign. I do not get to go out often."

The older shopkeeper was taken aback but he tried again. "That is quite alright. Getting acquainted is all I ask for. Knowing that Gongzi is from the imperial city, Gongzi can recommend some places to visit there too."

"If that is the case then I would be honoured." Liu Changsheng's diplomatic wiles were no joke. He survived a lifetime with those after all. And his smile can make anyone fall for his charm. Let alone a curator of a gift shop in Lingshui.

"I would like to give this to Gongzi as a token of the start of our beautiful friendship."

Hello guys! I'm back with another chapter! Imma make this author note short and just say that hope you enjoy!

Have fun!
All the love
C 💕

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