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The Xiang Wang finishes his work at the court fast after hearing what happened at his residence from his shadow guard Xuan Lang. He buys some time for Liu Huahua in the emperor's court. And rushed back to his palace.

When he entered through the main entrance he saw Ying Lianying standing guard to a convoy of eunuchs and maids on Liu Changsheng's tow. Being the zhuren of the house, in absence of the Xiang Wang, the Wangfei is responsible to attend to the guests. But looking at his face, no matter how hard he tried to look strong and fearless, Liu Changsheng was scared to the bones.

Hong Daqing wastes no time to stand by his husband's side.

Liu Changsheng could feel another important turn of his life was being enacted. He knew he had to stop history from repeating itself. But the fear of the old man's touch allover his body made him want to lose his consciousness and go to oblivion until everything is better.

But he knew his duty. Even being raised as how he was raised, he has gone through enough to hold on until his lao gong was by his side. And he was. This time Hong Daqing was by his side.

He didn't know if he'd be scared like before or he could overcome this fear of his. But one thing he was sure. That this time he wouldn't be alone.

This time he had Hong Daqing, Ying Lianying, even Duan Jiali by his side.

When they entered the outer courtyard to an old man sitting idly on one of the head chairs a part of the iron guards accompanying him has already been subdued.

At first he looked a little surprised to see Hong Daqing there accompanying his Wangfei. He made sure the fourth prince has enough on his plate in the court for today so that he could come and find the Wangfei alone. But he recovers fast. Luo Guang brings out a silk covered jade lock and produces it to the couple.

"My apologies for not being able to visit your highnesses. My wife gave birth to our youngest son. And that kept me occupied."

Lies! Liu Changsheng said in his heart.

"Thank you, third marquis. But my husband isn't feeling quite alright today. So I'd have to apologise that we cannot attend to you well today."

This was a clear indication to tell the old geezer to back off. A subtle hand reached back to Liu Changsheng's back to comfort him from the subtle tremors clearly visible to Hong Daqing's eyes.

Listening to this Luo Guang had no way but to leave the fourth prince's palace.

"It's a relief that I was standing guard. Or else we wouldn't have known what was going to happen."

The fourth prince looked at Duan Jiali startled by her statement.

"Jiajia, what does that mean? What was going to happen?"

"We investigated the captured iron guards and they confessed they were here to abduct the Wangfei."

Everyone looks at Liu Changsheng. Scared of what might have happened if not Duan Jiali.

Liu Changsheng's hesitant voice disturbed everyone as he looks at Duan Jiali.

"Duan Guniang. Can we talk in private?"

Even though Hong Daqing was jealous, he stopped himself from interfering. Because he knew if Liu Changsheng was saying this he has a very good reason to. And him interfering will only make things worse. He promised him to cherish him, not overshadow him. And as he's seen Liu Changsheng's skills he knew he can protect himself.

In the Wangye's study a male and a female stood face to face as if assessing the other's potential to breach the mind territory of the other.

"Duan Guniang. Was it Wangye who told you to guard me?"

This makes the older woman frown.

"How do you know that?"

Liu Changsheng brings out a beautiful jade hairpin with a dragon engravings at the end. Surprising Duan Jiali even more that she already was. It felt like an indication that he's already got the Xiang Wang. That he has ownership over everything the Xiang Wang owns. That he was one with the Xiang Wang himself.

"Duan Jiali. I have hated you enough. And right now I'm not very fond of you either. But I know you're not entirely against me. And I know his highness the fourth prince's heart. So I will free myself from this hatred.

"I'm telling you this not necessarily because you need to know. I'm telling you because I need your help. I want you to know that I'm not asking for your help because I want to use you or not because I want you away from Wangye's side. You were a big part of his childhood. You're his good companion.

"But because I know you. I understand your sentiments. And I know you are the best person who can help."

Duan Jiali's heart swayed for a second. It was this exact moment she knew her position. She knew that her Qingqing wasn't the only one who's madly in love. This person standing right in front of her was madly in love with her friend too. She knew that he was worthy of being the Xiang Wangfei. The ruler by the fourth prince's side. They both were a match made in heaven.

And so she smiles. A smile that showed she was happy. Happy that the fourth prince had the man he loves by his side. She was happy that she didn't say yes when grandma asked her if she would marry Hong Daqing.

And this was the moment she realised she's found another person she cares about. Another person she'd do anything for.

"As long as it's justice, I pledge my Yinghu at your feet Xiang Wangfei."

The older woman kneels in front of another master.

She knew she's betraying the emperor. But it doesn't hurt to protect those she cares about and still be loyal to the throne. And pledging the Yinghu for the Xiang Wangfei only means she's having another person to guard.

Behind everyone's notice an alliance was born. A power was sprouting from the seed of justice. And maybe, just maybe this power will become so strong that it will dethrone all the other powers to stand up alone as a pillar of the nation.

And no one knows, maybe it will hold a completely different future.

Hello everyone! How's it going for you guys? Are all my pandas well and happy?

Btw today's chapter is delayed by a day... Sorry about that! But I hope I could make up for the delay!

Hope you enjoy!
All the love
C 💕

Also please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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