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As the people's gathering moved to its end, the festivities became more lively day by day. On the fourth day there was a show of performances among the nobles.

To be honest it was only people's gathering in the name. Most of the people could not enter because of lack of noble status. And the young girls and boys of the nobles were very well versed in all kinds of performances.

For example marquis Luo Guang's youngest brother could play the dizi so well that everyone would be at awe. Nobleman Ming's second daughter was well versed in both the guqin and guzheng. Nobleman Huo's only son is very good in sword dance along with the future concubine Du.

Last time Liu Changsheng came here he wasn't good at anything. So he only did a folk song to impress the emperor. And luckily the emperor credited him.

This time he wasn't going to do anything, just stand at the side and watch everyone fight for attention of potential suitors. He wasn't fighting for a suitor anymore. He saw his sister talking to the young master Huo. And a touch of red was evident on her cheeks. A beautiful smile graced his lips that instantly made the whole area awestruck and look at him.

Even though he wasn't aware of it. He was just looking at his sister's happy face at the distance.

Young master Huo Jingyi is a good man. The Huo family is a decent family. And they mostly stay away from palace affairs unless absolutely necessary. This time his sister will be safe. He doesn't have to worry anymore.

Both his sisters will be away from palace affairs after marriage. And that's what made him feel a bit at ease.

He was lost for a while until someone tapped on his shoulder to call him.

"Liu San Gongzi."

"Huh!" He was suddenly braught back to the reality.

"The emperor wants you to perform something." And sure enough the emperor was looking at him expectantly. Now he was in a dilemma. He can't perform and attract attention again. But he can't lie and say that he doesn't know how to play anything.

His older brother was talking to some young lady, he doesn't remember, but to his luck Liu Shenhuan came to his rescue again. "Your excellency. My younger brother is not really good at playing anything."

Liu Changsheng was surprised how his er ge was lying in front of the emperor with a straight face. He does't dare be rash now.

But he wasn't given a chance before the fourth prince himself came forward to interfere.

"Liu Er Gongzi is downplaying Chang...... Liu San Gongzi's talents. I myself heard him playing the Xiao and I think he's brilliant."

Stupid! Why did you have to put my brother in a tough position? He's just helping me for god's sake!

This is what Liu Changsheng said in his head. But in reality his answer was completely different.

"I'm sorry Xiang Wangye, I have to disappoint you but my brother is right. I may know how to play the Xiao but I'm not that good."

"Then play it." As if the fourth prince was trying to provoke the younger man.

It's not evident If he was successful but Liu Changsheng gracefully gets his Xiao out of his waistband and starts to play a tune.

People won't say he's brilliant but it was evident that he was good.

The graceful embodiment of a man Liu Changsheng was, he emitted a glow of constructing power as if he was creating a new dream out of thin air. His hair flowing with the wind invited to play along by the music. His ocean blue hanfu embraced his body at all the right places to increase his beauty tenfold and making him look like a statue in the imperial garden.

He didn't use much of his spiritual energy to make it believable that he isn't good. But little did he know what catastrophe he brought to himself.

After finished playing he pays respect to the emperor. But surprisingly the whole area was silent. Liu Changsheng wasn't expecting anything so it didn't bother him and he wanted to just move on when a guard informed loudly about the arrival of the empress dowager along with the empress herself.

Changsheng's eyes widened. This is the first time he's seeing the empress dowager in this life and he remembers very well how this lady died in his last life. He was right there when the tea made by him reached the empress dowager. He saw it with his own eyes. And he was the one accused of it.

The death of the dowager empress was the thing that consolidated his suffering in the imperial palace. The fourth prince was close to the dowager empress and after her death he started hating the Xiang Wangfei so much that he seperated his courtyard.

Liu Changsheng moved to the south wing of the Xiang Wang's palace. He was moved away from the peony he loved so much. But he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't complain because seeing everything unfold in front of him, he was starting to lose hope.

He was starting to think that maybe he really lost favor of the Xiang Wang. But he doesn't know what he didn't see. As the saying goes, truth unfolds itself in the right time.

And the fourth day of the people's gathering was just the start of the truth unveiling.

After talking to the dowager empress herself, Liu Changsheng was lost in thoughts. He had so many things to process in his head. At night he sat on the rooftop with a pot of the imperial city's famous rose wine drinking directly from the pot when a certain shadow guard occupied the space right by his side.

"If you're lost this much, why did you reject him?"

Liu Changsheng was a bit cautious about her. So he just looks at her. And after some contemplation answers. "I have my reasons."

He punctuates his words with a gulp from the pot of velvety liquid.

"Xiang Wangye is a good man. And the dowager empress likes you too. Then why? Are you comfortable to tell me the reason?"

She stops for a moment to gauge his reaction. Then continues. "If you don't want to tell me that's okay. I won't push. But just know that what we see may not always be the truth."

Liu Changsheng ignores the fact how Ying Lianying's words affects him and concentrates on finishing the pot in his hands.

The moon in the sky looks back at the two melancholy people sitting on the rooftop, who's identity you can't decide from the outside.

Hello pandas! Look who's updated! It's need! Your favourite authornim! Today's chapter is a bit short and unorganised because I wrote it in the train! Hope there are less error than it shoulh have!

Also next chapter has a bomb in it! That's the only thing I can say for now! To know more you have to wait a week!

See you in the next chapter
All the love
C 💕

Oh and please don't forget to vote! ⭐⭐

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