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The night went in haze for both Mu Ling and Liu Changsheng. Both were in their own world reluctant to believe what was happening was just a dream.

In given time Mu Ling went out to make lunch for two, making Liu Changsheng more vigilant and cautious in the process. When a bowl of steaming congee was placed in front of Liu Changsheng, he looked at it suspiciously. But then thought better and started eating.

He was sleeping for a long time so his body needed food even though his brain said to be cautious. As if his brain and body had two different minds. And he couldn't just listen to one. He gobbled on the food he was provided with and still wasn't full enough. But his pride didn't let him ask for more.

Fortunately Mu Ling has lived with Liu Changsheng enough to know his behaviours. He has seen how his master gobbled down the colourless fluid in the bowl. He has known his master's appetite from when he was eight. Also this time his master has slept a whole year. Of course he would be hungry.

Without thinking too much he handed his own bowl over to the other man on the bed. For a split second he saw the same Liu Changsheng from way back when he was just a teenager, when the Xiang Wang haven't appeared in their life yet. He saw the young master who used to be cheerful and honest. But it was just for a split second. It was gone just as it came. As if it wasn't even there.

The shadow of the man that was in front of him was nothing like he used to be. But Mu Ling was even more sure that this person was someone completely different.

He looked like he had different outlook about life. As if he lived a complete different life.

It took two bowls to finally fill Liu Changsheng's stomach. Though after eating so much it felt a little uncomfortable. As if his stomach was bloating from the food. After having their lunch they had nothing else to do except look at nothingness. They didn't know what to talk about.

More like Liu Changsheng didn't know. He didn't know this person. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't know his past and he had no idea about his future. The only thing he knew was his body didn't feel right.

The sliver of some impossible occurance showing its head in his mind. Reminding him what a certain monk once said to him. He needed to go back where he belongs.

Mu Ling didn't like this silence. He wasn't used to this silence when his master was awake. So he tried to start a conversation.

"Yesterday was the first young master's funeral."

Right after saying it he realised it wasn't right. He chose the wrong timing and wrong topic. He could sense that third young master Liu did not believe him at all. And now he'll be angry. And Mu Ling did not want that.

But when he looked at the man on the bed he was surprised by his reaction. There was no trace of anger at all. There was a shadow of realisation and fear. Why, he didn't understand. But he was taken aback by the reaction.


"Stop calling me that!" It was hard for Liu Changsheng to contain his emotion. The people he wanted to protect, he couldn't protect at all. "I have no servant as you. Why couldn't you protect them?"

Liu Changsheng's fear bursts as a bout of anger and scorched the young servant with all its might. "My father, my brothers, my sisters, why couldn't you protect anyone? Why wouldn't you protect any one of them? You're no servant of mine. Get lost. Leave from my sight this instance."

His yelling turned hysterical. He couldn't contain his fear. After living two lifetimes and staying cautious every step, finally he snapped.

Finally, young master Liu broke down from everything he was keeping inside. Maybe even his memories were a bit jumbled too.

Seeing the young man not leaving the room Liu Changsheng got up from the bed. Surprisingly even his eyes were moist he didn't cry. He walked up to the other man, held the lapels of the outer layers of his dress and pushed the servant out of the room throwing him forcefully outside of the dilapidated hut.

And then he started pacing the room. He didn't know what was happening, but he needed to get out of here. He needed to go far away. And not look back. He can't look back to where he lost everything. Where there was nothing waiting for him.

Liu Changsheng gets out of the hut with a look in his eyes that says he's gone crazy. And maybe he did. But at the moment he only repeatedly murmured one thing.

"Need to escape. Need to escape. Need to escape. Need to escape."

Mu Ling rushed to his master. Trying to stop him from doing anything stupid.

Being stopped in his track Liu Changsheng did the most surprising thing Mu Ling has ever seen him do.

Liu Changsheng called out for Xuehui with his core, held it in his left hand when it shot out from God knows where and swings it in a general direction, injuring his servant in the process. And then he throws Xuehui away and ran. Fast. Way too fast for his body to tolerate. But this body was used to withstand anything.

He only stopped when he found out he can't run anymore. He was lost inside the vast assortment or trees placed haphazardly. His body ached allover. Even though he realised his body can withstand anything when he just woke up, this was still too much to take. He has run for hours. Only waited to take some breath and ran again.

When he finally couldn't take it anymore, he stopped, heaving heavily leaning on a sturdy tree for balance.

And then he let lose.

"Why me?"

As if his rational mind was coming back little by little. Little by little he was calming down and realising what he just did wasn't the right thing to do. But he just broke when he heard the person who sacrificed himself to save him did it all in vain.

"Why is it always me?"

"Ge! Jie! Ma! Pa!"

"Where do I find you?"

"I want to go to you. I don't want to lose you."

"Please come back! Please!"

Suddenly his acupuncture point was hit and he loses himself in the darkness again.

Chaotic chaotic chapter! Everything is chaotic in here. I know I know! I'm gonna clear it out! I just couldn't resist the temptation to give you guys a cliffhanger!

*wink* *wink* I'm evil I know!

But everything aside, this chapter has a purpose too.... I wanted to clear up the character differences between the Liu Changsheng from his previous life and his new life.... They have huge character difference!!

Tell me here if you get it! Then we'll talk about it slowly in the chapters to come....

So that's it for today! See you in the next chapter!

All the love
C 💕

Oh and please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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