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A lone figure stood on the rooftop of a palace somewhere in the imperial city. The figure looked lonely and untouchable. They had a black and purple outfit embracing their fit body defining it like no other.

Another figure came to stand behind them as if meterialising out of thin air. The first figure didn't say anything to that. Didn't even flinch a little.

"What's the news, Xuan Lang?"

The newcomer, Xuan Lang, a shadow guard, lowered their head to pay respect and spill all the news he gathered to his master.

"Wangye. The first young master Liu's funeral rituals were done. I was personally present there. Young master Hua was caught by us and is locked up in the hideout. Your highness can interogate him whenever you're ready."

"Hao." The master flicked a hand and instantly a pair of pearls landed on the shadow guard's welcoming palms.

"Wangye. This servant has a question."

The prince didn't answer right away. Just when the shadow figure thought he won't get any answer a very gentle voice of the prince resounded.


"Where do I keep first young master Liu's memorial tablet?"

The lone prince's back tensed. He has seen a lot of people die. He's a warrior before he's a rular. But this particular topic never ceased to hurt his heart.

"Keep it in my private shrine. Right by my Wangfei's side."

The shadow guard bows. And left the prince alone.

The prince was surrounded by servants, officials but no one ever dared to ask how he was. No one dared to ask what is on his mind except one.

"What's the point in standing here everyday when you killed him yourself."

The lone prince's jaws tightened. On naked eyes it was just a sign of anger. But no one saw the pain being held back in those eyes.

"Xiang Wangye. Xiang Wangye. You lost a treasure. And now you're angry?"

"Duan Jiali. Leave me alone."

The concubine scoffs. She's really brave. To dare to belittle the fourth prince. Maybe this was the benefit of growing up with the prince himself.

"Do you think looking at the Xuanhua cliff can bring him back? He's gone."

She had a personality of a lioness and she could take on the fourth prince alone. To think that they would end up together in this situation.

"Hong Daqing. In your twenty nine years of life, have you ever loved him? Even once?"

"Duan Jiali!"

The prince's eyes were ablaze. They held pain of a lifetime. They held a ocean of teares just held back by a single film of willpower. They held a lot of secrets, never to be known.

At the same time on the other side of the Xuanhua cliff, inside a small hut in the forest a fragile figure laid on a straw bed. The ocean blue hanfu had faded colour long ago. The long hair of the figure has been taken care of every day. Looking at the face you can tell, once upon a time this person was the owner of unparalleled beauty.

A servant boy of around twenty six was sitting on the floor by the side of the bed. It was evident that the servant haven't slept in ages. Understandably so. He couldn't help leave his master's side.

The servant boy told stories non stop to the sleeping form on the bed.

"Today was the first young master's funeral. Some shadow guards performed it hidden in the north forest." The young man scoffed. "The first young master of the Liu's funeral in a forest. Without family. And here you are lying lifeless."

The young man held the fragile thin hands very carefully. "When will you wake up young master? She said you'll wake up soon. But it's a year already. Please wake up. Old lady needs you."

But none of this had any effect on the sleeping form on the bed. They just slept on with no care in the world. As if they didn't lose everyone of their family. As if they didn't see the dead bodies with their own eyes. As if they didn't cry a single drop of tear.

A subtle sound of leaves outside the hut made the young servant alert. He held onto his weapon tight and looked at the door. And through that door a shadow figure entered the hut.

And then a candle was lit to make the hut look more livable and humane. The newcomer put down a sack of things on the side of the room and turned around to show their face.

It was Ying Lianying. She checked the bearings and then checked on the male body lying on the bed.

Not caring about her surroundings she changed the bandages on the sick male body and continued to finish other works. Seeing himself of no use the servant boy left to make food for three.

He knows it's useless. His master haven't woken up yet. But still he makes it. With hope in his heart that if his master wakes up he has food to eat.

This is how life passes in the border forest. With hope and despair. With ceaseless wait.

This is the border forest with one side at the Xuanghua cliff and Emperor Hong's territory. And the other side being the tribes' territory. They knew they were safe in here. But you are never safe from your mind when you're waiting.

Only when the gong on the border city of Dachen went off to signify it was midnight a miracle happened. The servant boy saw his master moving. With happiness bubbling inside him he looked at the face that has changed so much in the last year and saw the dark brown eyes open.

First unfocused, then confused and then they focused on the figure of Buddha statue right by his bed.

"Young master. Ni xing le!"

This got the sick man look towards the voice.


"It's me young master. Mu Ling."

"Mu Ling?"

"Yes, Mu Ling."

Here's another chapter guysss! I hope you like it!

I hurt my spine today! So I'm sorry if today's chapter is a bit short....

Also Look who woke up!

Good news for all of you! Give your feedback in the comments section!

All the love
C 💕

Ah and please don't forget to vote! ⭐⭐

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