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The emperor of Dachen is stepping down today and the Xiang Wang Hong Daqing is ascending the throne with his Wangfei by his side.

It has been five years and the two princes of Xiang Wang are already four years old. They're being taken care of by Li gonggong, now the princes' carer. In these five years Liu Changsheng slowly regained his power of vision. He has become a great ruler and he learned to control the empire by his husband's side.

But what never changed was how they both were towards each other.

What they got with so much effort, they never took it for granted. They never took their love for granted.

The emperor was very happy to give his empire to someone who is worthy of the title. Someone who will rule with dignity and justice.

The power Liu Changsheng held as a Wangfei was already to great extent. But after being the empress it was visible how he was becoming the people's empress.

But neither Liu Changsheng, nor Hong Daqing showed any extra emotion on their faces. The two reserved men went through all the rituals dutifully until the end. And when it was time for them to go back home they entered the carriage together hand in hand.

Inside the carriage was beautiful assortments of sweets and desserts were placed on the table. Mouthwateringly welcoming the two owners.

"My empress!"

Hong Daqing addressed Liu Changsheng after they both has sat down and the carriage has already started to move.

"Your excellency!"

Liu Changsheng has become very beautiful in the last years and Hong Daqing already can't get enough of him. The love they hold for each other has increased instead of decreasing.

"Zhen will expect a reward in return tonight. Can zhen have it?"

"You're getting used to the title aren't you, lao gong?"

But yet the faces that were just few hairs apart got closer to claim the other's lips in a passionate adventure of love and lust.

Continuing their rendezvous into their bed chamber, no one could say they were once standing opposite each other holding a sword in hand. Because the love they had for each other was beyond any boundaries can ever hold.

And when two little pitter pattering legs entered the room sneakily while the eunuch were there to call them for dinner they could only see a happy family. A family that was bound by love, a love so infinite that can already break the laws of the universe and bring them back together from two different lifetimes and make them a whole.









Inside the former emperor's study sat an old man facing a younger woman. The woman was clad in all black and only her hair was secured in a ponytail with a silver hair ring.

"Hong Liuying. Are you here to kill me?"

"No your excellency. I'm here to see your miserable figure atoning for the sins you committed to my mother. I would not resort to the same sins. I have a family now. They want me. They care for me. And maybe they love me too. I'm not the dirty young girl staggering around Dachen's muddy streets anymore. And I will try to live up to that."

She gives out a mocking smile.

"At first I wanted to be the emperor myself. But realising the sins I have to commit to reach there, I don't want it anymore. I'm happy protecting the throne.

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