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After a whole month has passed the time came for them to get back to Huang Cheng port city. Liu Changsheng was walking to the Xiaofu temple with a bunch of alums to give to the monk Han. In his time in Sanshui he visited the Xiaofu temple countless times. And every time he went monk Han has given him insights about life so much that he got an inclination to know more. Tomorrow is the day they're boarding the ship. So Liu Gongzi is going to bid goodbye to the monks in the temple.

In the temple he saw a monk in saffron sitting in front of the huge bell and counting beads. He went closer and greeted.

"Greetings monk Han."

The old man opens his eyes. His eyes have a glow of knowledge and experience. His lips have a slight smile plastered on it all the time, making everyone feel welcomed.

"Liu Gongzi."

"I brought some alums for you and the other monks."

"Amitabha!" He took the alums meant for him and waited for Liu Changsheng to distribute all the alums to the other monks.

The young master came back and sat in front of the monk.

"You're leaving tomorrow." It wasn't a question. As if the older monk knew that for a fact. Well it wasn't wrong. He did know some things no one knew.

"Yes. Monk Han."

The monk's slight smile graces a wonderful aura around. Liu Changsheng just sat there listening to the distant chime of the prayer bell.

"We meet people for a reason. Things happen for a reason too." Monk Han says without opening his eyes. "I see two lifetimes in you. That too has a reason."

Liu Changsheng was startled. And startling him even more the monk continues. "There's someone responsible for whatever is happening around you. Try to find out if it's a trap or not. And don't fall in that trap."

"Liu Gongzi. Either this life or the life that you're snatched away from does not belong to you. The purposes of that life has been unfulfilled and you're snatched back here. So as not to face the backlash of the forbidden technique that brought you here, which you had nothing to do with, find out who brought you here."

Liu Changsheng wasn't sure what to say to that. He wasn't expecting this at all. His life was snatched from his body in his previous life and brought here into this life? This body? And who would do it? And why would they do it? Are they doing this for his benefit or their own?

But what if it's a trap? What happens then? Will he have to leave this life and go back to the previous one? Is that possible? Wasn't that body already dead? If he has to go back to a life where he doesn't have a family and he's a traitor, how will he survive? Can he survive at all?

All these thoughts gave him aches on his whole body. He was in pain. A  lot of pain.

After reaching back to the inn where he was living he went to his father. He wanted to talk to him. He didn't know what he would say, but anything's fine.

The warm tea brought a bit of warmth back to Liu Changsheng's body. But it wasn't enough. Old master Liu could see that. He could see how his youngest son wasn't himself right now. He could feel the bit of agitation intact in his eyebrows.

"Sheng er? Is there something bothering you?"

"Father? What if one day I become the reason that something bad happened to the Liu family, you won't ever forgive me, will you?"

"A-Sheng. That would never happen." The old man was shocked. But he did his best to not agitate his son even more. "Er zi is a responsible man. You grew up to be such a wonderful young man. Why would you be the reason for anything bad? Let alone to the Liu family."

"But I did. I was the reason for your death. I was the reason everything went downwards. I ruined everything." The whisper of the sad teen didn't reach the ears of anyone but the feeling was conveyed. The bit of wind trapped in the room took the silent whisper of the person caged in his misery and sent it to the creator. So that the creator himself could solve his problem now.

Everything was moving on its own pace around him and he didn't have any idea what he should do. He couldn't find anything that could connect him to sanity. The next few days went in a daze. The Liu father son duo animatedly reloaded their ship with the help of the companions. And set sail in time. But both Liu Huahua and Mu Long noticed the change in temperament in Liu Changsheng's behaviour.

He would act normal when he's around people. But when he thought nobody's watching he would turn silent. His face would show traces of tension and worry. And no one had any idea why.

The ship covered the waterways in its own speed carrying a lot of goods and memories in its belly.

The next fifteen days of voyage went on like a boring routine. Waking up, having tea, looking at the sea, lunch, looking at the sea, dinner, looking at the sea, play the flute and go to sleep. Liu Changsheng wouldn't even go out of his room if it wasn't needed.

On the tenth day, after not being able to tolerate it anymore, Ying Lianying went to Liu Changsheng. Just like she always does, she entered the room through a window, like a shadow unnoticed by everyone.

Liu Changsheng was writing something on a piece of paper on the study table when a low thud made him aware. "You're here."

Ying Lianying went closer to the table, checked what he was doing and then sat on the side with her hands folded on the table. Her beautiful face shows a pretty glow exclusive to her.

"What do you always write?"

The childish behaviour of the shadow guard didn't match her outfit or her temperament. But third young master didn't complain. "I'm writing a journal."

"What is it about?"

"Why do you have to know?" Liu Changsheng smirks. He knows this lady for a month now. And he realised he can read her alright, even she's a shadow guard. And right now this girl is trying to get something out of him.

"Something that can change my life."

Hello guys! I'm back grabbing a new approach of the story... I guess there are some things you need answers of.... I promise you'll get those answers... But this story just started.... So please be patient...

All the love
C 💕

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