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This time too, on the spring of his seventeenth year of age, the emperor's decree came. The emperor has decreed to request the hand of the Third young master Liu in marriage for his fourth son.

The old master Liu accepted the decree with his third son by his side.

Just like last time, this time too, Liu Changsheng was excited. His heart racing to finally be able to be together with his Wangye.

That was the night Ying Lianying came to find Liu Changsheng.

Just like every other time a shadow figure entered the study chamber of young master Liu without any sound. But Liu Changsheng being Liu Changsheng, he sensed the presence instantly.

After coming back here again he haven't met Ying Lianying even once. So he wasn't sure how he would react after seeing her. After knowing all the things she did, to the imperial family, his own family, he thought he would instantly choke her. But he definitely didn't expect to call her by her real name.

"Hong Liuying?"

Ying Lianying's eyes enlarged into bigger balls.

"How?" And then as if realisation hit her. "Monk Han."

"Ying Lianying. I know the real you. I know the you behind the fierce mask. I know what you've been through. But revenge can't change anything. Don't do it."

Ying Lianying smiles. "I won't do anything. At first I thought of doing all sorts of things. I even thought of killing the whole imperial family. Killing the whole Liu house. But then I saw you trying to avoid the Xiang Wang even though you love him so much. Liu Changsheng. For love, we can do anything. And you're my brother. You, Huanglang, Shenhuan, your A-Jie, er jie! All of you are my siblings. If I could find a family in you why would I want to destroy that family?"

She went closer to him. Brought out a blue fan from inside her sleeve. It had a beautiful blue jade tassel attached to it. She gave the treasured fan to him.

"I went to Xuanhua cliff to find this for you." Her face had the same smile she used to have. "Liu Changsheng. Hong Liuying has suffered a lot. She has even killed the former leader of the Mifeng to be the current leader. She has resorted to revenge, but she never got what I got. If I haven't met you that day in Lingshui, I too probably would have resorted to the same method of revenge. But you showed me the real feelings of being a sister, a protector. Even without knowing, you gave me the family I thought I lost.

"Liu Changsheng, being in the shadows makes you forget the warmth of light. The happiness it brings to see a beautiful lone figure sitting in candlelight writing journal because it will change their life. The warmth it brings to watch over a brother playing the Xiao on the boathouse roof.

"I just hope that, that Hong Liuying saw this, felt this and had this warmth she never had."

Her eyes were shining with fresh tears that couldn't be controlled.

"I beg you Liu Changsheng. Let me be your sister in the shadows for the rest of my life."

Liu Changsheng looks at her. Finds the same picture of his A-Jie and Er jie in the crying woman. And something changed in him. Just like how he was willing to take the risk with his Daqing. He was willing to let this woman be his older sister.

Time moves fast when you are happy. And for Liu Changsheng, he was finally happy. Finally he didn't have to think of what would happen tomorrow and just enjoy today. And slowly that day came when he could enter the fourth prince's palace as a Wangfei.

He did not like the colour red as much. But when it came to the red hanfu for his wedding he couldn't like anything more. The morning of his wedding he got up very early. It was even safe to say that he didn't sleep at all.

And at the right time the bridal carriage came from the imperial palace. Two horse ridden soldiers protected the carriage from the front. And two shadow guards of Mifeng guarded the carriage from behind. Inside a red clad Liu Changsheng sat with a beating heart. The red veil covered the most beautiful face of Huangcheng port city. Light rouge covered the pale complexion to give it a bit more blush.

On a horse walking right by the carriage sat a similar red clad Hong Daqing. His heart wasn't any different from Liu Changsheng's.

Both of them had the heart to remove the carriage curtain and see the other's face. Even just to take a peak. But both of them knew to wait. Because in few hours they'll be able to see each other's beautiful faces.

The bridal procession reached the imperial palace. The two men held the two sides of the bridal silk and entered the hall to a full hall of people. They made their bows to heaven and earth, to their elders and then to each other. Shared the tea. Enjoyed the banquet with everyone.

But unknown to them both, something was brewing behind them. But maybe this time it will be different. We all hope that it will be different this time.

But for now the newlyweds are going to enjoy the night together in the bridal chamber.

Sitting inside the bridal chamber Liu Changsheng suddenly remembered how last time Hong Daqing didn't come. He waited so long that night. And the Xiang Wang only came when it was late at night. And when he went to sleep that night in the Xiang Wang's embrace, he couldn't sleep because of his thoughts kept him awake.

Right now thinking about it, he couldn't help but be scared. What if everything starts repeating again?

He did made a brave move to believe the Xiang Wang, but still trust takes time.

But maybe to prove his worries wrong, a slow knock came from outside the door and the prince entered the bridal chamber with all his glory.

The tension that was running through third young master Liu's body suddenly loosened and his eyes let lose to streaks of tears. He let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding.

His fears has kept him on edge all throughout his life. And he couldn't believe that the fourth prince was standing in front of him. And he wasn't late like last time.


The said man sat in front of Liu Changsheng, right at his feet.

"No. Call me Lao gong."

Just like last time. But the only exception was that this time he felt like he was cherished. Loved even.

Hello beautiful people! Your author jiejie is back with a new chapter!! This one feels like a filler to me! What about you??

So the Wangye and wangfei finally got married... But the shadow of the past still remains in the wangfei's heart!! Hope he can get out of it with his husband's help!!

So please stay with Liu Changsheng as go moves forward with his journey! And stay tuned!

All the love
C 💕

Oh and also, please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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