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Mu Ling was pacing around in front of the hut when a furious Ying Lianying brought back a comatose Liu Changsheng carried on her back.

First she snapped at the useless servant.

"Why did you let him go?"

This made the young man bow his head. He didn't know this woman but he had a certain amount of respect for this woman as she saved his master and him.

After putting Liu Changsheng to bed Ying Lianying first cleaned up the new wounds he got from running for so long. She used a new bandage to cover his chest wound again. And then there was nothing to do except wait.

So, for the first time Ying Lianying ate what Mu Ling made.

To be honest, she has eaten this man's cooking before. She was only being cautious around him. Just to be safe.

Around a few hours later Liu Changsheng finally woke up. But he couldn't move because his pressure points were suppressed to limit his movements.

Ying Lianying was a cautious woman after all. And she didn't want Liu Changsheng to run off again.

But Liu Changsheng wasn't ready to run again at all. He just laid there looking at the ceiling of the hut. He was turning the events that happened in his head not caring about the other person in the room. He thought of the man that introduced himself as Mu Ling to him. But when the other person in the room came over to check on him in the middle of doing something on the other side of the hut, he realised it wasn't the same person.

And what shocked him even more was the identity of the woman that looked down on him.

"Ying Lianying?"

In this time Mu Ling was sitting right outside the door. After listening to his master call the woman something happened inside his head. As if hundreds of turns of events. An intense piercing pain attacked the inside of the twenty six years old man's skull making him numb allover. He didn't know what was happening. And what he could do to decrease the pain. He could just curl himself as a ball and endure it.

After what felt like ages a surprisingly soft hand held his forehead easing the pain a little and he looked at the woman looming down with cold features and a set of piercing eyes.

He felt like he knew the woman, but at the same time he had no clue who she was. It was a contradiction in itself.

When they both entered inside the hut after Mu Ling's headache lessening a considerable amount, they both saw Liu Changsheng looking at them. His eyes focused on a certain woman with questioning eyes.

Helping him sit up supporting the wall of the hut the two sets of eyes collided.

Ying Lianying's and Liu Changsheng's.

"Ask." The beautiful features of the woman eased a bit, but stayed cold nonetheless.

"Ying Lianying? Why are you here?"

"Because I saved you."


"Liu Changsheng! Who else would save you? If not me? It was my duty as your guard."

Liu Changsheng's eyes turned cold. He was not stupid. He could read this woman alright. But now he can't. As if years has passed after he met her and there was no connection between them anymore.

Liu Changsheng just sighs. Then says as a matter of fact.

"I'm the dethroned wangfei again."

Ying Lianying was surprised at first. But it was gone just as fast as it came. Her expression turned back to normal before she replied.

"You are."

A sad smile appeared on Liu Changsheng's lips. He did so much to avoid the fate but it still caught up to him. And now he's back to where he started.

"So what happened was just a dream?"

Ying Lianying didn't know what to say. A shadow guard like her was totally speechless about what to answer to this man who lost everything over again. So she just sat there and says nothing.

Mu Ling was utterly confused with their conversation. Until both his master and the other woman named Ying Lianying looks at him.

He was again showed out of the hut and had nothing to do except let his master finish his talk.

Inside the hut two figures stayed where they were and let their rational part of the mind do it's job for the time being. At least that's what it was for Liu Changsheng. Liu Changsheng was a extremely impulsive man after all. Only being betrayed by love and reborn could do something to the achievement of his calmness.


This was very first word uttered by the third young master Liu to his shadow guard of two lifetimes.

"And Why?"

Ying Lianying had no other choice but to answer. Now that Mu Ling wasn't there.

"Soul transfer."

"Then what happened to the original soul of the me in the past?"



"Because you recognised one of the bandit's identity."

The conversation went on like this. With Liu Changsheng asking and Ying Lianying answering. Listening to Ying Lianying's answers Liu Changsheng's face showed nothing except a stillness that was never seen in his face.

"Shenlong Jun."

Ying Lianying was taken aback. "You retained your memories?"

Liu Changsheng didn't answer. He didn't feel the need to. He could tell that there was something that Ying Lianying was hiding. He just didn't know what. So far his senses said all she said was the truth. But he had suspicions and he had reasons for that too. He continues.

"Shenlong Jun wouldn't shatter my soul. He wanted me to bow down in front of him. He wouldn't kill me."

The shadow guard didn't answer. Rather she didn't have an answer. She just stays there like that, waiting for Liu Changsheng to continue questioning, when the question came. The one she didn't want to answer, but had no choice to avoid.

"Why did you do it?"

The older woman's lips pressed into a set of straight lines, her features hardening just a little bit but to be covered instantly by a mask of selfless sacrificial galore. Under the facade was a cruel hidden motive, hidden to the world. She had a long way to go. And she wasn't going to let the chance go.

"I want to give you the revenge you deserve."

That exact same moment the impulsive Liu Changsheng snapped and a cruel glimmer covered his face. The old Liu Changsheng was gone. This new man wants revenge. And just revenge.

Whatever happens will be taken care of later.

Hello everyone! Another chapter here!! I just finished my study session and now I'm tired AF!! So I'm relaxing!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!
All the love
C 💕

Oh and please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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