Chapter 14

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Loki doesn't feel okay, exactly, but after another piece of pizza, he starts to feel better. He feels okay enough that he can kick everybody out of the bathroom, at least, and Thor comes back in just long enough to give him his clothes. Loki wishes he had the energy to turn them back into his normal Asgardian clothes, but he's afraid he might pass out if he tries. If Barton makes one more comment about his attire, Loki might actually kill him. Tolerating the Avengers' snide remarks takes more energy than conjuring a knife.

Loki looks at himself in the mirror. He will admit, he understands why Thor was worried, but he's sure he looks no worse now than he did when he first came to Midgard and there was no sympathy then. He would have liked some sympathy then, actually. It really was nothing more than a cry for attention, though he'd never admit it aloud. He doesn't want that sympathy now. It was bad enough just to feel like a caged animal; now he's being treated as a wounded one as well.

He tugs at the hem of his shirt and tries to make it look a little neater. He hates this shirt. It's a peasant shirt, not fit for a prince. That alone makes him hate it more than the pants. The pants may be Midgardian, but they're supposed to be Midgardian. That's why he has them. But the shirt... there is no reason for him to wear a peasant shirt.

But there's nothing he can do about it now, so, with a sigh, he turns to face the door. He looks up towards the ceiling and says a quiet, "JARVIS?"

"Yes, Loki?" JARVIS says, and he's also being somewhat quiet, much to Loki's relief.

"Are they still outside the door?" he asks.

"Yes, Loki."

Loki gives a nod of resignation. He assumed as much. It would have been too much to ask for a lonely walk back to his room. But he refuses to show how uncomfortable their presence makes him, so when he opens the door, he keeps his head up high.

Thor, Tony, and Steve are all talking, their voices hushed, and Loki knows by the way they look at him when he steps out that they're talking about him. Clint and Natasha are just sitting on the floor looking bored. Loki couldn't agree more. This is boring. Can it be over now?

"Hey, look at you!" Tony says, gesturing to him with a grin. "You almost look like a person!"

Loki rolls his eyes. He's not answering that.

"How do you feel?" Thor asks. "You still look pale..."

Loki can tell his heart is in a good place, but he's not accepting any more charity from the man who stuck him here to waste away. "I've always been pale. We haven't all been blessed with your good looks." He adds another eye roll to nail the point home. Clint snickers from his spot on the floor.

Thor's concern hasn't waned. "You're shaking. Come, let's find you someplace to sit." Thor reaches over to guide him, and Loki hits his hands away.

"I can go back to my room myself," Loki says indignantly.

"It was sitting in that room all day that did this to you," Thor reminds him.

"I don't care," Loki says. He's going back to his room before he embarrasses himself further.

"I do," Thor says simply.

Loki scoffs. "Oh, I'm sure you do," he says sarcastically, his tone growing hostile. "You would have seen me executed in Asgard if the queen had allowed it, but I'm sure you care deeply that I am thriving here on Midgard."

Tony slaps a hand over his heart. "Wow."

Clint lets out a low whistle. "He's not holding back."

Loki Misses the Asgardian Prison SystemWhere stories live. Discover now