Chapter 80

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"So, this is Avengers Tower," Jane says, looking around as they walk through the lobby.

"It is," Thor says. "I'll be honest; I do not know who is here and who is not. Most of the Avengers come and go as they must."

"Do you think Bruce Banner is here?" she asks.

"Probably," Thor says. "JARVIS, where is Banner?"

"Dr. Banner is in his laboratory," JARVIS says.

Jane's eyes dart around the ceiling above them. "Where...?"

"That was JARVIS," Thor says. "Stark calls him his 'artificial intelligence.' If there is any question I cannot answer, he probably can."

"That is so cool," Jane says. "When do I get to meet Dr. Banner?"

"We could meet him right now," Thor suggests.

Jane hesitates. "I don't want to interrupt..."

"He won't mind," Thor assures her. "I'm sure he'll love to show you around."

"Are you sure?" she asks cautiously.

Thor chuckles. "Did I not just say that I was?" He puts a hand on her back, gently leading her to the elevator. "Banner is one of the most friendly people I know, and he loves to talk to people with his level of intellect. He will love to meet you."

Jane shakes her head. "I'm definitely not on Dr. Banner le—"

"Yes, you are," Thor says. "A different field of study, perhaps, but a scholar nonetheless."

"I really don't think—"

"But I do," Thor says. "Trust me. He will be as pleased to meet you as you will be to meet him."

Jane doesn't seem convinced, but Thor takes her to find Bruce anyway. Bruce loves his nerdy little friends. Thor can't imagine the scientist not loving her, too.

They hear voices before they've reached the lab. It's Bruce, unsurprisingly, who's speaking, though he's clearly speaking to someone, and sounding a bit frustrated as he does. "But that doesn't make sense. How would—okay, hold on. Explain it to me again. Slowly."

Jane looks up at Thor, a brow raised, and Thor just shrugs. He doesn't really care what they're talking about. He barges right into the lab anyway.

Bruce and Loki are standing around some sort of hologram, which the god is moving around just like Tony would as he attempts to explain something that Bruce very clearly isn't getting. They both look over when they hear the door open, and Loki raises his brows wordlessly.

"Oh, hey, you're back," Bruce says. "I heard about the thing in England. Everything okay?"

"It seems to be," Thor says.

"Malekith?" Loki asks.


"And the Allfather?"

"I do not know," Thor admits. "I haven't been back to Asgard yet. But if he hasn't sent someone for you yet, I imagine the odds that it will change are slim."

"I hope you're right," Loki says simply.

Bruce glances between the two of them, then looks over at Jane. "And you are...?"

"Oh, um..." Jane clasps her hands in front of her, an eager smile on her face. "I'm Jane Foster. I'm—"

"Jane Foster?" Bruce repeats. "Are you a friend of Erik Selvig?"

Jane furrows her brows. "Uh, yeah, how did you...?"

"He's mentioned you before," Bruce says. "He said you were a brilliant astrophysicist."

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