Chapter 5

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Year: 2020 (same time as Earth-38)

Everyone misses you back in your home universe. Two weeks since you've been gone, everyone can still feel the tension floating around the compound.

Though disappointed in Natasha, Clint would still try to reach out to his best friend, refusing to allow the redhead to be alone.


The older boy spoke, knocking at the bedroom door you used to share with the former assassin.

"It's time for you to come out of that cave of yours. It's not healthy anymore, Nat."

Clint said.

Ever since you left, Natasha refused to leave her room, too ashamed to face everyone knowing that they would only be hostile towards her, especially the Starks and Wanda.

Clint was only met with silence.

He waited for a few seconds in hopes that he could get her to talk from the other side of the door, but it was all in vain. Sighing in frustration and getting fed up with Natasha's actions, Clint had decided that there was only one thing that she could do to force the redhead out of her room.

"If you don't open this damn door, I'm going to use Tony's blaster to take down your door. Your choice."

Clint warned her. Hearing nothing from Natasha yet again, he sighed for the second time, walking away to get your dad's blaster from his lab.

"Suit yourself!"

He shouted, giving Natasha a last chance to open her door.

Not wanting to cause another problem for the team, the former assassin opened her door, stepping out of her bubble for the first time in two weeks.

"Finally, we thought you'd stay in there forever."

A new voice chimed in from a distance. Natasha immediately recognised the voice as Bruce.

"Well, Clint threatened to take down my door, and I don't think the team would appreciate me causing another problem."

Natasha explained, her voice is a bit hoarse as that is the first time she's said anything in two weeks.

Bruce nodded, acknowledging Natasha's reasoning.

"You should head towards the kitchen. You need food; I heard from Fury that there would be a huge mission coming up in a few days, you certainly could use all the strength that you need."

Bruce informed her.

"Will do. Thank you, Bruce."

Natasha said, giving a tight-lipped smile before heading towards the kitchen, listening to Bruce's advice.

Natasha doesn't know what to do with her life anymore. You are the love of her life, but she managed to mess everything up.

Since the night of your breakup, she was never the same, miserable and lonely; all she wanted to do was take you back. But after suggesting that you have an abortion, refusing to be a parent to her child, and ultimately breaking your heart in the process, she doesn't feel like she deserves you anymore.

If only she could take all the things that she had said, if only things could go back to the way it was before; she would make sure that you would have the family you wanted with her.


Upon entering the kitchen, Natasha was greeted by Wanda, Pietro, Thor, and Steve, having a light conversation about being able to visit you at Earth-38 sooner than they expected.

Steve immediately noticed her presence, giving her a friendly nod.

Natasha gave him a small smile. Not wanting to interrupt her teammates' conversation towards each other, she silently made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Tony said that all they needed to complete the device was the small chip that y/n had invented."

Natasha heard Wanda say, careful not to let them know that she's eavesdropping.

"That's good!"

Thor said, almost shouting because of the excitement.

"Yes, it is, but there's a problem. All of y/n/n's chips are in her lab, and no one knows the password to her locks. Tony and Bruce tried to override her security system, but it's ironclad."

Wanda explained further, making Pietro and Thor groan in annoyance.

"That kid is too smart for her own good."

Steve said, chuckling at how much of a genius you are.

They really want to see her again. Natasha thought.

Seeing that this is an excellent opportunity to get on their good graces once again, she couldn't help but interject on their conversation.


Natasha muttered, loud enough for her teammates to hear.

"Did you said something, Romanoff."

Wanda asked, clearly pissed at Natasha joining into their conversation.

"Wanda, be nice."

Pietro reminded her twin sister.

"09232018, that's the code on Y/n's lab."

Natasha explained, earning a scoff from Wanda.

The younger Sokovian isn't ready to forgive Natasha just yet; after all, she's the reason why you left in the first place.

"And you know that because?"

Wanda asked further.

"Because that's the date of our first kiss."

Natasha quietly said. Silence fell over the group; clearly, your past relationship with the redhead assassin is still a sore spot for everyone.

Pietro used his super-speed to go to your lab and back to the kitchen quickly.

"It's open."

Pietro announced, making Wanda, Steve, and Thor stand up from their seats."


Thor and Steve asked at the same time.

"Natasha's code worked. Their first date is the passcode."

He explained.

One by one, they rushed out of the kitchen to get Tony, Bruce and Scott.

Natasha was left in the kitchen together with Wanda. Looking at the older woman with less hatred than before, Wanda spoke before leaving the kitchen to follow Steve.

"Thank you."


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