Chapter 23

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In the days that follow, the Avengers mobilize their collective efforts to investigate every tip and piece of evidence regarding the expansive crime syndicate. Each member plays a crucial role in the pursuit of justice. Clint, Sam, and Bucky embark on a stakeout, keeping a watchful eye on the syndicate's activities. Steve and Pietro manage to intercept a group of goons transporting a truck filled with the illicit chemicals near the western border.

With a portion of the chemicals now in their custody, you and Bruce begin working tirelessly in the lab, meticulously studying the complex components. The collaboration between your scientific minds aims to decipher the precise nature of these substances and their effects on the human brain.

Meanwhile, Natasha and Tony delve into extensive research, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to uncover the syndicate's identity. It is during this intensive investigation that Natasha makes a significant breakthrough. She stumbles upon information revealing the existence of another organization, CADMUS, their ultimate goal is to eradicate all alien life on Earth.

Excitement fills the room as Natasha shares her findings with the team. "I just came in contact with an organization similar to SHIELD. The syndicate is called CADMUS, and my informant is hoping we could work with them to eradicate the syndicate once and for all" she reveals, her voice filled with a mix of determination and urgency. "Their aim aligns with the syndicate we're investigating—to expose alien refugees to the chemicals, disorienting and coercing them into acts of violence."

Steve furrows his brow, his sense of justice ignited. "We can't let this continue. We have to stop them," he asserts, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve.

Natasha nods, her gaze focused. "I agree. Our fight against CADMUS has just intensified now that we know who they are. We need to gather more information, find their base of operations, and put an end to their dangerous activities."

As the room buzzes with discussions about strategy and next steps, Tony's curiosity piques. "Romanoff, you mentioned another organization that's involved. Who did you come into contact with?"

Natasha's voice softens as she replies, "It's an organization called the DEO."

You freeze in place just as you're entering the room, hearing those familiar initials, your mind flooded with memories from your hallucinations.

Tension hangs in the air as the team senses the weight of your reaction. Natasha turns to you, her eyes filled with concern. "Detka, what is it? What do you know about the DEO?"

Taking a deep breath, you gather your courage and begin to share the truth. "In my hallucination, the DEO was the place where I ended up when I wanted to leave the universe I was in. It's where I met Lena and her family." You pause, shocked at all the information about CADMUS on the screen in front you. "CADMUS, that's the notorious organization that has been terrorizing alien refugees all around the world. I know a few information about it because during my hallucination, Lena had mentioned that her mother is the leader of CADMUS, the DEO had tried stopping them together with Lena but the organization is very elusive."

Shocked expressions descends upon the team, they couldn't believe you're hallucinations contains such important information. Natasha's face remained emotionless, but you can see the flicker of doubt and worry in her eyes. You could always see through her even when she tries to hide. She wrestles with the uncertainty of whether working with the DEO, an organization intertwined with your dream, is the best course of action. In her mind, doubts arise about whether you still harbor feelings for the woman in your dreams and if her position as your fiancée is secure.

Steve breaks the silence, his voice calm yet filled with concern. "Y/n, we need you to recall as much information as you can from your hallucinations. I know it's difficult to comprehend right now how your hallucination contains real information but this might be our only chance to stop CADMUS. You don't need to worry about slipping away from reality, we're here and now that we're aware of what truly was happening, we will do whatever it takes to stop the madness."

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