Chapter 26

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After the intense battle with Cadmus, you find yourself back in the lab, taking a moment to catch your breath and process the events that unfolded. Meanwhile, Natasha and the rest of the team, along with the Superfriends, gather in the meeting room to discuss the aftermath and plan for future Avengers and DEO team-ups.

As you focus on organizing your equipment, Lena enters the lab, her presence bringing a sense of calmness. You offer her a warm smile, appreciating her support during the fight. "Hey, Lee. You and Bruce were incredible out there. Your guidance and expertise made a huge difference."

Lena blushes at your words, her eyes meeting yours. "Thank you, Y/n. It means a lot coming from you. I... I just did what I could to assist. Bruce and I make a good team."

You tilt your head slightly, studying Lena with genuine interest. "You know, in my own hallucinations, you've always been incredibly intelligent and resourceful. It's been amazing to witness those qualities in real life. You bring a unique perspective to the team, and your contributions make a significant impact."

A soft smile graces Lena's lips as she fidgets with her lab coat. "Thank you. That's very kind of you to say. I... I appreciate being a part of this team and having the opportunity to work alongside you."

You sense a hint of hesitation in Lena's eyes, a flicker of uncertainty. It's a detail you couldn't help but notice, having gotten to know Lena in a unique way through your own hallucinations. Lena had found a special place in your heart after the incident, and you couldn't deny the connection that had formed.

With a gentle tone, you reach out, placing a hand on Lena's arm. "Lee, I can see that there's something on your mind. Is everything okay? Are you ready to receive the antidote?"

Lena's gaze meets yours, her eyes revealing a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. "Y/n, I... I appreciate your concern. It's just that... these past few days have been quite overwhelming, and I've been wrestling with my own thoughts and emotions."

Before you could respond, Lena's words spill out, her voice filled with longing and sadness. "I know I told you before that I wouldn't get in the way of your relationship with Natasha... but, you are the only love I have ever known, and it breaks my heart to know that everything that happened between us was just mere hallucinations. I miss you, and I miss our son. I'm angry that I could never call you mine."

Stunned by Lena's confession, you take a moment to process her words. The depth of her emotions catches you off guard, and you can't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the pain she's experiencing.

Stunned by Lena's confession, your heart skips a beat. The mention of your son, River, who doesn't even exist, fills you with a mix of sorrow and pain. You know the depth of love you felt for him during those hallucinations, and now Lena's words bring that yearning back to the surface.

The weight of the truth settles on your shoulders, and you take a deep breath before responding. "Lena... I miss River too. From the moment I woke up from those hallucinations, I couldn't help but wish that he wasn't just a figment of my sick mind. The bond we shared felt so real, and the idea of having a family with you and River brought me immeasurable joy."

Lena's eyes widen, tears glistening as she listens intently to your words. The pain etched on her face is mirrored in your own expression. Both of you were swept up in a fantasy that was cruelly snatched away, leaving behind a void that seems impossible to fill.

As Lena's hand trembles in yours, you take a deep breath, searching for the right words to offer comfort. "Maybe somewhere, out there in another universe, there is another Y/n and another Lena living happily together with their son River. Maybe they get to experience the love and joy we yearned for."

Lena's voice cracks as she speaks, her vulnerability shining through. "Why can't it be this universe instead, Y/n? Why can't we have that happiness here? Where I could say you're mine?" Her question pierces through your heart, and for a moment, you're lost in the torment of what could have been.

Your gaze softens as you meet Lena's tear-filled eyes. "Lee, I won't deny the connection we had, the love we shared during those hallucinations. It was a beautiful and powerful experience. But at the end of the day, my heart belongs to Natasha. She's the love of my life, just as you were in that alternate reality."

The weight of those words hangs heavy in the air, and you can see the pain in Lena's eyes as she absorbs your honesty. It breaks your heart to know that your feelings for her will always be overshadowed by your love for Natasha. But you can't deny your own truth, nor can you pretend to offer Lena something you can't fully give.

"I care about you, Lena," you continue, your voice filled with compassion. "And I understand the depth of your longing. But we can't force our hearts to change. We can't rewrite the path we're on. We can only find comfort in the connections we have and cherish the moments we share as friends and teammates."

Lena's grip on your hand tightens, pain evident in her eyes. It's clear that this reality falls short of the one she yearned for, where you and she were bound together as more than just friends. But in this moment of shared vulnerability, you find a bittersweet understanding, knowing that sometimes love can be both beautiful and complicated.


As the meeting between the Avengers and the DEO came to an end, Natasha and Wanda walked out together, their steps leading them towards the lab. They knew you preferred to immerse yourself in your work, seeking solace within the walls of the laboratory. However, as they approached the lab's entrance, they could hear voices inside. Natasha halted abruptly, her hand swiftly gripping Wanda's arm to prevent them from being noticed.

With a quick gesture, Natasha signaled Wanda to stay quiet and listen to the conversation unfolding between you and Lena. Curiosity sparked in Wanda's eyes, and she nodded, silently joining Natasha in eavesdropping.

Lena's voice reached their ears, filled with longing and sorrow. "Why can't it be this universe instead, Y/n? Why can't we have that happiness here? Where I could say you're mine?"

Natasha's grip on Wanda's arm tightened as she fought against the surge of emotions welling up within her. She heard your gentle response, your words carrying a mixture of empathy and honesty. Her heart ached, recognizing the depth of Lena's feelings and the profound connection you shared during your hallucinations.

"Lee, I won't deny the connection we had, the love we shared during those hallucinations. It was a beautiful and powerful experience. But at the end of the day, my heart belongs to Natasha. She's the love of my life, just as you were in that alternate reality."

Natasha's eyes welled up with tears, realizing the immense strength it took for you to speak your truth. She had always admired your honesty and integrity, and now, hearing it reaffirmed, she felt a profound sense of love and gratitude for you.

Lena's voice quivered with acceptance, tinged with the pain of unrequited love. The weight of her words hung in the air, and Natasha found herself holding her breath, silently willing Lena to find solace in the friendship that remained between you.

As the conversation continued, Natasha felt a bittersweet understanding settle within her. She and Wanda shared a silent connection, their shared presence a testament to the depth of their love for you. It was a love that could endure even the most painful truths.

Finally, the conversation between you and Lena came to an end, and the lab fell into a temporary silence. Natasha released her grip on Wanda's arm and softly exhaled. She knew that now was the time to step forward, to offer support and reassurance.

Taking a deep breath, Natasha pushed open the door, revealing herself and Wanda standing there, their eyes filled with compassion and understanding. Without a word, she walked towards you, her steps carrying a mix of vulnerability and determination. As she reached your side, her hand found yours, intertwining fingers as she silently conveyed her unwavering love and commitment.

Wanda, too, approached Lena with open arms, offering comfort in her own unique way. Together, the four of you stood in the lab, bound by a complex web of emotions and connections. It was a moment of acceptance, of acknowledging the past and embracing the present, as you all navigated the intricate dynamics of love, friendship, and the uncharted territory of what lay ahead.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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