Chapter 24

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The Avengers' headquarters buzzes with activity as everyone prepares for the mission ahead. Yelena, Wanda, and Pietro notice the weight of your unease and gather around you and Natasha, concern etched on their faces.

Yelena places a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Hey, we can see that you're struggling. But you have to remember, this isn't your fault. It was those damn chemicals messing with your head."

You nod, appreciating their understanding. "I know, Yel, but it's hard to shake off the lingering effects. I've said this a million times but it really felt so real, and I can't help but worry about the impact it might have on Natasha and our relationship."

Wanda steps forward, her voice soothing. "Y/nn, the power of those hallucinations is strong, but your love for Natasha is stronger. Trust in what you two have built together. The memories that you have with Lena are just a creation of your altered mind. The real Natasha is here, by your side."

Pietro chimes in, his concern evident in his voice. "You've always been the prankster, the joker among us. Seeing you like this, it's not right. We'll help you through this, kotenok. Just don't forget who you are."

You look at your friends, grateful for their support. "Thank you, guys. I'm determined to get through this and be the person you all know and love. But first, I need to talk to Lena, clarify things, and put my mind at ease."

Natasha, who has been listening silently, interjects gently. "Detka, I understand your need for closure. I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

You offer Natasha a small smile, feeling the weight lift slightly off your shoulders. "I love you, Tasha, and I want to marry you. But I need to talk to Lena, for both our sakes. Once I've sorted everything out, we can move forward."

Natasha's expression softens, and she nods in understanding. "I love you too, Malysh. We'll give you the space you need. If you need help, you know where to find us."


As the time to depart draws near, a sense of nervousness settles within you. The weight of the upcoming mission feels heavy, and doubts swirl in your mind. Sensing your unease, Natasha comes to your side, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of uncertainty. She gently takes your hand in hers, interlocking her fingers with yours.

Feeling the warmth of her touch, you hold onto her hand tightly, as if afraid to let go. The connection between you provides a sense of reassurance, grounding you in the present moment. You lean in, pressing a tender kiss to Natasha's temple, expressing your gratitude for her unwavering support.

"Thank you, Tasha," you whisper softly, your voice filled with sincerity. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Natasha's eyes meet yours, filled with love and understanding. She gives your hand a gentle squeeze, conveying her own appreciation and commitment. "I'm here for you, detka. Always remember that."

As Steve's voice cuts through the air, commanding attention, a hushed silence falls over the team. His announcement marks the final moment before their departure, the culmination of countless hours of preparation and determination. All eyes turn to him, waiting for the signal to move forward.

Steve's gaze lingers on each member of the team, his expression filled with a mix of resolve and concern. His voice resonates with authority as he declares, "It's time. Let's get on the quinjet and head towards National City. Our mission awaits."

Nods ripple through the group, each member acknowledging the call to action. Tony, ever the protective father figure, leans down and gently kisses the top of your head, his gesture filled with affection and reassurance. "Everything will be okay, kid" he whispers softly before making his way onto the quinjet, Bruce close behind him.

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