Chapter 20

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TW: Cursing


A series of festivities were held in the days leading up to your wedding. Kara and the rest of the Superfriends were thrilled to learn about your engagement to Lena. Your father, being the man that he is, insisted on having only the best for your wedding. He wasted no time in hiring top-notch wedding planners and caterers.

"Tomorrow's the big day. Are you excited?" your mother asked as she drove you to your bridal shower.

"More like nervous, mother," you replied, trying to calm your shaking hands. The older woman reached out to comfort you as she continued to drive.

"That's natural, darling. I remember how nervous I was when I married your father," she said with a quiet smile, recalling her own wedding day. Marrying the one and only Tony Stark was certainly a nerve-wracking experience. Your father's fame meant that you were constantly in the public eye, and news of your parents' wedding spread like wildfire.

"I guess," you weakly replied, your thoughts tainted by fears of Lena backing out, just as Natasha had.

"Whatever you're thinking, it's not true," your mother assured you, her voice filled with certainty as she navigated the familiar streets of New York.

"How do you even know what I was thinking?" you asked, your doubts still lingering.

"A mother knows," she simply replied, urging you to continue.

"When Hydra took you away from us for the second time, Lena never gave up on trying to find you. Even when everyone else was losing hope, she stayed and worked tirelessly to bring you back home. It was the most difficult time of her life, and I saw the light fade from her eyes, but she never lost hope. She wanted you back, and in that moment, I realized just how much she loves you, more than Natasha ever did."

Your mother's words instantly eased your mind. Lena had never given you a reason to doubt her love, and you knew how much she adored you. Her unwavering support during the hardships was proof enough that any doubt you had was unfounded.

The rest of the ride remained mostly silent, with your mother offering reassuring smiles. As you arrived at the venue, you were greeted by the rest of your family. Lena had returned to National City to have her own bachelorette party with the Superfriends.

"Ah! Here comes the bride! As the Midgardian song would say!" Thor exclaimed, his booming voice making you chuckle.

"Uh, isn't this supposed to be an all-girls party?" your mother asked, earning a light frown from your father. He greeted you with a hug after everyone else had done the same.

"That's what I said! But these idiots insisted. I don't know how they managed to get past me," the Sokovian complained, causing laughter from the boys, particularly Pietro.

"They used Vision to distract you. You're whipped," Natasha said with a smirk, causing the other redhead to blush.

"Ha!" Pietro cackled, earning a swat from his twin and more laughter from everyone.

You smiled with contentment as you watched your family enjoying themselves. Just over a year ago, you felt nothing but rejection, sadness, heartbreak, and loss. Now, you were back with your family, your heart filled with love, happiness, and forgiveness.

Everything felt like a dream.


You woke up with the feeling of someone's arm around your waist. You almost leaned into the person's warmth but quickly stopped when you realized you were in a familiar room. You tried to move away, but the person tightened their grip and pulled you closer.

"Detka, go back to sleep. We don't have to get up early today," a raspy voice whispered. You recognized it instantly. It was Natasha, sleeping next to you, just like in the past.

"N-Nat? Why am I in your room? Where's Lena? Where's my son?" you asked, feeling confused and unable to move.

"My love, it's too early. Let's go back to sleep," Natasha groaned, burying her face on your chest.

You knew that when Natasha was alone with you, she would let down her guard and become less aware of her surroundings, making it hard for her to comprehend what you were saying.

You would have melted at Natasha's state, but you no longer loved her the way you used to. You were with Lena now, and your only focus was to find her and your son.

"I'm serious, Natasha. Where's Lena and River? Why am I in your room?" you asked again, this time in a louder tone, finally breaking free from her embrace.

"You never call me by my name. What's wrong, malyshka? You're starting to worry me," Natasha said, now fully aware of your confusion.

"Where is Lena, Nat? Where's my fiancée?" you repeated the question, noticing the emotions shifting on Natasha's face from concern to confusion and hurt.

"What are you talking about, Y/nn? Who the hell is Lena? I'm your fiancée, and who's River? You don't have a son," Natasha replied. You could see the hurt in her eyes at the thought of you considering another woman as your fiancée, but she remained calm for your sake.

"What do you mean I have no son? You got me pregnant and broke up with me after I told you! How could you forget that?" you asked, frustration building up.

Before Natasha could say anything, you rushed out of her room and used your speed to search for Lena throughout the compound. Natasha informed the other Avengers about your state and they gathered in the common room to assess the situation. Your father, seeing Natasha's expression, knew it was serious.

Entering the room full of Avengers, you quickly approached your best friend, knowing she wouldn't lie to you.

"Wanda, I need you to tell me where Lena and River are. Are they back in National City? Natasha is playing one of her games again, claiming that we're still together," you explained to Wanda, causing the rest of your family to look at you in confusion. You saw the pity in Wanda's eyes for Natasha, but you let it slide this once to get answers from your best friend.

"Y/nn, I don't know who you're talking about. There's no Lena here, and I don't know anyone named River," Wanda softly explained.

"When did she start acting like this?" your father asked the redhead assassin, trying to ignore the hurt on her face.

"Just this morning, when we woke up," Natasha mumbled, unable to hide the pain any longer.

"Y/n, honey, do you remember what happened yesterday?" your mother cautiously asked.

"What? Of course, Mom! It was my bachelorette party yesterday. Lena was having hers back in National City with the Superfriends. I'm supposed to marry her today. What the fuck is happening? Why doesn't anyone believe me?" you cried, finally acknowledging everyone in the room.

"Y/nn, last night Natasha proposed to you, and you said yes," Pietro quietly said, pointing to your finger. To your surprise, you weren't wearing the engagement ring Lena had given you. Instead, you were wearing Natasha's.

Looking around the room, you couldn't help but feel like they were playing a sick prank on you. But you knew Wanda never lied, your dad maybe a little, and you could always tell when Pietro was lying. You started to think that you had gone crazy, that everything you had said was just a figment of your imagination, a dream warning you against taking the next step with Natasha.

However, you refused to give in. With one last idea in mind, you went to the place where you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Lena.

"The house Dad built for us, it has to be there," you muttered to yourself as you ran towards the location.

When you arrived, there was nothing. But then you remembered how your dad had hidden the entire house with a hologram. You walked towards the clearing, desperately clinging to the last bit of hope.

As you walked further into the clearing, it became clear that there was nothing but grass and trees.

"Fuck, it was all a dream."



I'm sorry! Don't kill me, I love you!

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