Chapter 17

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TW: Torture, Blood, Violence


Everyone was devastated once they regained consciousness. Kara immediately rushed to Lena's aid, who was crying her heart out due to your sacrificial act. Today was supposed to be a joyous day for everyone, yet Hydra managed to ruin it once again.

"Lena, Y/n is strong. We won't stop at anything until we find her," Kara tried to assure her best friend. However, Kara herself was terrified at the thought of you getting hurt and being used as a science experiment again.

"Do we have any leads on where they could have taken my daughter?" Tony asked, struggling to maintain his composure. Both you and Morgan were his pride and joy. The first time you were taken by Hydra was a living nightmare for your father. He worked tirelessly day and night to get you back, and experiencing that nightmare again shattered him.

"Everything's clear. It's as if they've disappeared into thin air. There are no signals, not even one," Maria reported next to Fury. No one could blame you for sacrificing yourself for the love of your life, but they blamed themselves for not doing enough to protect you.

"No... There must be another way for us to find her. We need to search everywhere. That's my girlfriend out there. I don't know what I would do without her in my life," Lena cried in Kara's arms, too weak to stand. Your last words to her haunted her, filled with sorrow and devoid of hope.

"We will find her. None of us will give up until she's back safely," the former Russian spy said from behind, wiping away her silent tears before returning to the compound to initiate the process of finding you.


A harsh slap across your face jolted you awake, eliciting a yelp from you due to the stinging pain.

"Good, you're finally awake. We can finally begin. I have so much in store for you, Fräulein," the deranged man's voice echoed, the same man who had taken you all those years ago.

"Haven't you done enough?!" you shouted at him, struggling to free yourself from the leather straps that held you captive.

"All that struggling won't work, my dear. I suggest you save your energy. I wouldn't want my best weapon to get exhausted," he taunted you in his thick German accent, eliciting a growl of defiance from you.

"Feisty girl, aren't you, ja? Anyways, bring in the machine. It's time for this conversion to begin," Dragovich commanded his men. You observed people moving about the dimly lit room, bringing in a multitude of machinery. One particular individual forced a mouthguard into your mouth and attached numerous wires to your arms and temples. Despite your continued struggles, additional straps held you firmly in place. They swiftly positioned the machine above your head, pressing two metal pads against your temples. Before you could utter another word of protest, Dragovich ordered his men to activate the machine, causing a powerful surge of electricity to course through your body. Overwhelmed by the pain, you writhed against the restraints, emitting a horrifying sound that only seemed to satisfy your captors as they relished in your suffering. Locking eyes with Dragovich, your gaze burned with rage and hatred. Slowly, consciousness slipped away once again, but before you succumbed to complete darkness, you heard his final words.

"By this time tomorrow, you will be my perfect soldier."


One month later

The Avengers continued their relentless search for you. Lena temporarily entrusted her company to her friend, Sam Arias, as she devoted all her resources to assisting your family in finding you. The superfriends, particularly Kara, would visit from time to time, hoping to be of help.

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