Chapter 6

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Year: 2020 (3 Days later, Monday.)

You started your job today, and to say that you're looking forward to working with Lena is an understatement. Last night, you couldn't sleep properly as your mind kept drifting towards the green-eyed scientist.

For the first time since leaving your home universe, you feel like you can finally be whole again. The new start you've been chasing since arriving on Earth-38 seems within reach.

However, you know it won't be easy, as your mind also keeps drifting towards Natasha from time to time.

Earlier, Kara, the Danvers sister, called you to wish you good luck. You couldn't help but chuckle at Kara's excitement, though you aren't sure why the blonde superhero is more thrilled than you. It made you nervous, but Alex reassured you that you're in good hands working alongside Lena, and you trust the older Danvers.

With too much nervous energy in your system, you know it would be catastrophic at work if you don't do something to lower your energy level, even just for a bit.

Considering the pros and cons of using your powers to get to work, you're reassured that your baby won't be harmed.

Using your speed, you arrive at the doors of the L-corp building in record time. You immediately head to the lab, eager to start your work.

Hearing Lena's story about Cadmus gave you the idea of creating a device to help refugee aliens and protect potential targets of Cadmus. Lena may think that Cadmus is gone, but that's not always the case. Just like Hydra, you know that organizations like Cadmus will emerge sooner or later, posing significant threats.

With the assistance of AUGUST, you start conducting research after research to help build your prototype.

Being in Lena's lab makes you feel normal again, putting worries about your pregnancy aside as you pour all your focus into the task at hand.

When you arrive at the lab, Lena can't help but admire how you work. Your passion and determination are evident in every move you make. Admiring you from afar, Lena smiles, feeling a sense of pride coursing through her veins, knowing she made the right choice in choosing you to work with her company. After all, both of you are experts in the same fields, and being geniuses only reinforces that this partnership is the right path to take.

"I see you've settled in quite well," Lena remarks, finally announcing her presence, causing you to jump from your seat, almost dropping a tool.

"Gosh, Lee, you almost gave me a heart attack," you exclaim, earning a laugh from the raven-haired woman.

Lena's laugh makes your heart race, a feeling you're familiar with. You experienced it with Natasha, and now you're feeling the same way with Lena.

Deciding to deal with your conflicted emotions later, you redirect your focus to the young CEO, who is more than happy to assist you in your work.


You left work feeling more conflicted than ever. It had been a great day working with Lena Luthor, but you couldn't help but feel terrible. You didn't expect to develop these feelings for someone while still dealing with the pain of breaking up with Natasha.

If only Wanda were here; she would know what to say. Walking towards your room, you immediately grabbed your portal device, contemplating whether to use it to see your best friend. After weeks of being in National City, the loneliness had finally taken its toll on you. You weren't used to being away from your family, but you reminded yourself that it was necessary to move on from the former assassin.

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