Chapter 8

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Year: 2020

"I can't believe it. You guys are here!" you exclaimed after recovering from your initial shock.

"I missed you guys so much!" you added, returning the hugs of your dad and your best friend.

"We missed you too, sweetie. We just couldn't wait another month to visit you," Tony said, ecstatic that after months of missing you, he's finally able to hug you again.

Pulling both Avengers inside your apartment, you immediately locked eyes with Lena, almost forgetting that she was in your apartment as well.

Tony and Wanda also turned their heads towards the raven-haired girl, curious about her role in your life.

Tony, being... well, Tony, took it upon himself to introduce himself and Wanda to the raven-haired girl.

"And who is this lovely lady? In your house, if I might add? I'm Tony Stark, Y/N's dad, and this lady over here is Wanda... pleasure to make your acquaintance."

All you could do was roll your eyes at your dad's actions. You missed him, but his over-the-top self-confidence could be really embarrassing for you sometimes.

"Dad..." you muttered, giving him a slight warning, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Wanda and Lena both laughed at your embarrassing state. Wanda already sensing that Lena may be more than just a friend to you.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark and Wanda," Lena said, shaking hands with the pair. Wanda smirked at the nervous energy she could sense from Lena.

"I'm, uh... a friend of Y/N's. I've heard so many things about you and your family back in your universe."

'She hesitated,' Wanda mused in her mind, now even more certain that there is more than friendship between you and the Luthor girl.

"All good things, I hope?" your father joked. You couldn't help but smile as you could already tell that your dad liked Lena from just a few seconds of interaction.

"Yes, of course! She talks about all your amazing inventions back in your universe all the time when we are working in my lab."

Tony's eyes lit up like a child receiving gifts on Christmas at the mention of the word 'lab' and the possibility of a science talk.

Before you could interrupt what your dad was about to say, Wanda immediately pulled you to the side while Lena and Tony were still engrossed in getting to know each other a little bit more.

"So... Lena, huh?" Wanda started. You could already tell that she was brewing something in that little head of hers.

"Yes, Lena, Wanda. What about her?" you asked before she could add something more.

"Do you like her?" Wanda finally asked, giving you a teasing smile after seeing your face heat up once again at her question.

"What? No! I mean, yes! Ugh, Wanda, I don't know!" you replied, getting flustered at your best friend's simple question.

"I'll take that as a yes," Wanda confirmed it for you.

"As long as she's taking care of you and my little niece or nephew right here, then I'm happy for you," Wanda added, placing her hands on your stomach to feel your unborn baby.

"Oh, you don't know the half of the effort she's been putting in to make sure that me and my baby are well taken care of," you gushed, remembering all the things Lena has done for you since you arrived in National City. Those memories caused you to smile unconsciously, but not without Wanda noticing it.

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