Chapter 9

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Year: 2020

Everyone returned to the DEO to assess the aftermath of the crisis. Despite making a good save, everyone, including your father, acknowledged that the situation could have been stopped earlier if you had been there when chaos broke out. Your friends and family couldn't help but worry about the safety of you and your baby.

You stayed beside Lena as you watched your father and best friend talk with Alex and your other friends.

"How did they even get Kryptonite?" you asked Lena. You knew that the only remaining Kryptonite on Earth was stored away in another DEO facility. It was a shock to learn that someone had obtained a few fragments of it.

Lena sighed and sat next to you after checking on Kara's vitals. "Apparently, a rogue DEO agent managed to snag a crate of Kryptonite from the other facility," she explained, holding your hand in the process.

You smiled at Lena's small gesture, resting your head on her shoulder in contentment. After months of longing, you had finally managed to get the girl.

"Did you know that if my dad and Wanda hadn't interrupted us last night, I would have kissed you right then and there?" you confessed, making Lena chuckle.

"Yes, I know. Because I would have done the same thing, love," Lena replied, causing you to blush at her endearing nickname.

"I knew it..." Kara said, her voice still hoarse from the energy drained by the Kryptonite.

Both you and Lena immediately jumped up from your seats to check on your Kryptonian friend.

"Kara! Thank God you're awake," you said, genuinely relieved that the Kryptonite hadn't caused any real damage.

"Alex, you owe me twenty dollars!" Kara managed to shout, grabbing everyone's attention.

"You're awake!" Alex exclaimed, relieved that Kara was now free from the effects of the Kryptonite.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. My twenty dollars, now!" Kara said, dismissing the fact that she had just recovered from her energy being drained.

"What? No! I don't owe you anything," Alex argued, defending herself.

Your group, including Tony, Wanda, Nia, you, and Lena, were all confused by the conversation between the Danvers sisters.

"What's going on?" Wanda asked, seeking clarification from you and Lena.

"Beats me," Lena replied, while you simply shrugged.

Observing the intertwined hands of you and Lena, Nia suddenly realized what the sisters were arguing about.

"O-oh!" Nia exclaimed, speaking up for the first time since everyone arrived at the DEO. "Kara's right, you owe her twenty bucks."

Nia's words locked eyes between Kara and Alex as they tried to contain their excitement.

"What? No, I don't! Clearly, both of y'alls minds went coo-coo during that fight," Alex insisted, refusing to pay her sister.

"I believe what they've been trying to say, Director Danvers, is that you lost the bet against Kara on how long it would take for Y/n and Lena to be together," Brainy said, emerging from the other room where he had been resting.

Everyone's gaze immediately shifted to you and Lena at Brainy's statement, making you blush once again, while Lena raised her eyebrows at the two sisters.

"You placed a bet on us?" Lena asked, amused by Kara and Alex's antics.

"No, they're not together. How would you even know?" Alex retorted, not ready to admit defeat and pay her sister.

"There's your evidence," Kara pointed towards the two of you, while Wanda stood close to you and Lena, lifting both of your intertwined hands.

Almost everyone was speechless. Kara was smiling triumphantly, along with Nia and Wanda. Lena maintained her signature smirk, while your dad was simply bewildered by everything happening around him.

"According to my calculations, there's a 99.999999% chance that Lena and Y/n are already dating. The other .000001% depends on whether Mr. Stark here approves of the relationship or not," Brainy added, prompting everyone to turn their attention to Tony.

You couldn't help but giggle at your dad's deer-caught-in-the-headlights reaction. You were accustomed to him enjoying all the attention.

"Well, don't look at me; I approve!" your father declared, causing Wanda to chuckle.

"Just don't hurt my daughter. She has been through hell this year alone, and if I hear any news about you making her cry in a bad way, I will come for you directly and make you pay for it. Do you understand?" Tony directed his words toward Lena.

"Dad!" you warned, pulling Lena close to prevent a confrontation between your father and the raven-haired girl.

"O-of course, Mr. Stark, I would never dare to hurt your daughter. I will protect her and her baby at all times and cherish them with my life!" Lena assured, evoking laughter from everyone at her nervous response. Embarrassed by your dad's actions, you hid your face in Lena's chest, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around your waist.

Everyone was in awe of your interaction with Lena. After years of knowing her, no one had ever seen the raven-haired scientist act so tender toward anyone. Likewise, no one had seen you this soft and happy since arriving in National City.

"Alright, Alex, pay your sister twenty dollars. You lost whatever bet you had with her," Wanda declared, taking the opportunity to tease the older Danvers.

"You heard the woman, pay up," Kara said, grinning and extending her palms in front of her sister.

Alex groaned and reached for her wallet in her back pocket. "You guys are the worst," she muttered, pointing at her sister and Wanda.

"Yeah, well, seems like we make a great team," Kara defended herself and Wanda, earning a nod of approval from your best friend.

"Well, that's enough chitchat for today. Everyone to my daughter's place. It's time to celebrate!" your dad announced, eliciting loud cheers from all your friends. Activating his party persona, your father led you and your friends out of the DEO.

"Lena, your dad is something, huh?" you remarked, earning a chuckle from her as you followed everyone with her arm draped around your shoulder.

"Yeah, he is," you confirmed, relishing the kiss Lena planted on your temple. You smiled, watching your friends animatedly converse with your father, all while being held in the arms of your former friend and now lover.


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