Thank you, everyone!

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Thank you, everyone. For giving my mom the best wishes and now she's feel better.

For the past two weeks, I couldn't get any sleep because I was really worried about her condition and have to wear a mask every time I enter the room, I even have spray disinfect on the items that she'd touched and also spraying around the house, every hour. I and my dad took very good care of her. When she was bed-resting she tells me that she miss me, my brothers, and my dad. Heading towards the second weekend she felt better, my mom took the test again and came back negative. I and my family were so happy that she's covid-free, I've never been so much relieved for her. I want to thank you guys for giving me enough hope and never let my fear get the best of me.

So, thank you everyone, and have a nice day, night, or evening also stay safe and healthy~ Hardcandysweetgal15 :')

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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