Pouring Rain (Falco x Reader)

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(A/n) Please play the rain video while reading. Thank you.

The rain starting falling down to the Smash Mansion in the evening, all the storms clouds have blocked out the sun meaning, no one going outside, no playing, and nothing letting the droplets falling and soaking the ground and plants.

But, you didn't mind the rain, you love the rain. As you were standing in the middle in the rain not far from the mansion, letting all the water hitting your (s/c) skin. You raised your arms to the air, feeling more cold droplets hitting your palms and fingers. Your arms flopped down your sides. Feeling your (h/c) (h/l) and your (any/cloths) had soaking wet for all you think you would thank the weather for the perfect rain you were hoping for.

"(Y/n), what are you doing out here? It's raining!" a familiar voice called out behind, causing you turn seeing none other than the blue falcon standing in front of the entrance door with wings (or arms?) crossed on his chest.

You knew who it is, his name is 'Falco Lombardi', the ace pilot of the Star Fox team "Oh, hey, Falco." you waved at him "Don't mind me, I'm just enjoying the rain." still standing in the rain, willing not to go back inside, unless you felt like it.

Falco, on the other hand, just stood there, staring at you. But, then he sighed and starting heading to you. Feeling the coldness of the droplets, landing on his blue feathers. After that, Falco stopped in front of you, raising an eyebrow of yours. Before you could say something , he lift you up and over his shoulder, making you squeak of surprised, scrumming a little and Falco started heading back to the front door of the mansion.

"Hey! What are you doing? Put me down this instant."

"Sorry, but I can't."

"That's not an excuse."


Then, you kept whining and wanted to stay outside in the rain for a little while, but Falco ignores you. After a few minutes, you two entered the Smash Mansion, the blue falcon closed the door behind him and started putting you down. Seeing you glaring at him with crossed arms on your chest.

"What?" Falco broke the silent placing his feathery hands on his hips, as you turned your back to him "I can't believe, you just did that." you murmured still not going "Come on, (Y/n) don't give me that altitude. I can't let you catch a cold out there." Falco replied, you rolled your (e/c) eyes, feeling cold a little and starting to shiver.

The falcon noticed that your shivering a little. Falco tries to think what to cover you to keep you warm. After a second or two, he looked a his own white jacket, the other Smash characters said Falco refused to take off his jacket, and also Fox too.

It was the only thing to keep you warm. You rubbed your arms trying to be warm enough. Out of nowhere, you felt something on your shoulders, tried figure out what it it. It was a white jacket. Falco's jacket? You quickly turned around, see before you, Falco not wearing his, revealing his a sleeveless red jumpsuit top.

The pilot keeps staring at you, as the rain kept pouring outside as the silents filled the room except the sound of the rain. "Well, feeling warm enough?" Falco question you crossing his wings on his chest again, you felt slightly warm "A l-little." you stuttered.

Then suddenly, Falco wrapped his wings around you, given an embrace hug.The only way to give you warmth. You blushed slightly and feeling that he's so warm.

"What are you doing, Falco?" you said in a faint voice.

"Using my body heat to give you enough warmth." Falco replied

After a few or more minutes, "Warm enough?" Falco repeated the question from before, you nodded and felt warmer now.

Falco smiled, letting you go. Now walking away from you, then realized you still have his jacket "Wait..Falco, what about your-" the blue falcon cuts you off, as he keeps on walking to his room "Keep it, just returned til morning, okay." you had his jacket told you to keep it. Falco's jacket has his scent and his warmth. "Thank you, Falco Lombardi." you called out using his full name and ran to your room.

Falco saw your figure disappeared, he couldn't help but to smile as before he went to his room. The only thought he has in his mind and knew that he likes you too 'Your welcome (Y/n) Lombardi.'

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