The Red String of Fate (Link x Reader)

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The 'red string of fate' or the 'red string of marriage', and other variants, is an belief originating from and is also used in . According to this myth, the gods tie an invisible red cord around the ankles of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. Often, in Japanese culture, it is thought to be tied around the little finger. According to Chinese legend, the deity in charge of "the red thread" is believed to be, often abbreviated to Yue Lao, the old lunar matchmaker god, who is in charge of marriages.

The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances.This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of or a destined flame.

"Red string? What's that suppose to mean?" asked Link interrupted with his magic friend Robin (male) placing down his book of legends and myths, gave the heroic of time a scowling look, "Link, this is important--" "Important about what?" the blonde jumped into conclusion.

Robin's vain begin to throb on his forehead hating about Link begin to 'what is what?' or 'what's the meaning of this.' so, the white haired magician swordsman picked his previous book, hold it over his head and....

Robin Chop


The hazel-eyed, now turned to the board with Link on the floor, holding his head with a bump writing his name in blood with his finger.

"Now on with the myth; One story featuring the red string of fate involves a young boy. Walking home one night, a young boy sees an old man (Yue Xia Lao) standing beneath the moonlight. The man explains to the boy that he is attached to his destined wife by a red thread.-" 'Geez, I can't this mambo jumbo stuff any more.' Link thought and need to escape from the 'he thinks is made up' myth.

After for a moment hearing his blah blahing, he sneaked out of Robin's room and quietly closed the door behind him letting Robin unnoticed his absents, walking away from the door "This is stupid." Link murmured to himself, was about passed by a window something familiar caught the corner of his eye.

The hyrulian turned and saw a familiar (h/c) haired girl sitting in the grassy and flowery field meadow, Link know who it was, his crush '(Y/n), what's she doing there?' Link stated, he wanted to tell you his feeling and all he could is getting closed to you, but gets to nervous and gets away from you (Geez, Link I thought your the power of courage. Meh..whatever.).

You on the other hand, always think that Link is acting strange to you; like the way he talked to you, he bumped into you, and the way he's too shy and very bashful to you which find it cute. Then, you felt your being watch like from a window or something, as you turn to the window, seeing no one.

'Strange? I couldn't sworn someone is watching me from the window.' you thought and shrugged, standing up, heading to the mansion.

Link made a close call, almost caught your attention. His face went red like lava, heart throbbing in his chest. And little by little, at the corner of the wall, Peach knows about Link crush on you, she tried to bring the blonde closer to the (h/c) girl, with that the cheery blonde ponder for an idea.

While, she thinks she saw Pikachu playing with a red yarn ball, suddenly an idea stuck her. Peach walked up to the electric Pokemon, the blue-eyed pink princess picked up the yarn and told Pikachu that she could borrow it for a while, Pikachu nodded for agreement and Peach went off somewhere and going with the plan.

~~~Time Skip for 10 mins~~~

"Hey, Link!" Link heard his name called making him stop walking for a minute, he turned to see the pink princess strolling up to him "What do you want, Peach?" asked Link trying not to get frustrated "Well another option for (Y/n) to yours." Peach beamed and grabbed  the azure-eyed hand, tied some thread around his small finger. Link feels a little confused 'This is very familiar.' he thinks.

After that Peach finish tied the string "There..." giving him a small pink paper "..have fun, Link." she chirped and skipped away from Link.

Link kept staring at the princess and looked at the paper says 'Follow the string. <3' he raised a brow, saw the string got a long line and continued right around the corner, the swordsman  now heading to the corner, seeing the string  keep going on everywhere. 

So, Link begin to following the red string "This is very familiar." he murmured and kept following the string. After for a while, Link is getting stressed out, but not paying attention where he's going.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted as he bumped into someone and fall onto them, and while they landed on the floor giving 'oof' he saw underneath him was his love, (Y/n), his face starting to heat up "O-oh, I-I'm so sorry, (Y-Y/n)." Link stuttered, he rolled off of you, lying beside you on the floor. "I should have noticed where I was going," Link said, lifting up his hand and looking at the red string around his finger. "This thing distracted me."

You were silent for a moment and looked down, letting your (h/c) bangs over your eyes, Link noticed it, thinking of because of his stupidity. He sighed and sat up making to the other direction where he came from.  As he walked on, Link felt something tugging him back. Link looked at his hand and noticed that the string was being plucked on.

The blonde haired was now confused and made his way back where he left you. As he rounded the corner, Link saw You were standing up now, brushing off your clothes. You looked incredibly flustered. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out why. Then Link noticed your hand. 

  There was a string tied around the little finger.  

Then, Link remembered what Robin said "The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances."

You sighed, and turned to Link "Let me guess; Peach gave you the same note, did she?" he nodded, getting uncomfortable, then not far from them in the other side of the corner there was Peach and Robin spying of the two of you.

"Listen (Y/n)?" Link faced you, getting nervous "I-I like-no I love you a lot." he stated telling you how he really feels. You looked at him surprised and blushed slightly as his blush darker.

"I-I-I understand if you don't feel the same way-" "Link." Link stopped speaking for a minute seeing you smiled "Shut up and kiss me, already." but, yet you have to steal the kiss for him. 

His eyes went wide felt your soft lips against his. Closing his eyes and kissing back. 

Peach and Robin made a detour and leaving the two of you "See, I told you my plan would work." Robin glance at her and nodded putting his arms behind his head "Yep, you were right. I'm pretty sure, Link did learn his lesson for today."


Hey, everybody! I'm so very sorry for you guys wait for a long time. I just have to go to school to do some work and I just got lazy planing to do your requests. So very sorry, please don't hurt me! I promise I'll make your request, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (Wow, I almost sound like Italy from Hetalia)

Well,  don't worry my flying bunnies I'll make better requests in the future to do my best forward, and with that I'm hardcandysweetgal15! (Now, I sounded like America.)

Peace out my flying bunnies! <3 

P.S. I'm not dead.

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