The Signs of Flirting

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Warning: The Smash Bros. men is going to flirt with YOU.

"Hey (Y/n)!" shouted Sonic as the blue hedgehog is running up to you "Say, have you've been racing with me? Because your doing it to my heart."

"Okay, that's nice, Sonic." You chuckled at his pick up lines.

Shulk appered right beside you "(Y/n), have you been teleporting?" he whispered to your ear, you faced to him and shook your head "Well, you've been teleporting in my head all day."

"Shulk, that's not how you do it to Lady (Y/n) like that." said Marth as he grabbed your hand pulled you from Shulk and into his arms and his blue eyes looking stright to your (e/c) orbs "I have the 'I', I have the 'L', I have the 'O', I have the 'V', I have the 'E', so, can I have 'U'?" He said as you started to struggled out of his grip, after you escaped his grip you looked at Marth confused.

"I don't really get it." You smiled

The testosterone levels were rising. Why were the these men being extra flirty today? Valentine's Day is coming next week, but last year they don't act like this way.

"What do you think your doing to MY favorite girl!" Ike running to the hallway and grabbed you, to give a bear hug from behind and resting his chin on your head "Good thing I Brought a map, because I get Lost in your Eyes." He purred as you turn to Ike and trying pushing out of his arms.

Then you felt your face begins to heat up in excitment. " W-why are you flirting with me?"

Ike quickly put a finger on your lips to make you to be quiet for a second "Ssshhhh (Y/n), I'm trying to win your heart with my flirty words."

"Well, that's not nice to say things to her." asked Robin as he looked at you with all innocent in his eyes "(Y/n), i-if I was your heart would you let me beat?"

You couldn't help, but to resist to Robin of his cuteness. You got out of Ike's grip and to Robin to give him a nice bear hug. As the magician swordsman stuck his tongue and smirked at the Smash Bros. characters.

"That's not fair." Shulk crossed arms on his chest.

"I won't give up that easy." Ike grumbled

"Dang it" Marth snapped his fingers. Sonic let out a sad sigh.

"Don't you think, I won't let Robin to have (Y/n). As an ace pilot, they always get the girl." Falco Lombardi, the ace pilot of Star Fox team, as he and his teammate Fox McCloud came in, get to pulled you away from Robin and turn to Falco "Was your father a thief? 'Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."

"(Y/n)." Sonic yelled giving a sad and innocent look "Are you blood? Because my heart can't survive without you."

Fox huffed out angrily as he took your (s/c) hands into his and looking at you.

"Fox, w-what are you doing?" You question him.

Fox blush slightly "This morning I saw a flower and I thought it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen; until I met you."

Ness was playing with his yo-yo trying to do a trick on it, as he saw you, he smiled "Hey, (Y/n), I would flirt with you, but I'd rather seduce you with my awkwardness."

Toon Link ran over to you with a paper in hand "Do you have a pencil, (Y/n)? I want to erase your past and write our future."

Lil Mac came in to the hallway, that he spotted you and jogged over to grabbed your arm away from Fox "Is your dad a lock smith? You have the keys to my heart."

Ike trying to get your attention by shouting your name and waving his arms around "(Y/n). Is your name Ariel? Because I think we mermaid for each other!"

"Guys, what's gotten into all of you?" You shied away from the men, but bumped into Captain Falcon.

"Hi ya (Y/n), I wish I was one of your tears, so I could be born in your eyes, run down your cheek, and die on your lips." He smiled with happiness and patted your head.

All of this flirting was making you dizzy. You stepped away from Captain Falcon and ended up a wall of each hallway. "Shulk, I knew you tell your vision but, you didn't tell me that you guys turn into Casanovas."

Pit was the first person to talk, but he didn't answer your question. He grabbed the collor of your shirt.

"P-Pit! W-w-what are you...?"

"You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine."

Dark Pit ran in to the hallway he sighed happily when he saw you. Bashfully, he approached you with a small smile on his face. "So there you are! I've been looking all over for YOU, the woman of my dreams!"

Peach sheepishly waved over to you. "Sorry (Y/n). I accidently told the boys that you had a crush on one of them."

That's why they were flirting? Each guy wanted one last chance win you over before you announced which guy you liked, but all of this flirting and romance was going to make you faint.

"You owe me money (Y/n), because you've been living in my heart and not paying rent" Villiger winked at you.

Mega Man strolled into the the hallway. He pushed aside the other men and took your hand and placed a thorn less rose on your hand. "If I could reach out and hold a star for everytime you've made me smile, I'd hold the sky in my palm of my hand."

Connecting words and letters together in order to create actual words became a challenge. A headache hit and you're entire body turned red "I'm firagel? Yemish! Opal springtime!"

"You broke her!" Someone yelled.

Mega Man formed a smiled on his face. "You can't break perfection."

"Whoa! (Y/n), have you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?" Pit poked at your cheek.

"I-I-I-I? Umm....." You glanced all around the hallway at these men. You were sure that you were at your limit. One more pick up line and....

Link was leaning on the wall next to you. He smiled "So, what do you do for a living besides always making all the men excited and warm all over?"


"Holy molly! (Y/n) fainted!" Roy scooped you up in his arms. He used this opportunity to whisper into your ear without other people to hear his confession. "If it weren't for the sun, you'd be the hottest thing ever created."

"Wow! Her face is so red, just like a red chaos emerald."

"Maybe, I'll carry her becuse in my future, we'll become a great couple."

"I wanna try." Villiger unsuccessfully tried to take you from the red-haired swordman. "Sorry I didn't get you a box of chocolates for Valentine's day, but if want something sweet and smooth I'm right here."

"Uhh..guys, why is her nose bleeding?" Dark Pit mumbled.

As Smash Bros. characters turned to you to see a crimson red liquid coming from your nose.

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