Think Fast (Sonic x Reader)

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"I love to go fast!" you shouted to yourself, trying out with your new (f/c) roller skates that you got from your birthday, you always love to were them including during battles.

After a week or two Master Hand tells you to go do some errands at Video Game City and gives you a lists that what you need. You agreed to do the errands and starting heading out to the front double doors of the Smash Mansion and starting rolling to Video Game City as fast as you could."Hey, (Y/n)!" you heard a familiar voice calling out to you, right beside you.

You looked to your right and saw a blue hedgehog named 'Sonic' running next to you. "Hey, Sonic." you greeted. "So, what you up to?" he asked "Master Hand told me to do some errands and gave me a list." you replied.

"Awesome, mind if I join you?"



After you two reach the entrance of Video Game City, you knew that the city have have every store and cafe. You always visits the City many times, whenever you are free from battling and now your doing errands with your blue hedgehog friend keep you company.

"Alright, first of the list is..." taking out the lists from your pocket and checking what to do first of the list "get dried peach leafs from Spice and Herbs store. Oh I know where that is." giving the list to Sonic to see it too. "Oh, really let's go there right now." Sonic smirked and getting ready to run again as you ready with your roller skates.

As you two started to raced through the city, just as you and Sonic made it to a mini store called 'Spice and Herbs store', started to enter the mini store "Hi there you two, welcome to Spice and Herbs store." said the kind female employee running the cash register with teal hair tied up to a pony tail wearing a red apron and matching color of a t-shirt, brown pants, and black sneakers with a name tag said 'Hi my name is Chloe' on the edge of her apron.

"Thank you." you gently skated through the store with the blue hedgehog walking beside you, trying to keep up with you. looking though the shelf full of spices and herbs in alphabetical order in each shelf. You two made it to the leafs area to see all kinds of leafs "Whoa, how many dried leafs do you think there are?" question Sonic trying to guess how herbs and spices that the mini store could hold, "Oh I don't know like... more then 40." you guessed, Sonic whistled in amazement .

"Here it is." you found a medium size jar fill with dried peach leafs "Cool, let's go to the check out and see something next on the list." asked Sonic you nodded, after paying the herb getting the kind female employee said that you two have a nice day. You and Sonic thank her and exiting the store.

Then, getting the list crossing of the words from before "Okay, next of the list..." looking through the list again "fruits from the grocery store, seem to be easy" "Say, I know that store, it two blocks from here." Sonic pointed out and turned to you and smiled "Want a race over there?" said the hedgehog ready to run, as you getting your skates as well, "Your on."

With that the two of you raced to the next store.


"Wow, who knew we could finished everything in this list in a single day." you asked taking another bite of your chili dog and looking at the list to see all the letters is crossed off "Yeah, you gotta say that again." Sonic replied chopping down his chili dog as well. After you and Sonic finished the list, you two were having a lunch break eating chili dog by the near by chili dog stand. You and Sonic sitting on the bench in the park with the materials beside you.

"Say, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah." you turn to your hedgehog friend "I been meaning to asked you, why are you still wearing roller skates that you got from your birthday five months ago?" he pointed curiously at your (f/c) roller skates, as you looked at them and smiled "Well, I never roller stake before I got these since I first put them on my feet, I was a little scared, that I might fall or something. And then when I first rolled them I never fall, after that I never been faster then before I knew." you explained lifting one of your skates, as you are starting to like to go fast.

"Whoa, I never knew you like to go fast too." said Sonic excitedly after gobbling his whole chili dog, and hopped off the bench, starting to do stretching. You smiled and finished with your food and gathering the supplies "Race to Smash Mansion?" you asked as Sonic giving you a 'Game on' smirk "You bet."

As you and the blue hedgehog started to raced home to Smash Mansion as fast as you two could have.


Hey guys sorry for the wait I got lots of things to do at my life, I know you are all waiting for your request for me to write and I got LOTS of things to do in school, so thank you so much for 2,473 reads.

And I would try my best forward.

Thank you my flying bunnies!~ Hardcandysweetgal15 <3

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