When Christmas comes to Smash (A Christmas Special)

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Is that time of the year, you know what I mean, it's Christmas Eve in Smash Mansion! All the Christmas decorations are up, snow is covering the ground around it, and the inside the decors is everywhere for the holiday. At the living room also in holiday details.

The enormous and tall tree at the middle of the room, almost size of a building itself, is up covered in ornaments represent from each character from their own game world, streamers and lights which twinkled in the tree to give off its beauty (with help of Peach), presents sitting at the bottom ready to be gifted for everyone in the mansion and the star on top symbolizing the perfect finished of the tree.

You looked at the star which you made this year, the star was no ordinary star like Kiby's, Rosalina's Luma or others, the star is like similar to the smash ball but in a shape star in glitter rainbow color. 

You'd worked hard enough and almost spill the surprise to Pit this morning.

~Flashback to This Morning~

You carried two things in your arms, the first is your own ornament and the other, the star, which is under the sheet to surprise everyone in the mansion. You kept seeing everyone else's ornaments being carried, all ornaments are almost about their size but twice. You'd struggled, trying to carry two things at once.

"Hey, (Y/n), you need some help?" asked Pit walking up to you seeing you struggling.

"Yeah, but don't you need to carry your own ornament?" You replied 

"Nah, Lady Palutena and Pittoo can handle it without me." Pit quickly answered it's a lie he let Palutena carry it with her powers and Dark Pit too,

You looked at him weirdly but shrugged it off and accepting his help letting him your ornament and you the star.

"Say (Y/n) what's that under that sheet?" The angel question, curiously looking at the sheet you carried "Oh, it's a surprise for everyone here in Smash Mansion. Master Hand gave me permission to decorate the star for this year.-" You explain about the star but then caught yourself about to spoil the surprise. Pit looked at you in awe about the star on top of the tree. 

"So, you mean-" You cut him off by arriving the living to see Master Hand and Crazy Hand putting up the decorations of the tree found by Villager."Hey, Master Hand, I finished  the star like you requested!" You said speedwalking towards the floating right gloved hand gaining his attention. 

"Excellent put the star aside, so we could put up for last after the ornaments," he said after getting another ornament from the Inklings

You nodded and put the star on the coffee table and getting your ornament from Pit thanking him for his help, after putting the decorations on the trees, the missing piece on top of the tree is the star. Master Hand lifted the sheet which revealed the star itself, the smashers are so amazed of its beauty and the detail. You smiled at your hard work as both of the hands lifted the star and set on top the tip of the tree.

"(Y/n), you've outdone yourself for this year. The star is excellent and perfect, nicely done." said Master Hand giving you a thumb up. "Thank you Master Hand," You thank him. 

After Master Hand and Crazy Hand left telling to get ready for tonight "So, all that trouble you'd made a special star for the tree, (Y/n)." Pit said with a smirk. You blushed slightly and laughed nervously "Surprise?" said nervously

"Very." Pit reply

~End Flashback~

You looked at the star almost a minute and then towards the others everyone wearing their Christmas sweaters which have in their colors and their symbols including yours.

"(Y/n)!" the smash kids running up to you in a panic state, which is Ness, Lucas, Villager, The Inkling, Toon Link, and Young Link.

"What's wrong, kids?" You said kneeling down to their height. "(Y/n) we need a lead singer for the song." said Toon Link, you remembered that Master Hand always had the kids to sing a Christmas song. "What about it?" You asked

The kids started to explain about the females characters is either busy or decline of the offer and didn't think of the song they're going to sing. You understand about the situation but only one thing you've never done before is singing. But if you don't accept the kids won't have anything to sing with and will be sad on Christmas Eve.

"Alright, I'll do it." You accepted earning the kids faces lit up of hope "I think I know a song to handle it." you said and explaining your plan to the kids.

~Time Skip~

"Alright, you guys know what to do?" you asked the kid which they nodded in agreement. As Master Hand and Crazy Hand getting everyone attention and gathering around the living room as the kids gather as well in front of them including you. "Thank you, everyone, as today singing for this year is with (Y/n)" 

(Play the video and a parody of When Christmas comes to Town) 

Lucas: I'm wishing on a star

Ness: And trying to believe  

Toon Link: I guess that Santa's busy

Young Link: 'Cause he's never come around

Orange and Blue (The Inklings):  I think of him when Christmas comes to Smash

You:  The best time of the year when everyone comes home

All of the Smashers were amazed by your signing as you continued.

You: With all this Christmas cheer, It's hard to be alone putting up the Christmas tree with friends that come around its so much fun when Christmas comes to Smash 

You: Presents for the children wrapped in red and green.

Villager:  All the things I've heard about but never really seen

All: No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve, hoping Santa's on his way  

You: Presents for the children wrapped in red and green

Nana and Popo (Ice Climbers):  All the things I've heard about but never really seen

All: No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve, hoping Santa's on his way  

You: When Santa's sleigh bells ring

Lucas: I listen all around

You: The herald angels sing

Ness: I never hear a sound

You:  And all the dreams of the children

All (Kids): Once lost will all be found

You: That's all I want when Christmas comes to Smash

All: That's all I want when Christmas comes to Smash

After the singing, the Smashers applauded at the choirs as you all bow for the performance. You feel happy to help the kids and everyone else to have the best Christmas ever.

After the performance, they all have to go to the dining room for the grand feast, you stopped for a minute and looked out of the big window seeing the bright star in the sky.

"Merry Christmas Satoru Iwata," You said smiled to it as the star shine brightly as if it responds to it. You smiled widely and quickly head to the dining room joining the others for the feast.

Feliz Navidad y Felices Fiestas! (Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays) and stay tuned for the misletoe special tomorrow ~Hardcandysweetgal15

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