Chapter 5

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[If you're just here for smut, read Chapters 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, and 13 !]

"No more" he uttered defiantly, "until you beg." Liliths eyes went wide, searching his face to gage his seriousness, her mind hazy with pleasure and her breathing still coming in quick. But the torturous movements of his thumb upon her clit slowed to a stop. True to his word, the two digits enveloped in her slick folds went no further than the second knuckle, laying in wait for her to acquiesce to his demands. "I told ye before, I do not take what is not freely given...that you would not only freely give, but beg." He practically purred, lips at her ear, his warm breath tickling her neck. Her mind raced; he knew she had been at the very edge of her release, and would deny her that bliss unless she gave in.

Mutinous, she instead writhed in his grasp, her hips desperately lifting and rolling against the pressure of his thumb as her soaked heat frantically clenched around his fingers. Her body was clearly begging, but her mouth was not. He snarled at her disobedience, dragging her back into place and working his thumb with a taunting feather-light touch upon her swollen bundle of nerves to remind her of the reward that awaits should she comply. Her body delivered an answering shiver, though the words would still not come. He gave his fingers nudging into her depths a taunting curl, the subtle languorous movement somehow feeling exquisite and she let out a choked, breathless moan. "Beg" he commanded, his voice insolent and cold despite his bright, eager stare.

Overwrought with desire she finally gave in, her heated whisper so soft it was almost inaudible, "Please...please, just a little more." That thumb upon her applied more pressure, starting to circle slow, both somehow encouraging and taunting as he waited for her to continue while his other hand tugged roughly upon her nipple. "I-I'm so close," she relented hopelessly with a shuddering moan, "please, just this once." Her utterance seemed to suffice, but his eyes glinted wickedly like he knew it would never be 'just once,' and he rewarded her by sinking his two fingers entirely into that greedy hole begging to be filled.

The motion was met with a sharp inhale, a desperate flutter of her lashes and a long gratified moan. Her head leaned back once more giving him access to the curve of her long graceful neck, which he sought to lavish with a long covetous lick. The tightness in her belly that had been slowly ebbing away in absence of his caresses was finally building back up again, surely, quickly, luxuriously. "Ach, my sweet little dove" he started, then slipped into the incomprehensible lilting words of Black-Tongue, breath hot against her skin. Although she could not understand the declarations he was making, their intent was clear: commanding, promising, villainous, depraved, not just wanting her but demanding her to fall over the precipice of pleasure.

He plucked her peaked nipple one last time before bringing his hand over her mouth in anticipation of her release, but she was too lost in the throes of pleasure to question it or care. Keening whines and whimpers of gratification were muffled by his palm, and he used his grip to turn her head up towards him, forcing her to meet his gaze as his other hand continued pumping and curling his fingers whilst treating her clit to a sensual assault. "Look at me," he growled, taking in all her features with a proprietary glare before locking eyes with her, finally driving her to tip over the edge into orgasm.

The rapturous thrill and heat of euphoria ripped through, making her core convulse and clench wildly impaled upon his fingers, breaking his gaze with another inevitable fluttering of her eyelashes. He stifled her delighted screams with his palm and continued to stroke her through the wave of pleasure, dragging out every last shiver, every last drop of desire that trickled down his hand and along her inner thighs. She could now only slump against his chest, breathing ragged against his hand and flashing her eyes open to look upon him once more. He gave her a smugly satisfied smirk and peeled his left hand away from her mouth, pointedly keeping his right hand upon her sex.

"Willful girl" he said triumphantly, leaning into her neck to take another deep drag of her scent, practically nuzzling as he went. While Lilith didn't shy away from the touch or his words; she still noted her cheeks blazing in a mix of afterglow and embarrassment and cast her eyes downwards. He took the lack of response and downward gaze as a cue to carefully remove his hand from the front of her riding trousers. Her eyes followed the movement, utterly fixated on the hand that had released so much tension from her and distinctly missing its presence between her thighs...until he brought it to his mouth and began languidly licking off the glistening evidence of her climax like it was a delectable treat. Her mouth gaped at the sight of it and she diverted her gaze back to his eyes, doing her very best to not look down at his tongue lest she get more wicked ideas.

"For what do you wish?" he asked before giving his hand another once-over, keen to not miss a drop and pretending to not notice her stare. "Does my dove never want to perch with me again, see me again?" Lilith went from gaping to mouthing wordlessly in consternation, having not quite found her voice again since her delighted wailing into his palm. The orc gave her a sidelong glance, his mouth twisting into a devious smile "Answer now, else ye will have to answer in front of your friend." She had been so singularly focused on him that the sounds of their surroundings had become no more than white noise, realizing now that her dogs had wandered off and were now excitedly barking in the distance, likely accompanying her cousin and their wagon towards the camp.

"I wish," she started hurriedly in a panic but did not finish her thought, rushing to tug her pants back up into place and tie the front lacing, squirming as she went. But she abruptly went still, suddenly aware again of the ever-present pressure of his bulge against her rear and lower back. She started again, this time with a complete sentence, "I wish to consider it further--but that is no promise this will happen again. We business." She nodded to herself in affirmation, content with her half-assed compromise; it would have to do for now until she could get away from him long enough to clear her head.

"Ach, talk business" he replied with a hint of sarcasm, his smirking expression exulted with the knowledge that she could not bring herself to send him away. He effortlessly lifted her off his lap and set her down on the next lowest sturdy branch and watched her scramble down, her legs a little wobbly once she was back on solid ground. Lilith could hear him chuckle at the sight but refused to look back up, afraid he'd start howling with laughter at the vision of her furiously blushing face. By the time she finished striding away from the tree into the clearing and straightening out her clothes, a whisper of shifting willow reeds told her he had departed. She took a deep breath in and back out, trying to calm herself down lest Kors notice how flustered she was upon his arrival.

[Oi, I'd love some feedback and constructive criticism if anyone can spare the time! I hope to have another chapter up in several days. Thank you for reading!]

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