Chapter 18

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[We're doing some more character/world-building this short chapter. Check out 4, 5, 7, 11-14, 17, and 19 for some smut if that is all you're here for. As always, I will never judge! *All* of the inventory-related mentions are things that will come up again later in the story, I promise I'm not just padding the word count!]

The sound of nearly every wagon in Portstown pulling into the cavernous loading bay was deafening. It was a whirlwind of activity and excitement: non-stop shouting, crates being stacked to dangerous heights, barrels rolling, men carrying sacks on their shoulders, furniture being carried overhead, horses being guided in and out to latch on freshly emptied wagons. Lilith and Iliana stood beside a tall wooden-frame rack that was being filled with massive panes of glass and ornate mirrors, talking loudly over the din and trading stacks of paper back and forth, writing notes as they went and glancing up frequently to look at the newest wave of materials being carted in.

As the flow of fresh wagons needing unloading ebbed to a trickle, Kors rolled in on one of the last few, his tawny face grinning brilliantly and sweat making his straight black hair stick to his skin. He hopped down and weaved through the chaos to them, laughing and short of breath, pressing a letter into Iliana's hands. "Just wait until you see the last few carts."

"A printing press?" She blinked at the writing and looked back up at him. "How did he win a printing press in a bet?"

"Three printing presses," he amended and pressed his hand into Iliana's lower back affectionately.

"We've got room in some of the lower caverns. We'll move those in last," Lilith shuffled the papers in her hand, her brow furrowed in deep concentration as she tried to decipher the writing but still had a genuine smile on her lips. The three of them had to abruptly jump back to make room for men hauling long rolls of opulent rugs. "Or should we do the planks of red cedar last? When can the shipwrights take them back to the yard?" she called over the sound of shuffling feet.

"It'll be at least three weeks before the old barge is ready for repairs," Kors answered, "And the blacksmith can come to collect the new forges and anvils this evening, I just need to send word."

"Excellent, I'll let his new studies know so they can assist in setting them up," Iliana passed a few papers to Lilith who squinted at them, scrutinizing.

"Bring in the wood first then. And let's have Liv collect all of the childrens' letters for outgoing mail, it looks like he wants the barge to depart again in five days. It'll be meeting with the fleet in two weeks." She looked up from her papers, noticing Gareth and Baldr towering over the wagons on the cove-side of the cavern. She felt a streak of pride run through her, knowing it was impossible to not be impressed by the bay when it was filled to capacity.

Lilith adjusted the heap of parchment to hold with one hand, her other checking a pocket watch hanging from her brown leather utility belt. "Let's lock up and clear out; we can reorganize inventory tomorrow. The crew hit rough weather coming in and needs to rest up." She plucked the remaining sheets from Iliana's hands and straightened them into a neat stack, "The weather will be favorable tonight so I had the long tables hauled outside. We'll have an early dinner so they can retire as soon as possible. Kors, post up some guards here overnight to keep everything in order."

Kors jumped on top of the nearest wagon and whistled loudly, calling for all the horses to be stabled and to wrap up work on just the most pressing necessities. Lilith began making her way to where Gareth and Baldr still stood, twisting and turning through the wagons, men, and crates. "I think it's about time we hammered out the details of our business arrangement," she said breathless and grinning, ignoring the gawking stares of new arrivals who had not expected to see orcs at the Estates.

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