Chapter 7

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[If you're just here for smut, those are Chapters 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, and 13 so far]

"Put me down!" she hissed, venturing a glance over his shoulder and watching the sight of wagons and open field fade away. When he pointedly ignored her, still smiling devilishly as he walked, she began to squirm in his grasp making him hold her tighter against his chest.

"Hold still now and I ken I can make ye writhe with my tongue before ye are missed" he quirked a brow when she suddenly stilled at his words, tongue darting out to slowly and deliberately wet his lips.

Her cheeks burned brighter than ever at the suggestion -- at the absolute forwardness of the offer -- at the fact she caught herself longing for it. His heady, intoxicating scent was not the only reason her core tightened with anticipation; she had thoroughly enjoyed his touch yesterday and found her mind straying back to the lurid act all day. And just like before, she couldn't help but notice every inch of skin in contact with his felt warm as if kissed with the sun, while every inch that went without his touch felt cold, lacking, wanting. It kept her from protesting further, but a pout was readily apparent on her lips. Every time she was bold enough to look back at him, she'd catch him staring at her mouth longingly but with a heat she couldn't place -- like the sight was driving him wild in more than one way.

A few minutes passed silently winding through the trees before he was content to set her on her feet. Lilith pushed him away once she was on solid ground and did her best to smooth out her clothes and look unruffled. "What the hell makes you think you can just *do* that -- or to say that to me?" She was irate but seemed surprisingly level-headed for a woman that was practically kidnapped by an orc. But that's because need and want still stirred inside; she tried backing away from him before he could smell it on her. It was a futile act judging by the way he regarded her, both possessive and laudable.

The orc matched every step, all the way until her back was pressed into a tall oak. He noted it with a bemused glance. "Another tree for my dove?" his eyes then roved up and down her, a hand pointedly adjusting the thick ridge straining in his trousers. Lilith zeroed in on the movement, her mouth gaping, and he involuntarily groaned at the sight of her parted lips. Did he expect her to return the favor he offered? Perhaps in tandem? She tentatively reached towards the sharp muscled cut of his hips where the waistband of his pants sat and found herself not only willing but greedy. His eyes darkened, flickering down to her hand and the obvious intent to touch him, face unreadable.

He instead fell to his knees and immediately got to work lifting the front of her voluminous skirts, smacking her hand away when she reached down to keep him from getting past her thighs. "No time for pretend, you ken?" No time to feign impropriety, modesty? To pretend she didn't want it? She tried to back away but only found herself braced against the tree; her gaze tearing away from him to scan the thick forested area for any sign of life, listen for any sound of approach. "If they come for ye, I will smell them long before they see" he breathed at her waist as if tasting her twinge of fear, staring up through his lashes with...gods, bedroom eyes?

"You're so sure I'll let this happen" she said with a weak laugh, one hand now reaching for his hair and grabbing a fistful roughly, trying to angle his head away before her skirts were far up enough to reveal her delicate underthings -- the hem of her stockings, her garter belt and straps, her silk and lacy undergarments. He froze and his eyes narrowed, lip curling to reveal a fang, threatening a snarl and wordlessly challenging her to deny him this. It was enough to make her cheeks blaze redder and her breath catch in her throat, but her grip held. He kept eye contact with her as his hands bunched her skirts defiantly, gathering them at her waist...his thumbs pinning the front of them in place with pleasurable pressure digging into her skin above her panty line, his fingers splayed across both hips with a proprietary touch. "Freely given, ach?" gesturing his chin towards her sex and gaze alight with a knowing glint, nostrils flaring at the scent of her heat now thoroughly pooling with desire. He knew the answer, and for a moment kept perfectly still to take in the view from his knees, fully intending on worshiping at the altar of her hips.

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