Chapter 15

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[Smut is chapters 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14! Feel free to skip around if that's all you're here for. I'll never judge.]

"Why don't you let yourself out the way you came in, orc? Out the fucking window." She moved to her desk without looking up, setting both gold-wrought bangles upon it before snapping the lid to her small jewel chest closed. Lilith shoved it into the hidden compartment behind the still-open drawer and locked it shut with one of the brass keys on the ring upon her desk before tucking it away in her pocket.

He started a low growl but she laughed humorlessly at the sound, turning on her heel to walk to her living quarter doors and grabbing her brown leather utility belt off the entryway table on her way out without another word. She locked the doors behind herself with her keys and leaned her back against them, biting her lip so hard it almost bled as she held in a shuddering breath, frustrated tears pin pricking her eyes but never falling.

-- -- -- -- --

When Lilith finally pushed herself off the doors to her living quarters she nearly tripped over the covered tray of food that sat on the floor, making her cuss before stooping down to grab it with both hands. Baldr exited the visitor quarters on the opposite end of the covered veranda and rushed over to offer his assistance, smiling serenely at her. "I've got it, thank you," she murmured, readying to carry it down the stairs once he fell in step beside her. "Would you like to break your fast in your rooms or in the loading bay?" She asked politely, trying to keep her voice cheery and pleasant despite the all-consuming embarrassment that made her stomach do somersaults, thinking of how Gareth said they had heard every word, breath, and moan whilst they argued last night. He had most certainly heard their most recent exchange as well and could see the wetness in her eyes.

"I will join ye, if that is agreeable?" He offered her another smile that she returned as they descended to the ground floor, starting to feel more at ease. "We can start to discuss payment." She nodded confidently as they strode to the yawning cavern-mouth of the loading bay at the base of the plateau. Talking business would certainly cheer her up if nothing else could.

A redheaded woman with honey-colored eyes took the tray from Lilith with a nervous glance at the tall pale green orc beside her. "We'll join Kors and Iliana, can you bring another few place settings?" Lilith pointed with her chin at a secluded table in one of the rocky corners, 2 of the 6 seats taken. Once the apron-clad lady rushed away they strode in that direction, Lilith giving Baldr a side-long gaze. "Is anyone else joining us?" His cheeks tinged pink, bowing his head as if listening carefully and nodding in confirmation. She groaned, internally debating how much flak she'd get for drinking whiskey this early in the day.

She plopped into a chair next to a beautiful woman with skin like polished deep topaz and flakes of onyx for freckles. Her thick multi-braided hair fell past her shoulders, whispers of red and brown like autumn leaves mixed in with the mostly-black thick strands. "Baldr, this is Iliana. She is Kors' betrothed, as well as our resident inventor and teacher here. Iliana, this is Baldr of clan Grisk, he reports to the Captain on Orc Mountain." She waved her hand casually before unceremoniously resting her head on Iliana's shoulder and sighing.

"Nice to meet you," she dipped her chin politely to the orc, utterly unfazed, and he mirrored the gesture back. Iliana's lips upturned into an amused smile as she looked down to Lilith, Kors shaking with silent laughter beside her. "Are you hungover, love? Too much whiskey and wine? You didn't even open your door for me last night." Iliana jokingly scolded her and nibbled on a piece of toast.

"Yes, positively. Mind if I get a whiskey to nurse my hangover with?" She lied effortlessly while the redheaded woman returned with a stack of plates and silverware for the table, a blonde man following her with a few fresh platters individually piled with stacks of bread, pancakes, cuts of bacon, and over-easy eggs.

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