Chapter 21

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[Smutty chapters are 4, 5, 7, 11-14, 17, and 19-21. This is chapter 21 -- I promise there's some angry sex after their arguing! As always, feel free to skip straight to the smut, I'll never judge. Feel free to comment with any feedback as well, I'd really love to hear some! The song in my head during this was Backbone by Droeloe Ft Nevve if you're into that]

Only once she cried out again as yet another wave of ecstasy broke over her did he ease up on his grip, raising his head just enough for her to see his glistening lips and chin covered in her pleasure, accompanied by an uncharacteristic scowl on his face where she had expected a conceited grin. He was breathing hard as if he had not come up for air, glaring at her, "Do ye hate me," he uttered, "or do ye hate the bond that makes me yours and makes you mine?"

-- -- --

She sat up hurriedly, looking down at the orc thoroughly confused, "Wh-what? You can't possibly think I hate you. Don't go on thinking you can manipulate my emotions blowing this out of proportion." she struggled with the right way to phrase it, her brows arched into a furrow, chest rising and falling rapidly. Lilith didn't understand the pendulum of his emotions, worshipping at her hips one moment and diving into this line of questioning the next.

"But ye can't even acknowledge that this is more than a game," he stepped down from the bed and stood over her, towering at over 7ft tall, a faint pink tinging his pale gray cheeks and even the tips of his pointed ears. "Am I not what ye were expecting, my pet?" He took her chin into his hand, forcing her head to tilt up, his eyes roaming down to the bite mark he'd left at the crook of her neck. "Am I not what ye want?" His face darkened, eyes narrowing.

"I haven't said 'I yield' again in all of this -- how is it not obvious that I want this?" She was quickly becoming exasperated; he was trying to push too much onto her too soon, it had literally only been days. "What's so wrong with me wanting to keep our arrangement as-is? Fucking me isn't enough for you, you need me to stroke your ego with pretty words while you do it?" She rolled her eyes and scrambled off the bed, pulling her half-torn shirt around herself and pushing past him towards her bathing chambers.

Something inside him snapped, mentally and bodily reacting to her dismissiveness. He grabbed her around the middle with one arm and easily swept her off her feet, unceremoniously carrying her into the stonewall-lined room and looking down at her with an unhinged grin and wild eyes. "Ye will say exactly what I want ye to say when calling me Master, my pet. Do you understand? Even if ye have to fucking lie," he swung his leg over the tall rock ledge and into the roiling hot spring, bringing her with him and purposely dropping her into the water at his side.

She rose to her feet in the spring gasping as she broke the surface, pushing her long wet hair out of her face and blushing furiously, absolutely livid. But no matter how angry, she was still no match for him, comically small next to his looming form yet still sizing him up like she thought there was more than a chance in hell she could bring him down. "What is it you need to hear from me, *Master*?" She said his title with biting sarcasm.

His grin was positively manic, fang-bearing and staring at her transfixed, obsessed -- he'd conquer her every time she rose to challenge him. Gareth reached behind her head and twisted a swath of her soaked hair into his fist, urging her towards the edge of the stone pool so her back faced him. "Tell me ye love your Master's cock. That ye need it." He used his other hand to lift her hips and prop them up on the wide ledge so her rear rose above the water line and peeked out from under the silk sleeveless blouse that clung to her skin, perching her there so she was bent over in front of him. He used the hand in her hair like a handle to make her arch back as he leaned over her, his other hand notching the tip of his massive length into her slit and finding it still slick.

She gasped, trying to look over her shoulder but his claws knotted in her hair would not allow it. Her anger faltered, the promise of pleasure too good to pass up, even if it meant giving in temporarily. "I love it," she rasped out breathlessly, "I need it, Master." He eased himself in as a reward, filling and stretching her slowly until he was buried entirely, mounted upon her.

Her silken folds twitched and tightened around him, making him groan before he bent himself over her, his mouth at her ear. "Now say you're my whore. Only for me," his lips found her neck, wicking away beads of water with his tongue from her skin.

She pressed back into his hips eagerly, grinding herself while fully seated upon him, desperate for more. "I'm your whore, Master," he gratified her by drawing out and ramming back in savagely, only to pause once more, waiting for her to speak again. "Only for you," she breathed out weakly, her hands grasping at the stone ledge. He moved the hand at her side to slip between them, finding the top of her crease on her fully rounded rear and exploring lower, letting a single fingertip probe into her puckered hole. The way she shuddered beneath him made him chuckle darkly.

He started slowly and carefully thrusting his member into her, knowing full well that would not be enough for her, that she'd crave more. "Say that you are mine, my mate," he hissed against her skin before grazing his fangs upon her neck, silently threatening another bite mark. His finger at her ass explored a little further, making both her holes clench around him in surprise. Blood rushed to her cheeks and he could practically feel the embarrassed heat rolling off of her, but he kept his finger gently easing in while the strokes of his length remained subdued, controlled, and measured -- her prize waiting just beyond a few simple words.

He said even if she had to lie, no? "I am yours," her voice barely audible over the hot spring water rushing in and out of the large raised stone pool, "your mate." It was all he needed to sink back in with delicious force, both his arms withdrawing and moving to wrap around her, crushing her back into his chest as he began plowing into her at a relentless pace and keeping her trapped beneath him.

He burned, breathing her scent in with a ragged breath, feeling her mold to his body and writhing beneath him, her prone form panting and whimpering in pleasure. "Please, just once more," she cried out unprompted, spurring him to move more urgently, frantically fucking her and feeling the mounting tension as her core wound tighter and tighter around his unyielding prick.

"My greedy little pet," he groaned out in the thralls of taking her, water spilling over the ledge and onto the floor in rhythmic waves, his thrusts becoming increasingly frenzied until Lilith's silken folds were convulsing around him once again and she was crying out in release. He could only manage a few more strokes before the exquisite feel of her began to drive him over the edge. "Say you love me, my pet," he whispered into her neck, closer and closer to filling her once more, his bollocks twitching just before finding his relief.

"I yield," she gasped out rather than obey, even if it was just another lie. He withdrew from her entirely, his seed instead spilling out onto her lower back as he released the grip he had on her body. The orc rose until he stood towering above her and stepped back to give her space. Lilith peeked over her shoulder reluctantly and found his face unreadable, his eyes fixed upon the mess of his hot white leavings upon her skin.

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