Times together are the best

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Will's pov:

I feel heat hit my face and light make my eyes hurt so I decide to open them.

I open my eyes to the morning light shooting through me and Y/N's bedroom.

I go to get up to make breakfast but something stops me from moving my chest.

I look down to see Y/N on my chest well what's left of her, all I see is her hair and her arm and a tiny bit of her face as the other piece of her face is buried in my chest and the rest if her body is entangled with the blankets and one of her two pillows are behind her back and the other one is in between her two feat as she must have kicked it off in the middle of the night and my arm is just at the back of her head as the other arm that isn't wrapped around my waist is behind her head.

"God sake" I mumble to myself.

How the fucking hell am I supposed to get up without waking her up!

As if she read my thoughts Y/N rolls over which causes me to jump a bit thinking I woke her up but she just rolls on to her side facing away from me and as she rolls around she grabs the pillow that was behind her back and cuddles into that moving a little as she cuddles into it.

I chuckle to myself knowing that she'll be asleep for ages now which is funny cause I'm a bit if an early bird sometimes, depends on how I slept but if Y/N doesn't go to bed till one am or if she goes at eight or earlier she still sleeps in till lunch time almost.

I hop out if bed and go to the walk-in closet and grab my close for the day just something simple a pair of jeans a white shirt and a black Adidas hoodie which Y/N usually sleeps in but last night she slept in my white hoodie with a massive converse simple on the back.

I head down stair after getting changed and go straight to the kitchen knowing that I should make breakfast for us.

I decided on heating up one of the Scones in the fridge and putting jam and cream on it but I leave Y/N's on the plate still cold cause what's the point on heating it up and leaving it there for about three hours.

I sit down on the lounge and eat my scone while scrolling through Instagram.

I'm not too big on social media like Instagram and that but Y/N insisted I got it and against me agreeing singed me up when I was asleep and somehow she found out my password though I don't have a problem with her knowing it it's just dang that girl can hack she even once stole my keys and I was completely oblivious until I needed them and she waved them in my face.

She's one smart girl.

And I may add a smartass most the time she loves being right sometimes but when she's wrong she admits it and owns up to her wrong actions all the time.

She's nice to people and whenever a fan comes up to me in public she's so nice to them.

That's why I want her to be the mother of my future children but minus the smartass blood that would be perfect.

I hear a groan come from our room and to my surprise it's Y/N up at nine in the morning.

"Will!" Y/N calls out saying my name for a long time.

I head to the room and walk over to when she is huddled in the blankets and pillows like a little girl.

"Morning princess" I say smiling moving her messy hair out of her face and kissing her forehead.

"Can you get back in bed please?" She asks pouting at me.

"Why?" I ask laughing.

"Cause I wanna snuggle with my loving handsome boyfriend" Y/N says reaching her arms out like a baby.

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