Time for scary fairy tales

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Y/N's pov:

"Alright ready?"

"Yep!" I give a thumbs up to Nate from the sound proof room.

"Alright and in three, two"

I hear the song start so I say the words that are going to be shaded later on at the beginning.

"Hahaha, this is about you"

Nate nods at me as a sign of a good beginning.

This song isn't about anyone in particular it's just about someone who is a terrible person and is some day going to have karma come there way.

So I used fairy tales as some lyrics cause it was a fun type of lyric to incorporate and I didn't want to abandoned this beat cause once I made the beat I was obsessed with it and then these lyrics came to me.

"Beware, Beware, Be skeptical of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold, Deceit so natural, but a wolf's in sheep's clothing is more then a warning"

I take a deep breathe to get ready for the next part.

"Baa baa black sheep have you any soul, No sir, By the way what the hell are mortals, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick Jill's a little whore and her alibis are turning tricks"

"So could you tell me, how you're sleeping easy, How you're only thinking of yourself, Show me how you justify telling all your lies like second nature, Listen, Mark my words, One day you will pay, You will pay, Karma's gonna come collect your debt"

"Aware, Aware, you stalk your pray, with criminal mentality, You sink your teeth into the people you depend on, infecting everyone you're quite the problem, Fee Fi fo fum, you better run and hide, I smell the blood of a petty little coward"

"Jack be lethal, Jack be slick, Jill will leave you lonely dying in a filthy ditch"

"So could you tell me how you're sleeping easy, How you're only thinking of yourself, Show me how you justify telling all your lies like second nature"

"Listen, Mark my words, One day you will pay, you will pay, Karma's gonna come collect your debt"

"Maybe you'll Change, Abandoned all your wicked ways, Make amends and start anew again, maybe you'll see, All the wrongs you did to me, And start all over, Start all over"

I look at Nate who also seems to like the neat since he's moving to it while looking at me and then back at the controls panel and moving the sound up for me to hear.

"God who am I kidding"

I roll my eyes in a sarcastic manner and I change my singing tone to a hateful one as I say that one line and I add a slight laugh in the line to.

"Now let's not get overzealous here you've always been a huge piece of shit"

As I sing that part I look at Nate and roll my eyes and do a go away gesture and he just laughs and shakes his head then looks back at his control panel turning the music up even more and adjusting the beat to a more kind of up tempo kind but not too different from the other parts of the song and I'm actually happy with it as I hear it change in my ear.

"If I could kill you, I would"

As I sing that part I make a silly death face and point at Nate and he laughs and acts hurt.

"But it's frowned upon in all fifty states"

I make a annoyed face when i sing it's frowned upon and I do a five with my hands and Nate laughs at how silly sad I look at it being frowned upon.

"Having said that, Burn in hell"

I hold the last three words and as I get to last word 'hell' I hold it the longest.

"Heyeahhh" I go from 'hell' to a 'yeah' and cause I'm doing that I have to hold it even longer so I close my eyes and put my hands on each headphone ear and I try to stabilize my voice so it doesn't sound rocky and bits are cut.

"Hahahah, oh, oh, oh, so tell me how you're sleeping easy, How you're only thinking of yourself, Show me how you justify telling all your lies like second nature"

"Listen, Mark my words, One day you will pay, you will pay, Karma's gonna come collect your debt"

As I sing 'mark my words' I point my finger at Nate as a warning manner and then as I sing 'Karma's gonna come collect your debt' I put my hand out and then make it look like it grabbed something and then pull it back to be fast then I squeeze my eyes closed and sing the next part and I put my hands on the headphones ears and I move my head to the side a bit and move closer to the microphone.

"Karma's gonna come collect your debt"

I hold the last word and then turn it slowly into a sound of me sticking my tongue out and making a small kind of scream sound.

"Karma's gonna come collect your debt"

With that the song ends with one last hit if a drum so I open my eyes and see Nate hit a button to stop the sound to restart and then presses the stop recording button and then I can talk and come out.

"I have one word for you and take it and use it!" Nate say looking series.

Uh oh, I didn't sing it right, fuck sake it's cause of my dumbass cold from yesterday I bet!


"Wa- what did you say?" I ask surprised.

"I said amazing!"

"Wow I thought you were gonna like say I was terrible or some shit"

Nate looks just how I was just then, surprised.

"Why would I that was amazing I could definitely feel the vibe and I now understand why you didn't want to dispose the sound cause those beats were just- it had a great vibe and even got me moving! And it takes the best beats to get me moving without knowing it!"

"Thanks Nate, it means alot"

"Now we have this studio booked up for next week on Thursday"

"Alright got that Thursday next week!"


"Thanks again Nate"

"It's fine Y/N"

I give Nate a hug and say bye and grab my hoodie of the chair and I grab my phone of the control panel and walk out of the studio feeling like my career is going to be a massive success with my music and acting career.

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