Old memories can be happy

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Y/N's pov:

"What the-" I mumble as I find my old box with all my stuff from when I was in primary school.

I'm on my knees at mine and Will's shared closet going through and just pulling stuff out of it to find some old stuff but what I found stunned me more then the other things.

My old song book.

I thought I got rid of it when I got in high school, guess I was wrong.

I pull the book out of the old shoe box and I stand up and sit on the center of the bed cross-legged with my phone next to me.

The book is a small writing book with a black cover with stickers of all sorts on it, my name in my old neat hand-writing and a small photo of me and my dad in the corner of the center where the name goes in a box.

I open the book and I am immediately taken back to my primary years and all the issues that I had.

I flip through the pages until I hit one that takes me back to a memory I thought I lost and it's one I don't want to remember although I kind of do.

I see lyrics of a song I wrote when I was eleven.

That's bit the only thing I see, in the corner of the page there is a photo with my childhood dog, Holly, A big saint Bernard, she has a red collar with a gold plack that has her name and a bone that I demanded was carved into it then, she is on the trampoline that my family had when I was a kid and she jumping next to me but since it's a photo, she's in a about to jump pose and I'm in the air laughing my head off and my hair in two pony tail braids and you can see my blond streaks and tip.

I take my eyes of the photo and look at the lyrics, I named the song 'Happier'.

Lately, I've been, I've been thinking.
I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier.
When the morning comes when we see what we've become.
In the cold light of day, we're a flame in the wind not the fire that we've become.
Every argument, every word we can't take back.
Cause with all that has happened I think that we both know the way that this story ends.
Then only for a minute.
I want to change my mind, cause this just don't feel right to me.
I wanna raise your spirits,I want to see you smile.
Know that means I'll have to leave.

Know that means I'll have to leave.
Lately I've been, I've been thinking, I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier.

When the evening falls, and I'm left there with my thoughts.
And the image of  you being with someone else, well it's eating me up inside.
But we ran our course, we pretend that we're okay.
Now if we jump together at least we can swing far away from the reck we made.
Then only for a minute, I want to change my mind cause this just don't feel right to me.
I wanna raise your spirits, I want to see you smile, know that means I'll have to leave.

Know that means I'll have to leave.
Lately I've been, I've been thinking, I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier.

So I'll go, I'll go, I will go, go, go, so I'll go, I'll go, I will go, go, go.

Lately I've been, I've been thinking I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier.
Even though I might not like this.
I think that you'll be happier, I want you to be happier.
Then only for a minute, I want to change my mind, cause this just don't feel right to me.
I wanna raise your spirits, I want to see you smile, know that means I'll have to leave.

Know that means I'll have to leave, lately I've been, I've been thinking, I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier.

So I'll go, I'll go, I will go, go, go.

I wrote the song about my dog.when I was two I got her for Christmas, she was always more my dog then my siblings and parents, she always slept at the end of my bed and she always was in my room siting at the bottom of my chair when I was at my desk doing homework or something, she always came straight to me when we came home from my Nan and Pop's and she always came straight to me whenever we would go walking for me to walk her.

Well that all came to end when I was twelve a few days before my birthday she was diagnosed with cancer, and to make it worse I found out cause at night when she was in my bed with me instead of the bottom of my bed we we're both covered with a blanket and I had my hand on her chest since my arm was around her and her head was on my chest and her eyes shut I moved my hand and she yelped and her head shot up, I move my hand around and felt a lump so I got up and with her following me I went to my parents room and told them and my dad was taking a look at her after a couple of minutes, the the next day she came back from the vet and my dad called a family meeting as soon as we got back from school and then he broke the news.

Soon enough I was pulled out of school and my mum drove me straight to the vet and no matter how many times I asked what was going on she didn't say a word.

Then when we got inside there she was, holly, she was on my dad's lap next to my brothers and as soon as she saw me she tried to get up but her body wouldn't allow her to.

It was that day she got out down.

No matter how many protests I gave my dad just said "she needs to get out down she's in pain and if you love her enough you'll out her out if her pain" all I did was look at my mum and she said "if you love her enough you'll let her go"

That's what's behind the lyrics.

I was telling people that if you love someone enough you'll let them go.

I take a photo of the lyrics and I send it to Nate.

I should share this with the world cause I know that there's little girls all over, who are just like and going through what I was when I was a kid, and they should know that if they truly love someone they would let them go and if they have dogs who went through what holly went through they should know that their dog is in pain and doing it isn't being a monster or losing the one you love, it's helping them and you aren't losing them cause if you truly love them and they love you they will always be with you, in your heart, and in your memories.

I hit send to Nate and I text him.

Hey I found a song I wrote aged ago can we add it to the album and u don't need to worry about the instrument music I already have a recording of it from a while ago.

I send the music recording and I turn my phone off and put it next to me and I grab the book and lie back and flip through the book with the lyrics and music notes to songs I wrote when I was a kid, and I just go back to the memories of when I was worry free and didn't have a single care in the world, well, at least till I hit high school that was.

But know I have a boyfriend who is in America for three months and when he left we didn't talk and I didn't get to say a proper goodbye even though I know I will see him in three months, it doesn't help cause threw months will feal like a whole ten years when he isn't here.

God I miss you will I was a dumbass to get angry.

I need you, and i miss you.

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